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15 Countries That Can Overtake United States In A Few Years

15 Countries That Can Overtake United States In A Few Years

When Isaac Newton was sitting under that apple tree before the fall of the fated apple, he must have had no idea of gravity. But as soon as it fell, Newton had a startling revelation and he went on to propound the theory of gravity. Archimedes jumped with a splash in his bathing pool, had a eureka moment and the rest was physics. History is proof of the fact that such minute and simple instances in a person’s life can radically change the world. And that these incidents even have the power to topple the world over and create major upheavals. So, just out of the blue, can a superpower emerge in a flash and topple the US down?

No, it’s not a thing that can be achieved in a split second. It takes years of struggle and wise policies. And if such things are in a country’s favor, why can’t it be a super power? So can Uncle Sam be seen taking a backseat soon? Yes, it’s a possibility! Countries around the world are already on the path of development and few of them are having a tug of war with the United States in this regard. Multiple studies claim that the US can be overtaken by countries that are showing immense economic progress. So without much ado, let’s take a look at the top 15 countries who can give the almighty United States of America a run for her money.

15. China


This country has created enough fear in the western world through its rocket speed progress. Even the United States of America is aware of it. Since the beginning, China has laid great focus on its economic development. And if the US even thinks of attacking China, it will not be successful. And that is because it will have to face a powerful military force, one of the best in the world. China’s defense arsenals are equipped with 50 diesel and nearly 20 nuclear submarines, one aircraft carrier, 33 torpedo vessels, 50 frigate, 3000 different warplanes and even then it has increased its investment in defense sector by 10.1%!

The dragon country is the second of all nations to spend such a huge amount on defense. After predicting the worst effects of a population explosion on their development, China implemented the “one-child policy” and it earned the expected results. It has been empowering its population with quality education and nourishing their talents. Leaving nothing untouched, China has been conveying a message to the world that it will replace the US in every field.

14. India


The IT sector has changed the future of this country. Every US IT company wants to outsource in India. After realizing its potential in the IT sector, India is trying its best to create a comfortable environment for foreign companies. The biggest asset of the second most populous country in the world is its human resources. And if this is not enough then India’s intelligence will surely aid in the dynamic ladder-climb. And this is so clearly depicted by the fact that the CEO’s of the most prestigious companies are of Indian origin. The list includes heavyweights such as Satya Nadella (Microsoft), Shantanu Narayen (Adobe), Rajeev Suri (Nokia), Indra Nooyi (PepsiCo), Rakesh Kapoor (Reckitt Benckiser), George Kurian (NetApp), Francisco D’Souza (Cognizant) and the list goes on. And everyone is well versed with the name of Sundar Pichai, the Indian CEO of Google! Indians have crossed all borders and reached every corner of the world, perhaps this is the reason why India is showing an impressive growth in its GNP (Gross National Product). 

However, brain drain ails this country. Talented folk, in search of better job opportunities and lucrative offers, go abroad and work there. India is now taking serious initiatives to prevent this brain drain from happening so that it can tap into their human resources to the maximum extent. The rate of India’s development can be judged by this fact that in the previous decade India was portrayed as one of the poorest countries, and now it has emerged as the fastest growing economy.

13. Germany


Germany has set an example for countries that are hell-bent on achieving success even after witnessing devastating economic crises. Today, Germany is an alternative name in the world for economic development. Among the 2000 top companies listed by Fortune Global 2000, 53 have their headquarters in Germany. It is also the homeland for giant brands like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, SAP, Siemens, Volkswagen, Adidas, Audi, Allianz, Porsche, Bayer, BASF, Bosch, and Nivea.

There is so much of abundance in terms of innovation in Germany that it invites talented foreign students and scholars and provides them education free of cost. Besides energy production, it has been experimenting in various sectors such as agriculture, software development, and space technology. Germany exports more and imports less, so it is considered as the world’s largest surplus economy. The highly skilled and industrious labor community of Germany also plays a major role in taking the country’s GDP forward. At present, Germany’s per capita GDP is a whopping $47,268 as opposed to US’s $53,042!

