15 Careers So Easy A Child Could Do Them
Stewie Griffin
Jobs are a way of life for most of us – we all have to pay the bills somehow. But there’s no need to find one that is filled with difficulty or drudgery. There’s a whole array of easy jobs out there, many of which are surprising in nature. There’s the job of a private island caretaker, which is actually a job that pays well and it’s as amazing as it sounds. If you’re constantly on your favourite social media apps the job of a social media specialist may be an easy and fun career to explore. Tour guides get to spend their days in interesting or exotic locations, telling tourists about places they love or have a deep understanding of. For animal lovers, there is the field of wildlife rehabilitation which allows you to nurse sick animals back to health before sending them back out into the wild. For the kid in you there’s the job of toy designer, which involves designing and playing with or “testing” fun new toys. And of course there’s also video game designing, a creative field that allows you to make new and cutting edge games. If you’re intrigued keep reading to find out more about 15 easy careers.
15. Private Island Caretaker
Via goodnet.org
Believe it or not — this is an actual job. While private island caretakers do have a great deal of responsibility, most of it is pretty manageable. You would need basic mechanical, plumbing, and gardening skills. You obviously would need to be able to work independently and love working outdoors. Private island caretakers have flexible hours and need to be able to live relatively cheaply, as you’re given a small stipend for watching over your private island lair. Given how awesome this job is, it’s not easy to land one of these gigs, but if you can, you’d have one of the most simple — and fun — careers out there.
14. Social Media Specialist
Via webdesignerdepot.com
How much of your free time do you spend on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat? Hours? Days? Weeks, even? Well, as a social media specialist, you can take advantage of some of the most popular online marketing tools out there to make a killer living while also feeding your online addiction. Salary prices range but the average seems to hover around $50,000 per year. Social media specialists typically help build online audiences and extend the social outreach for businesses, as well as make clever use of the platforms out there to market for their clients. Most people with minimal social media savvy would be able to take on this gig with relative ease.
13. Tour Guide
Via travelatelier.com
Tour guides tend to be pretty happy folks. And why wouldn’t they be? They often spend their days guiding around other happy people (eager tourists) explore interesting sights in places they are very familiar with — and most likely have an affinity for. The average salary ranges from $42,000 per year and includes such responsibilities as guiding people around new and unfamiliar areas, and using their knowledge to inform their customers about the sites. They can work independently, with companies or onsite at museums. While they can be experts in their fields — and this certainly helps — tour guides can also make a great and easy living through their general knowledge of certain sites or places.
12. Wildlife Rehabilitation
Via albequerquejournal.com
For the animal lovers out there, here’s a relatively simple career. Wildlife rehabilitation entails nursing injured and ailing animals back to health before releasing them back to the wild. Not only are they doing some good by allowing the animals to return to where they naturally belong, they spend time with some pretty adorable animals in the process. This job does require some specific skills in dealing with animals, and of course permits/licenses are needed as well. But if you love animals the time and effort needed in acquiring the knowledge necessary to work in this field will lead to a long and rewarding career. The average salary for this profession ranges from around $30,000 a year.
11. Toy Designer
Via magazine.uc.edu
With video games competing for kids’ attention these days, creative toy designers are needed more than ever. And what a simple job it is for the creative minded out there. Toy designers get to spend their days playing — er, testing toys that they think the kiddos out there will enjoy. The average salary is pretty cool as well, ranging from $70,000 a year and more. The skills required are laying out, drafting, and specifying parts, equipment and devices. But a creative muscle is probably the biggest tool you’ll need in spades as a toy designer — innovation is key in such a fun line of work.
10. Video Game Designer
Via polygon.com
This is probably the dream job for most avid gamers. While technical skills are required, if you are technically savvy, this can be a pretty simple — and incredibly fun — job. Creativity is key, as games in recent years have surpassed other art forms in their storytelling and visual design. Additionally, working at a game company has other perks too, including a fun and lighthearted atmosphere. The title video game designer encompasses a broad array of responsibilities — from designing graphics, coding, writing fun and exciting narratives, and even creating sound effects. The average salary ranges from $83,000 and more, so this is a pretty good deal if you can land such a job.
