15 Most Bizarre Creatures Caught On Tape
The world is large, and most of it is still undiscovered by us humans. This includes the depths of the ocean all the way to your neighbour’s backyard. Strange creatures we’ve yet to discover, whether it be due to the creatures living in hiding, or the fact that these creatures are becoming more rare and are lurking around in the dark. Or light if you’re unlucky enough to run into one.
However, sometimes these creatures have the unfortunate luck of people having their camera, or camera phones ready at hand. This small picture, or shaky video could prove the existence of these strange unknown creatures.
While many of us would love the opportunity to run into these creatures out of free will, just based on morbid curiosity, it’s usually not the case when these creatures are found. They typically pop out of random to scare anyone who is unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. These creatures are usually as scared of humans as we are of them. However be careful since these creatures are unknown and we have no idea what type of defense mechanisms they could take to defend themselves. The chances of running into an unknown creature are slim to none, but when it does happen take precaution, and whip out a camera!
15. Elf
via: youtube.com
Small evil elves have come from stories told in the Middle Ages. Their form and appearances change from story to story. The creatures all share a common feature through all folklore: they’re small in size, and are typically dirty, and ugly. They’re usually said to be mischievous, steal, wreck the place, or even sometimes said to kill.
In a video of a few young boys kicking around a ball in an empty room, one such elf can be seen. There is one boy standing in view, in front of a window. As the ball is kicked near a corner, a small creature can be seen darting across the wall. One of the boys spots it, and begins to shriek in terror. Many people believe this to be a large rat, but the way the creature moves, it’s obvious it’s only using two legs. It even appears that it’s head ends in a point, as if it were wearing a small pointy hat.
14. Creature in the Woods
via: youtube.com
The Rake is a popular urban legend of a creature small in stature, and has two bright glowing eyes. It is mostly seen in forests, and will be known to attack people if provoked. The Rake is an urban legend, and just that. That is until people started to come forward with video evidence of the creature. There are only a few convincing videos of the rake, that could prove its existence.
This video shows a creature similar in stature to the Rake, and it can be seen darting across a wooded area late at night. The creature obviously isn’t human in the way that it moves. Luckily the person filming seems to be far away enough that the creature doesn’t notice him. This is more evidence to the existence of the Rake, or something similar in stature to it.
13. Strange Spirit
via: youtube.com
This video showcases a tsunami hitting the coast of Japan in 2014. While the cameraperson is fixated on capturing the disaster unfolding in front of them, they mistakenly capture something strange. A wave hits the building adjacent to the person filming, and what looks to be just a wave forms into a creature with legs, and starts to climb the building.
This could be considered just an animal caught in the storm trying to make it to safety. That theory would stand tall however, the creature dissipates after a few seconds, and doesn’t come back. Theories are that it is an exploding fire extinguisher, spirits, or alien creatures that have inhabited the oceans for years. The fire extinguisher theory is unlikely, as the explosion would’ve dissipated sooner than the spirit did. Whatever this creature is, it’s otherworldly, and unexplainable.
12. Scary Sea Creature
via: youtube.com
A camera located deep within the ocean and owned by an oil company caught something strange on one of its cameras. This squid like creature was caught on their cameras around the Gulf of Mexico. The appearance of the creature is something otherworldly, with legs that extend horizontal, then fall vertical for several feet.
It looks to be a species of squid, but it most resembles a long legged spider. When the footage was released, many people started speculating that it was a distant relative to “Cthulu” a made up creature for entertainment purposes. In reality it was proved to be a big fin squid. The confusion upon first seeing the creature makes sense, since there is little known about the species of squid.
11. Figure in White Gown
via: youtube.com
A driver is going down a dirt road in the middle of the night, and finds something strange in front of his headlights. He quickly whips out his camera to start filming it. The figure seems to be in a white gown and has a hunch whenever it moves. The figure also appears to have long black hair. The creature doesn’t seem human, other than the fact that it’s on two feet, and it has long hair. However, the way it walks seems to be unnatural.
The figure starts chasing the man in the car, and it frightens him. Whatever it is, it felt the need to defend itself when the man revved his engine, and shined his bright light on it. The creature started to limp/run towards the man, causing him to scream, and put his car in reverse. The screams of terror the man produces can scare anyone into believing this thing isn’t human. That or the hideous shrieking it lets out as it’s chasing the man.
10. Ice Sea Monster
via: youtube.com
This strange creature was spotted swimming through the waters of Iceland. This video came out in 2012, but sightings have been stated to go back centuries. The best way to describe the beast is a sea snake or worm. Skeptics could easily be convinced that the snake is just debris floating through the water. That is until it visibly moves its body to keep up its momentum.
