15 Logos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind
You can call them the world’s funniest design fails or the worst logos ever made. These companies spent a lot of money and time on choosing the right logo designer. But what they got was something they didn’t expect. These epic logo design fails will make you think why in the world these companies didn’t care about checking twice before unveiling these logos to the public.
A doctor can bury his mistake but if a graphic designer makes a mistake, you can’t hide the brand identity design fails from the public. Here’s a collection of 15 funny company logos where the logo designers failed so bad that their designs did more harm than good to the businesses who hired them.
After seeing these awful logo fails, you’ll definitely feel that either these logo designers didn’t know what they were doing, or they simply had a dirty mind. There are times when the new employees make mistake or they don’t match expectations. But what will you say if your logo designer turns your child safety program into a sexual practice?
We all make mistakes. But these designers have made sure that you won’t be able to stop laughing after seeing what they delivered to the people who hired them. So, let’s have a look at these 15 hilarious logo fails of all time that mocked the companies shamelessly.
15. They’re healers of children. Oh, really?!
Via: blazepress.com
These pediatricians from Arlington Pediatric Center got their medical degree after studying so hard, but a glimpse of their logo will clearly tell you about their knowledge of design. Of course, the doctors didn’t design this logo, but the one who designed it was probably on a mission to kill the business entirely.
The mission statement calls the Arlington Pediatric Center a “Medical Home” to newborns, children and youth, but would you really consider going inside after seeing their logo? A logo reflects your work, say marketing experts. But this logo says that it’s a pedophile center your kids would never want to visit. Thankfully, the people realized their mistake and got their logo redesigned.
14. Satellite Dish Gets A Boner
Via: blazepress.com
If you are a graphic designer or know at least a little about logo designs, your middle finger will get a boner after seeing this happy satellite dish. This company doesn’t even care about changing their logo to something decent, as their website still showcases the same logo. But this is not the kind of logo you’d want your kids to see.
Just imagine someone delivering this satellite dish at your home and everyone else in the house starts staring at that mischievous smile. Well, the happy dish is pointing its finger to some other direction, but who can ignore the erection this antenna has got while waiting for the signal?
13. Yo Mama So Hot
Via: theultralinx.com
Seriously, though, this logo design is legitimately unique. The designer wanted to show an oven and a lady in one single picture as the brand is known as Mama’s Bakery. Given the placement of fire, the graphic design idea was unfortunately foolish.
Mama’s Baking logo fail teaches a strong lesson to creative designers that one should not go beyond the limits of their brain. This stupid-looking design deserves a top place in the realm of the dumbest logo designs.
It resembles the picture of someone suffering from sexually transmitted diseases or the logo can also be assumed to be the picture of a desperate woman who is too hot to handle. This logo also looks like an advertisement for a fertility center. There are so many meanings.
12. Come Inside & Get What?
Via: Flickr.com
How the owner of Megaflicks approved this billboard is still a mystery, but the stories made about the store are hilarious. Optical illusion is one of the things that catches the attention and makes people question what they are looking at. But this billboard doesn’t miss a chance to showcase the ignorance of the designer as well as the store owner.
Don’t you think that standing outside of this store and looking at the billboard will bring different thoughts in your mind regarding what’s going on inside? Well the board doesn’t exactly say ‘Megafucks,’ but if you are like many other normal people, you won’t see ‘Megaflicks’ when you see it first.
You can find thousands of similar optical illusion photographs on the internet, but this logo is something you’d never want to forget, including the lesson it teaches about proper use of fonts and space.
11. Which One Is Dirty, The Bird or The Logo?
Via: mirror.co.uk
A logo is perhaps one of the most important brand identity features of a business. In fact, a logo allows visitors to imagine about a company’s services, culture and expertise. The designer of this logo tried to show multiple things in the same logo and failed badly.
This logo failed because its weird shape and colors make it look ugly and the logo also depicts something that puts this restaurant to shame. A logo design fail can make customers lose their interest in the business, and their appetite. Of course, after seeing such a logo on the menu and everywhere else in the restaurant, who would want to order and eat chicken.
10. It’s Not The Sun Rising From Behind
Via: ytimg.com
You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy Sushi, and for many it’s the same thing. But a restaurant called Sunrise Sushi failed to convey this message through their logo. The logo designer in fact put the company to shame as it designed the logo in a way that depicts anal sex.
The core idea behind the logo was to show the sunrise in the city, but the overload of creativity led the designer to completely embarrass the restaurant. Well, if you are scared to buy sushi after seeing the logo, don’t be afraid. Maybe try and dissect the different elements in the logo and focus on them separately. There’s a sun and a skyscraper in the city, and nothing else.
9. Safe Place? Your Logo Doesn’t Say So
Via: meme.am
The Safe Place is a national program for youth outreach and prevention, focused to help young people who are in need of safety and immediate help. Undoubtedly it’s a great cause, but their former logo tells exactly the opposite of what they do at their center.
