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15 Bizarre Images From Kim Jong Un’s Photoshoots

15 Bizarre Images From Kim Jong Un’s Photoshoots

We have all heard about the political leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un and his favourite “activities”. Apart from giving death orders to many of his family members, staff and citizens, Kim also likes to continually pay visits to all sorts of organization buildings, may that be a farm, a hospital or a newly built city.

I did some research on him and after limiting what I found to a short fifteen entries I am finally ready to present to you 15 of the most bizarre images from Kim Jong-un’s photoshoots. Some of these photos look funny and some are utterly disturbing. Ranging from sitting around an all-female band to giving advice to scientists, the leader of North Korea is like no one else.

We hope you have some free time to read the whole article because believe me when I say that you are going to need at least a couple of minutes to process some of those bizarre photos. Let’s start!

15. Kindergarten Visit


via Telegraph

The North Korean leader may be famous for his cold heart when it comes to executing people but when he sees a cute child, he melts a bit. In this photo, he can be seen visiting a kindergarten. Look, we get that these are kids and everybody wants to pinch their cheeks from time to time, but when you are the leader of a whole nation, things change.

You shouldn’t be allowed to even touch a stranger’s kid without their consent, especially when you are being photographed. However, he still remains Kim Jong-un and if someone had a problem with that, then they would most probably cease to exist.

14. Lubricant Factory

lubricant factory

via Telegraph

I don’t believe I should have to explain why this image is bizarre but let’s give it a go anyway. Kim may be a bit rough around the edges but he is still just like any other human being, which means that some things can make everyone smile. There is nothing more satisfying than watching things pour out of a tube like this.

In this case, it is a lubricant and even though I can’t really imagine why he is even visiting the factory producing it, I am still baffled by how much he seems to be enjoying the process.

13. Korean People’s Army

korean people's army

via Telegraph

What is better than a piece of bread? A twisted up piece of bread! Kim did just that when he visited one of the cooking labs of the Korean People’s Army and molded some twisted bread himself. He seems to have enjoyed the process quite a lot by the huge smile on his face.

It remains a bizarre photo if you ask yourself the following question: How many people and especially political leaders have you seen visit a cooking lab? Personally, I haven’t seen anyone aside Kim Jong-un. And don’t even think for a second that this location is the most strange one you will see on this list.

12. Mushroom Factory

mushroom factory

via Telegraph

Personally, I love a bit of mushroom as a topping on my pepperoni pizza, but a lot of people absolutely hate it. I believe that the North Korean leader is with me on this one, as he can be seen in a mushroom factory giving the lens a huge smile while standing right next to a huge pile of shrooms.

When I said that you were going to see some pretty bizarre things on this list, you can now clearly see that I wasn’t joking, not even in the slightest. I get it: he likes mushrooms but who gets so excited about raw ones!? In all honesty, those don’t even appear to be mushroom as they look more like a geoduck, a species of clam. Look it up and I bet you will agree with me!

11. Wheat Farm

wheat farm

via Telegraph

Do you know what I absolutely love about Kim? How freaking sincere his face looks depending on the situation he is in. He was happy when he saw lubricant pour out of a tube and now he is bored out of his mind because he is just visiting a wheat farm.

How exciting… he is the leader of the nation so why even go somewhere he doesn’t want to be!? I guess for promotional purposes and I think that for the same reason he is also wearing this farmer’s straw hat on top of his expensive suit. The combination looks pretty weird, don’t you think?

10. Dennis Rodman is apparently his best friend

dennis rodman

via Telegraph

Rodzilla was one of his nicknames back when he played in the NBA. This now retired professional Basketball player is a piercing fan and Kim doesn’t seem to mind. Not only does that not let him change his opinion about Dennis but he actually had dinner with him and a pretty interesting conversation as we can speculate from this photo.

Maybe that is because Dennis also likes smoking as much as Kim Jong-un does and that is what made them bond so well and fast. Maybe he is asking for a cigar like the one Rodman is smoking. Ugh, I guess we will never know.

9. Telephone Industries


via Telegraph

Kim Jong-un is known for his “advice” while paying a visit to an industry, no matter of which category this industry may operate in. In this photograph, he decided to visit a smartphone factory and he can be seen judging the encasing in which the device is packed in.

