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15 Loser Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

15 Loser Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

Studies have shown that if a man drives a really nice car, it’s more likely to impress a woman. A university study showed women photographs of the same man sitting in two cars. One was a £70,000 silver Bentley Continental, and the other was a battered Ford Fiesta. The study showed that women think higher of a man if he drives a fancy car rather than an old banged up beater. The same study showed that men are interested more in how a woman looks instead of judging her by her car. Women seem to be more influenced by wealth, possessions, and status. Women want to be well taken care of, which explains why a woman looks at a man’s wealth, possessions, and status. It is important that if you drive a car, you should pick a car that is somewhat appealing. Women are attracted more so to the more expensive, fast and powerful cars. There are all kinds of cars to look out for to attract women. But for the sake of this article, we list 15 cars that will turn off any potential date. If you own one of these cars, you should seriously consider getting rid of it and upgrade to a better model.

15. Birdseye Pea Car

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

This car was made to remind people to eat their vegetables. That’s why it’s called a Birdseye Pea car. Show up to a date with this car; the woman is sure to run into a different direction. It was built by a company located in London called the Asylum. It’s a promotion car, and it only took about six weeks to make. The total weight of the car is about 1,653 pounds, and you can take it to a top speed of over 60 miles an hour. Not only is this car ugly, but it also doesn’t go very fast. The build of this car is from the modified chassis from a go-cart that uses a Honda engine. It resembles the Volkswagen, but only the lights are taken from the Volkswagen Beetle.

14. 1957 Rambler Cross Country

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

The Rambler Cross Country was built in 1957. For an ugly car, this automobile became the foundation for the best sales performance in the 1950s. It had a basic trim level, deluxe with an I6 engine. It was also a V8. The company built this Rambler as a typical stylish yet practical station wagon. It was offered in many different colors and schemes. Back in the ’50s, pink was a very popular color. They also came out with the Rambler Rebel which was a muscle car. The ’57 automobile was able to get 32 miles per gallon. Harry Walton was the first American journalists to drive the US automobile uncensored through Russia. It was built and assembled in Belgium. The automobile that traveled through Russia traveled at over 60 mph and received 22.35 miles per gallon.

13. Puffy Volvo

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

No matter how many times you have driven down the road in your really good-looking car when you see the ugliest car that you’ve ever seen pass you by, you take a glimpse into the driver seat to see what the person driving the car looks like. As ugly as this car is, there are still people that would love it. It looks like it ate a whole box of chocolates and is extremely fat and overweight. Nothing turns a woman off like the fat and ugly. So, if you’re tempted to drive this car and pick up your date in it, think again. Your date would be so embarrassed to go out in public with you if you drove a car like this. This is not the only car that is ugly. We list much more.

12. Reliant Robin

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

When you take a look at the Reliant Robin, it doesn’t seem to trigger strong emotions in women. However, this ugly car is very drab looking. Avid drivers call it the plastic pig. Even though this car is a big turnoff to women, it can get up to 70 miles to the gallon. This car evokes heavy passions and hatred amongst all kinds of people. Not only do people make fun of it, but it also toddles along in the slow lane. The only good thing that came from the Robin was that a Princess Royal once owned one. This car is so bad that people throw eggs and cans at it. People hate this car so much that they will flip the Robin and put it on its side.

11. 1998 Fiat Multipla

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

The 1998 Fiat Multipla is one of the weirdest cars that you will see on the road today. While it is ugly and not advisable for you to take your date on a ride in this car, owners look at it as being extremely fashionable. The foreign car can seat six people comfortably. There’s even room for luggage or a large dog. The front seats cannot be removed. But the back seats can be taken out of the car. The dashboard looks something like it came out of a science fiction movie. Surprisingly this car can get up to 80 mph. The exterior and interior design of this car was displayed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1999. In the year 2000, this car won the Top Gear Car of the Year Award. Along with this title, it also received the ugliest car in the same program’s awards.

10. Scion Hako

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

We cannot begin to even understand why this kind of car was made. Is this an odd, sparkling, pitiful car that looks like an American rat rod, or simply the result of many automobile developers who just didn’t care about making a nice-looking car? There are many inconceivable things that are not right with this kind of concept of a car. We don’t even know where to start. Initially, the orange shade makes it resemble a weird looking pumpkin, like the kind you would deliberately purchase as a kid and turn it into a mutilated-monster-type jack-o’-lantern. Second, there is not one attractive line on the entire car and also the entire front end resembles a face that is about to vomit. This is definitely not the kind of car you want to take your date out in.

9. Weird Looking Yellow Car

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

Besides being such an ugly car, we couldn’t find the name of what this automobile is called. The whole concept of this car doesn’t make sense. It’s an odd, round car and not a boxy looking contraption. This automobile is the ridiculous contraption of someone who was probably high when they came up with it. Not only does it look bad, it doesn’t have any windows. What are you supposed to do when it rains? Your date would get all wet and never speak to you again. The people that drive this kind of car bond in a mutual feeling of embarrassment. We can understand that developers need to satisfy a consumer demand, but honestly, tell us who would buy a vehicle like this? It hurts our eyes just to view this contraption.