9. Food Stylist
Via images.britcdn.com
Here’s another job that most people aren’t even aware of, yet it is relatively simple — food stylist. Yes, that’s a job. Ever wonder who makes those mouthwatering photos appear in cookbooks, ads, and commercials? Enter the food stylist. Unsurprisingly, it takes a bit of creative flair to make something like a carrot look delicious and appetizing, and that is the bread and butter of the food stylist. You would need some culinary and stylistic skills to pull off this gig, but if you could, you could make in the range of $33,000 a year or more for arranging mashed potatoes in a savory manner.
8. Cruise Ship Employee
Via cruiseline.com
Do you dig cruises? Well, cruise ship service professionals get to spend a lot of time on them. In this fun and easy job, these professionals deal with customer service and help tourists navigate whatever tropical shore excursion is on their destination list. Now, customer service skills are of course a must, and the trade off is pretty great. Not only do you get to spend your time on a cruise, you also get to take in the beautiful sights with other vacationers. Those folks out there who enjoy traveling but don’t want to break the bank would get a lot out of such a relatively simple job.
7. Dog Walker
Via everyonelovesdogs.com
Do you love dogs? Well, there’s an easy job out there for you that will have you spending a lot of your time with furry, four-legged friends. Dogs need to be walked — frequently. But a lot of times owners don’t have the time to take their dogs for their much needed walks. This is where dog walkers come in. Dog walkers, more often than not, work for themselves or have their own dog walking business, which means glorious flexibility to set your own schedule and pick who you’re going to work with. The walks can be relatively brief — 30 minutes to an hour. While the salary may not be a lot — $27,000 on average — the benefits are great.
6. Fundraiser
Via linkedin.com
This may not seem like an easy job, but it is once you get down to the basics. Being a decent fundraiser is just about politely asking people to donate funds to whatever cause, non profit, or company you work for. Fundraisers can take many forms — grant writers, charity workers, and so forth. Skills required for this job include excellent people skills, a basic writing ability, and the ability to be organized. Some negotiation skills may also be needed. But once you get the basics down, being a good fundraiser can be a rewarding and easy gig.
5. Mobile Application Designer
Via uipixels.com
On the surface being a mobile application designer may seem like the opposite of simple — but boiling everything down to the basics, it just comes down to creativity, which most of us have in spades. Now, that being said, you do need some basic tech savvy to do this job. App designers typically work with user experience and user interface designers to meld their work with mobile devices. Think of all the apps we use today — someone came up with each one of them. A mobile designer job may be a career path for you if you have basic computer knowledge and enjoy tinkering with easy to use online programs.
4. Park Ranger
Via Youtube.com
Who doesn’t enjoy hanging out in a park? Well, if your job title is “park ranger” it’s literally your job to spend your days in a park. Park rangers have to supervise and protect outdoor park areas. He or she has to monitor hikers, campers, and various other visitors to make sure that they are obeying the park’s rules and regulations. A pretty easy job right? This is the ideal job for nature lovers, or those who don’t want to spend their time confined inside an office. So, if you’re looking for an easy gig in the great outdoors look into becoming a park ranger.
3. Party Planner
Via lucydylanweddings.com
Another awesome and simple job is that of a party planner. Yes, party planners must have insane organizational skills and work well under pressure. But at the end of the day, it’s a party that’s being planned… which can only be fun (not to mention easy). Part planners are also referred to as coordinators, and yes you’ve guessed it, coordination is a big part of the job. They have to meet with their clients to find out what said client wants in terms of a guest list, theme, location, party favors… and the list goes on. They then work on scouting locations, securing entertainment and food, as well as onsite cleanup.
2. Personal Shopper
Via careerconfessions.wordpress.com
If you love shopping, becoming a personal shopper will be your dream job – and an incredibly easy one given that you already have the skills. What personal shoppers do is pretty self explanatory. They assist their clients or shoppers with picking out and purchasing merchandise such as clothing, shoes, and accessories. They can also provide advice to their clients about the kinds of fashion items that best suit them and that is worth purchasing. They can work with a department store or on their own. They can also serve as fashion/image consultants for more high profile clients. So, if shopping is your thing – there’s a job specifically tailored for you out there.
1. High School Physical Education Teacher
Via highlandscurrent.com
Do you like teaching but math was never your strong suite? Do you have an affinity for fitness and ways of making it fun for the young folks out there? Then the job of a physical education teacher should be perfect for you. Not only is it a pretty easy job given that you don’t have to worry about those pesky tests and exams, it can be a lot of fun and very rewarding too. As a P.E. teacher you have the option to make gym class enjoyable with fun games and other physical challenges – a much welcome change for students who are usually expected to be seated and attend lectures.