The authorities seem to be “noting” everything he says and believe me they really are. The North Korean leader’s words are the law there and anyone who disagrees will pay the price. Samsung and LG are two of the top South Korean and international smartphone providers. It is time for North Korea to enter the technological age.

8. Really now!?

baby home orphanage

via Telegraph

I don’t think I have ever seen a single person either in real life or on television smoking when visiting an orphanage. I mean, who does that? Doesn’t he even care about the opinion of his nation’s people, let alone the small kids in the orphanage!?

However, after a quick look at the photo’s surroundings, my eye caught something even more disturbing. Take a look at the two plush dolls near the top left corner of the image. Is it just me or do they appear to be having an intimate time together? Oh my God, I just noticed the blue one is winking too. I get children will not get it but come on people, whoever is responsible for this knows that this wasn’t an accident.

7. The musical show

Moranbond Band

via Telegraph

First of all, let me fill you in on some information. The woman sitting with Kim is his wife and all the other identically dressed young women around the couple are the members of an all-female band called MoranBong. This is a pretty bizarre photo because Kim has asked for all the seats to be available for those girls.

It isn’t every day that you see a political leader witness a musical show while having a dozen beautiful women as his company. I am sure his wife was thinking the same thing but she doesn’t have the guts to complain about it.

6. What An Honor

crying girls

via Telegraph

I get it. The kids in North Korea are taught to have the highest level of respect for their nation’s leader but this is just overreacting. He isn’t a celebrity or a national hero. He just makes his own people believe he is by force. The brainwashing seems to have driven the simple statement into a reality though.

You can clearly see every single kid in this picture bursting into tears as soon as Kim approaches to snap a photo with them. The funny thing is that while all of them are crying, Kim Jong-un is smiling at the camera which captured this bizarre photograph.

5. Nice colors

kid shoes

via Telegraph

Let’s take a look at these shoes. Ooh so beautiful, they are soft and they come in nice, warm colors. This must be what Kim Jong-un was thinking while he was taking a look at the new line of products this shoe factory was about to reveal to the public. However, he either is so surprised by their excellent quality or he is just bored as hell.

Either way, he has to be there for this bizarre photo to be taken and is worthy of being on our list. The last thing you would want is for Kim Jong-un to dislike your shoes if he sees you wearing them in public.

4. Fish Farm

fish farm

via Telegraph

I love this picture so much. You sincerely are able to see the joy in his face while he is touching this fish farm’s products. He is even wearing his cute farm hat while one of his officers is checking how he is doing.

What is pretty bizarre about this picture is the fact that just touching a product can make him so damn happy the same way a person has a different opinion to his can make him so angry that he decides to cut his head off. Well, I guess this is one of the joys that come with the national leader job if touching raw fish is considered a joy…

3. Sleepytime

testing mattress

via Telegraph

Everyone loves a good nap after a long day at work. Kim Jong-un is one of those people that wants to check how soft the mattress is before he lays down to go to sleep. But this isn’t even his own bed. This is a bed included in one of the Korean People’s Army scientist rooms in the new building made for them.

Of course, the designers have to get approval from his “majesty” before the room is ready to accommodate a scientist. “Let me just punch this mattress to check if it is soft enough while I sleep on real feathers.” This is why I love Kim Jong-un! He still cares about his people’s comfort.

2. It’s freaking pink?!


via Telegraph

In this photo, the North Korea Leader can be seen attending a missile launch. Everything appears to be normal but wait, what is this on the table? It appears to be an iPad in a cute pink case. Maybe this isn’t his. Maybe it belongs to one of his kids or his wife. But why would he take it with him when he knows he is probably going to be photographed?

Well, maybe he is just like me. I am a straight guy and I love wearing a pink shirt from time to time so he likes to bring his iPad in its pink case along everywhere he goes. Not a problem with that but this picture still remains pretty bizarre.

1. Three, two, one…

amusement park

via Telegraph

You know your nation’s leader is the best when he goes on an amusement park’s ride. To be honest, this isn’t a regular thing he does. It was the opening day of a new amusement park so he wanted to pay the event a visit and be one of the first people to have a go on one of their craziest rides.

You can clearly see the excitement on his face. Unless he is a bit uncomfortable. We can’t really tell but either way, this picture still remains one of the top 15 most bizarre images from Kim Jong-un’s photoshoots! The only thing we can tell for sure is that he is one of the best, if not the most unique, leaders of nations all around the world!

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