The stupidity of the logo designer and those who approved it led the company to get their logo redesigned. However, the company managed to keep the diamond shape, black and yellow colors, but it removed that suspicious figure from the design, which was putting the company to shame. Safe Place even released a press note saying that their new logo conveys the message very clearly, and it really does.
8. But This Is Not How They Treat Children
Via: Explosion.com
This logo was designed in 1973 for the Catholic Church’s Archdiocesan Youth Commission. It was supposed to represent a priest protecting a child or blessing him, and the designer tried his/her best to convey the same message. But if you look at the way he designed the logo, you can’t ignore the different way this design can be looked at.
Well, it completely depends on how you look at it, but when it comes to graphic designing, a logo should convey the message clearly, rather than conveying two opposite meanings through a single piece of design. So, even if you can’t look at this logo in the way the designer wanted, blame the designer not the church.
7. Is This What You Call Pure & Fresh?
Via: buzzkeys.com
The state of Vermont is known for its forests and the beauty of its natural landscapes. The state claims to have the purest and the freshest maple syrup in the country. Oh! Really? OK designer, so that green thing is a maple tree according to your design skills, but what the hell is that black thing attached to it? Some kind of a juice extractor or a …?
And one more thing, what’s coming out of that black thing is really the maple syrup or something you really don’t want us to see? Dear designer, you completely messed up things and after seeing this logo, may the lord bless the person who hired you.
6. What kind of Health Are They promoting?
Via: emlii.com
So, the one letter lying between the two is having so much fun on both sides clearly. OMG! You’re so lucky letter ‘H,’ as the designer of this logo has taken you so far where even his brain left him alone.
The Bureau of Health Promotion in Taiwan may have never thought of promoting such a weird thing through their logo, but it seems that the logo designer watched porn all night and when he woke up, he mixed up things badly and the result you can see is in this epic logo fail.
Of course, the way you look at this design can be different, and you can read the acronym ‘BHP’ whenever you see it. But do you really think that everyone who’ll see this logo will get the message instantly? Do you really find it creative?
5. Dental Care With So Much More
Via: heavyeditorial.wordpress.com
Unfortunately, logo designers don’t always turn good ideas into good designs. As a result, any great marketing campaign can get lost. It’s really sad for the marketers who spend a lot of money, energy and time in trying to come up with the best possible design to convey the brand message effectively.
This logo is an epic fail and it explains itself. There’s no denying that this logo is not only weird, but it is also inappropriate for everyone. What it’s essentially saying is that you should pay a visit to this clinic and you’re going to get something more than what you’d expect. It’s an epic logo fail. However, the company changed their logo, but didn’t anyone notice before using the first one?
4. Stickman Having Fun? Oh no, It’s a Logo
Via: blogspot.com
When the logo for the Office of Government Commerce is observed from 90 degree, it depicts a stickman masturbating. The logo was created and printed on several materials including mouse pads and pens before it was shown to the staff members. After seeing the graphic, of course, some extraordinary employees spotted the hilarious mistake.
Just like many other worst logo fails, this design was also criticized, and the department decided to get the logo redesigned. The particular combination of the letters without any space put the department to shame and of course the money they spent on its creation went to waste.
3. Why The Hell Can’t You Keep It Simple?
Via: flickr.com
Kudawara Pharmacy, a Japanese company, got its logo designed, and their logo design went horribly wrong. There’s no explanation needed for this one as you can see for yourself and decide what’s wrong with this logo. Focus on the green and blue oval-shaped area.
It is very clear that neither the designer nor the pharmacy owner clearly saw the whole picture before they finalized the design. Just like many other companies, Kudawara also had to change their logo.
The lesson one can learn from such mistakes is that creating a memorable logo is important, but there’s no point in drawing attention with stupid logo design mistakes.
2. Independent like a Cat’s Butt!
Via: flickr.com
A small clothing company, which is now out of business, once introduced its logo with a tagline, “Clothing for the independent woman.” Well, that’s pretty impressive, but what the hell is this cat’s ass doing in this logo? Of course the cat’s face in the front would have made the design cute, but the design depicts its butt first.
The company later removed the drawing of the butt-hole and changed their logo, but the shame this logo brought to the company is unforgettable. The company, even after making various changes in the logo design, couldn’t control the damage made by the old one.
1. Exchange or Sex Change!
Via: Webneel.com
This is an old logo of the Georgia based Kid’s Exchange consignment shop. It shows how lacking proper punctuation and space at the right place can be disastrous. The logo is rather unfortunate. If you read “Kids Exchange” or “Kid Sex Change,” both the terms are absolutely wrong and disgraceful. This is especially bad because the logo involves children.
Unfortunately, when a logo becomes famous for its poor design, it not only causes decline in business, but also hurts the brand’s overall reputation. For this logo fail, the designer really went the extra mile to mess it up pretty badly.