12. Russia


These days Russia is hitting the headlines because of its military affairs and tough foreign policies. Yes, this country is waiting for an opportunity to lead the world since the fall of the Soviet Union. As a developing country, Russia has been implementing various policies to eliminate poverty and improve the living standards of its citizens.

With its $24,451 GDP, Russia is marching on the path of becoming the largest consumer market. Since this country is one of the major producers of oil and natural gas, it has the world market by the jugular. Russia is blessed with a heavy share of natural resources. It shares a coastal line with the Atlantic, Arctic, and the Pacific Ocean. Perhaps this is the reason it has emerged as the world’s major fish supplier as well.

11. Japan


Japan’s growth has been totally unexpected. The major powers of the western world assumed that Japan will never recover after the 1945 nuclear bomb attack. But they were wrong! Though Japan lost a lot due to the deadly nuclear bomb attack, its meticulous citizens rebuilt everything from the scratch to the country we see today and treat as a contender to the USA. Today, the same country is all set to host the upcoming Summer Olympics! What makes Japan unique from other countries? The answer is its people. Where India loses out, Japan wins.

It knows how to use its human resource. Hardworking, genius, and committed Japanese citizens never let their country fall down in front of its enemies. Japan is successful in attracting foreign investors and creating millions of job opportunities for its people. By producing high-quality electronics, steel, processed foods, nonferrous metals, and ships it has become a successful and major supplier of goods amongst the powerful countries. It never takes a backseat when it comes to investing in research work. As a result of it, Japan has emerged as a global leader in scientific research.

10. Argentina


Don’t be surprised! Argentina is still a developing country. However, it has been giving tough competition to countries like USA, Germany, and China in various fields. So, there is a big possibility of Argentina grabbing the top position in a few years. In fact, Argentina was rich in the beginning of the 20th century, but due to the onset of inflation, it lost its position. Now the country is witnessing a steady economic growth and is considered as one of the most powerful countries in Central America. Its GDP per capita has crossed $12,000, a feat no wonder given to its earlier days. Being one of the strongest G-20 economies, Argentina has been improving its industries and also strengthening its agriculture sector.

9. France


France is the sixth-largest economy in terms of nominal gross domestic product (GDP). France has steadily earned a better rank on the Human Development Index (HDI) and is also considered European Union’s second-largest economy by the dint of its purchasing power parity (PPP). Because France is a land famous for its extensive museums and is a very romantic spot, it has evolved as a favorite destination for tourists. It welcomes 84 million visitors annually and the tourism sector is accountable for 7% of its GDP. In 2015, France proved its fast growth by taking the fourth position on Fortune Global 500, a better rank compared to the UK and Germany. French companies have established themselves in major countries as well. World’s largest insurance company, AXA is France-based. Other notable mentions are French banks like BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, and Société Générale.

8. Israel


Most of the Europeans and Americans are not aware of Israel’s strength. It’s a developed country with a per capita GDP of $35,432. Israel is ranked 23rd in the world in terms of GDP! You would have never guessed right? Israel is forward thinking in the technology sector. A study published in U.S. News & World Report has mentioned that Israel is the 8th most powerful country in the world. The same study has claimed that Israel has overtaken Iran, Australia, India, Italy, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Canada. Can you believe it? The Bank of Israel has $97.22 billion of foreign-exchange reserves. It is interesting to note that Israel achieved self-sufficiency through food production. Several countries also import machinery, equipment, software, cut diamonds, and agricultural products from Israel.

7. The United Arab Emirates


The United Arab Emirates, one of the leading exporter of petroleum is different from other Middle East countries. It believes in innovation and its beautiful buildings also convey the same ideals. UAE’s Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. Its financial capacity can be estimated if you observe the richness of the UAE cities. UAE has very flexible rules for businesses, which perhaps explains why Dubai is the most preferred destination for large brands. The country has 65,000 troops in the army. The UAE is also ranked 8th in 2017’s Index of Economic Freedom 2017 whereas in 2016 it was ranked 25th. It has scored better than Ireland, United Kingdom, and Denmark. So, the rapid phase of progress is visible.