8. 1973 Ferves Ranger

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

When you first take a look at this automobile, it looks like a cross between a Steyr-Puch Haflinger and a Fiat 500. Looking from the front to the back, the small tires give this car a cartoon-like appearance. Around 600 of this car were made between 1966 and 1973. About 50 of them are still in existence today. Even though this car is extremely ugly to look at, it costs around $47,000 at the RM Sotheby’s London auction. The name Ferves comes from Italy. The engine has about 18 horsepower. The independent suspension is taken from the Fiat 600 D. The automobile has a removable top, folding windshield and removable doors. Your date would get lost in this car. Even though it’s a collectible, we don’t advise owning one.

7. 1967 Dodge Deora

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

When thinking about a concept of a car or design, the weirdest cars out there are the strange looking hot rods and sports cars. You wouldn’t want to be caught dead driving your date around in a 1967 Dodge Deora. The car actually started off as a pickup truck. After working on the truck for some time, they decided to make it look like something that came right out of a 1970s vision of a lunar base. It was designed by Detroit’s Mike and Larry Alexander. As ugly as this car is, it won the Ridler Award back in 1967 at the Autorama. The inside of the car looks like something from a space-age movie. It has featuring woodgrain accents, black leather seats, and nifty gauges.

6. 1942 Oeuf Electrique

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

The 1942 Oeuf Electrique was designed during the Nazi occupation of Germany. At that time, the traffic on the road consisted of military vehicles. Petrol was in an extremely short supply, which meant people had to bring out the horse carts and buggies to accomplish daily things. During the time of extreme hardship, rumors started circulating about a weird strange looking shiny little car that could easily buzz around in the streets. It was designed by Paul Arzens. Not wanting to take your date out in a horse and buggy, you probably had to settle for this small contraption. Your date surely wouldn’t be impressed, but the fact that it is better than going out on a date with a cart and horse might make her smile a bit. The whole car consisted of enclosing its particulars in a glass house. The rear window had a tiny oval porthole.

5. 1910 Brooke Swan Car

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

You might be tempted to bring an oddball of the car like this out on a date, but we highly advise against it. This is one strange thing that was made into a car. At the beginning of the 20th century, a wealthy Scottish engineer by the name of Robert purchased the 30 horsepower Brooks sedan in 1910 in England. It was originally made to be engineered on fairground rides where the people could take a ride in the wooden swan’s body which covered the engine. After the car was designed, it was brought back to India. The car cost three times the price of a Rolls-Royce. So, to impress your date, ditch the Swan car and invest in the Rolls-Royce. She will thank you for it.

4. Ron Berry’s ‘Coolish’ Creations

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

There are people out there that make the strangest, most intriguing and original cars. If you’re the type of person that gravitates towards these weird creations, then you have to check out Ron Berry’s Coolish Creations. While they can be cool to look at, it isn’t advisable to take your best girl out on a date especially with this car. Some of his cars had been featured in Street Muscle Mag. This contraption is not one of his better pieces. This just looks like an oversize Volkswagen box. Some of his other designs are better to take your dates out in. He’s from Utah and builds his cars like they came right out of a cartoon. While this one is ugly, he has more visual appealing cars that have awesome sounds.

3. 1936 Stout Scarab

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

The 1936 Stout Scarab was made in the beginning of the 1930s by a man named William B. Stout. William had an engineering lab in Dearborn, Michigan. He was also an aircraft pioneer and that’s probably how he came up with his design for the 1936 Stout Scarab. Unless your girlfriend likes space-age vehicles, I highly suggest you don’t pick her up in a contraption like this. It almost looks like a cross between an old Greyhound bus and our early modern space capsule. It has a rear-mounted Ford V8 engine. The car only gets 18.8 miles per gallon. The inside of the car is a lot better than the outside. It has a table like contraption that folds out in the back where you can eat and have drinks.

2. BMW Isetta 300

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

Not only is the BMW Isetta 300 ugly and extremely small, it is known for being one of the most famously unsafe vehicles that came out of Germany. It seats two and both you and your date would be cramped up like sardines. The name doesn’t sound German because it was originally an Italian car and not a BMW at all. This contraption was one of the first bubble cars and was very popular in the ’50s and ’60s. The car has a 230 6CC 9.5 horsepower motorcycle engine. It also has three wheels instead of four. Because the car was known to tip over quite a bit, the later models had four wheels. These cars soon went out of style around 1957 with the introduction of the Fiat 500.

1. 2002 Gem

Cars That Will Turn Off Any Potential Date

The only good thing about the 2002 Gem is that it is an electric car that can be bought at Costco for about $3995. It only seats two passengers and if you take your girlfriend out on a date and it rains, she will get completely wet as it has no doors. The car doesn’t go very fast and you’re stuck using the back streets instead of the main road. You can’t go very far and it can only travel about 50 miles on one consistent charge. While the Gem doesn’t have doors, you can order them for about $1800. It takes about six months to get the doors. This kind of car is not the kind of car you want to take someone out on a date in. The reason is because the quarters are extremely cramped. This kind of car is good for someone who only works about 5 miles from their job and needs a reliable form of cheap transportation to get to and from work.

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