6. Italy


A small country can also outperform the US in every field and Italy is likely to set an example for it. Italy’s per capita GDP is $35,896 and the highly efficient manufacturing industry must be credited for it. It’s not only the lead exporter of cars, but also a well-known country for its fashion accessories and food products. Service sectors in Italy are successful in employing more than half of the population, with only 4% of Italy’s population engaged in agricultural activities. This small country has 4.92% of world’s wealth. Though it’s a not a big country, Italy is politically strong and its decision matters on the world stage. It has been a part of well-known international unions like the G7, the G8, and the OECD.

5. Mexico


Most Americans have a preconceived notion about Mexico as being the land of illegal drug trades. In fact, they have yet to recognize Mexico as a powerful presence in the world stage. Mexico has been taking initiatives to boost its economy. Sure inequality between the rich and the poor was really bad way back in the 1990’s. But the trend is changing now. According to the International Monetary Fund, Mexico’s GDP is at the 11th position in terms of purchasing power parity. It is even expected to be more powerful than European countries! In North America, Mexico is the biggest producer of automobiles. Major brands have already recognized the upcoming opportunities in Mexico and they have already established themselves in Mexico. 30% of Mexico’s export is made up of electronic items, which suffice to say is very lucrative.

4. Qatar


Oil resources have changed the destiny of this country. Now, the GDP per capita has crossed $98,000, even big power players like China have not reached such a big number. Oil resources may not be available forever though. But Qatar is clever enough to earn as much as possible until it has plenty of oil resources. So, its future will be safe. Qatar’s well-known news channel Al-Jazeera has been playing a prominent role in the media world as well. Though it’s a tiny country, Qatar is politically dominant just like the big powers of the world. And this was clearly visible during the Arab Spring. The United Nations has considered Qatar as the most advanced in terms of its human development in the Middle East.

3. South Africa


No doubt this African country is not like what you think. It has been developing and is expected to be a major power within this decade. Getting into the UN Security Council with a “permanent member” tag is this country’s long-time dream. It has been consistent about raising its voice against inequalities. Furthermore, South Africa has a mixed economy, the second largest in Africa shortly after Nigeria. By organizing the Football World Cup in an appreciable manner, South Africa showed the world what it can do. The GDP of South Africa is rising high and it has helped with eradicating poverty in the country. The majority of the South African population is engaged in the formal sector. Also, only South Africa has developed nuclear weapons in the African continent. A force to reckon with, don’t you think?

2. Turkey


Did you expect Turkey on this list? If your answer is “no” then you have a lot to learn about Turkey. Turkey is going forward as the world’s 17th largest GDP by PPP.
It’s a NATO member and sits at the 10th position on the Global Fire Power Index. Since it is one of the fastest growing economies, companies want to invest in Turkey. The number of students travelling to Turkey for their studies is growing rapidly. Since it has 13 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Turkey is one of the beloved destinations in a tourist’s mind, and the country benefits from it. Don’t be surprised if Turkey makes headlines one day as a super-rich and a politically stronger country in the coming years.

1. North Korea


What makes a country a superpower? One may say a strong military force, nuclear weapons, powerful leader etcetera. North Korea has all the above-mentioned assets and is leading the race to become the ultimate superpower nation. At present North Korea’s economic progress is not so impressive, but their military power is shocking. It has shown the courage to challenge a big power like the US and is consistently provoking other countries.

In 2017, North Korea has taken some challenging decision. Though it was warned not to launch ballistic missiles, it has not stopped its military activities. North Korea has openly challenged the US and is causing worldwide tension. No one knows the future of the US-North Korea ongoing cold war. However, North Korea has indirectly sent a strong message to the world that it’s a tough competitor for the US.

Hence, these are the countries on the hotlist that might dethrone the United States of America and usher in an all new era of political strategies and gimmicks. Don’t be surprised if one day you wake up in the morning and find one of these countries at the helm. You have been warned.


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