It slowly stalks through the water pushing the ice out of its way. It appears to have a big serpent head, as you can see at the front end of the creature, if you look close enough. Other theories as to what the creature could be include camera glitches and bacteria floating through the water. While this may hold up for what was captured on video, the many other claims of the creature being seen are quite different than these theories claim.
9. Abandoned School Ghost
via: youtube.com
A group of kids decide to explore an abandoned school one afternoon. The building itself is mostly empty, and it looks run down. As the group of boys enter one of the classrooms, the camera picks up something strange. A shadowy figure can be seen rushing towards the camera coming from the window in the back of the room.
The group of boys don’t notice this right away, and it’s not until they review the footage later that they realize they may have been sharing their exploration with someone from the afterlife. Right after the kids catch this spirit on film, there is a loud alarm like noise they can hear, which spooks them. They run out of the room terrified, and catch their breath near the entrance. They then continue to explore the building for the source of the noise, still unaware of the potential spirit they ran into…
8. Spider Monster
via: youtube.com
A video coming from somebody looking out there building complex shows a strange large creature scaling the building opposite of them. The monster appears to have four large limbs, and moves like a giant spider. This creature was spotted in Russia, and was described as it’s skin being similar to rubber. The creature moved seamlessly from building to building, as if it was almost gliding.
The creature is most likely made with CGI. The way it moves, and looks is too fluid for a monster of that caliber. However, the video is convincing to someone who can’t catch fakes that easily. Props to the original uploader for making a monster that anyone can be scared of, but especially people with arachnophobia.
7. Alien in a Graveyard
via: youtube.com
Aliens have been a wonder fir humans for ages. There have been multiple UFO videos and sightings over the years. These sightings, while some fake and others more convincing, never show the true specimen of the alien. Hollywood has done a great job of giving these creatures an image. The typical big-headed green ghouls are what most people think of when they think of aliens.
Someone taking footage of an old worn down graveyard came across something unexpected. Typically in a graveyard you’d capture a ghost or spirit on film, but this person caught what appeared to be an alien. The creature was crouching behind a large gravestone peering at the adventurer. The person filming obviously doesn’t see the alien, since it’s only visible on screen during a pan, which adds to the authenticity of this video.
6. Goblin
via: youtube.com
A mother is filming her child playing with toys one day, when suddenly something darts from behind her child. She shrieks, runs past her son to try to catch up with the goblin creature, but when she turns the corner, it’s disappeared. The movement of the goblin show obvious arms and legs. This along with a human shaped head disproves that this creature is a rat or rodent of some kind.
The video is most likely faked and made of CGI. The unnatural movement of the goblin makes it seem fake. Although what would a real goblin look, and move like? While the goblin passes the camera, the footage and audio become distorted. This is a cliché when it comes to unknown creatures, and proves further why this video could potentially be faked.
5. Man on Fire
via: youtube.com
Witches are often believed to be people that practice witchcraft or black magic. These people throughout the ages have been banished and even burned at the stake for their actions. They’ve been believed to be working directly with the devil in some cultures. People walking through a forest claim to see a witch practicing witchcraft and attempt to capture it on video.
The mass is a strange orange glowing blob. It soon turns into what could be seen as a human body. This could’ve easily been explained as someone who was set on fire, but there would be audible screams. As the people approach the supposed witch, it disappears into thin air. As if to throw down a smoke bomb and disappear. This left the group in shock, and they claim it to be a witch practicing black magic.
4. Growing Figure
via: youtube.com
In Peru, a woman was filming atop a hill where two men stood. They were average height men, and there’s not much explanation as to why the woman was filming them. Suddenly one of the men grows to be half the size of the other. This sends the woman into a shock, and she begins to cry out in fear at what she just witnessed.
People took to recreating the scene, using average sized men, and comparing the two videos. It showed that the original video showcased a figure that was much taller, and much more thin than the average man. The figures also seemed to have disproportionate sizes when compared to the average man. This recording could be proof of aliens or some other creature that can shape shift.
3. Crouching Creature
via: youtube.com
The first thing to note that is strange about this video, is that it’s timestamped in 2006, but the actual upload date wasn’t until 2013. In Spain a few videographers were capturing footage for their new documentary. The two men noticed strange noises, and found huge feathers that fell into a trail. Curiosity got the best of them, and they followed.
Soon the two men came across what appeared to be a thin man crouching behind some bushes. His figure would suggest he’s a man, but when they first discovered him he looked lifeless. The creature noticed the men, and looked at them with two glowing eyes. This spooked the two men, and they took off before the creature had time to react. Speculations include that this is just a homeless man. Others say it’s the Rake, and some even go as far AS say it’s an angel that has fallen from heaven, which explains the large feathers they found.
2. Under the Bridge
via: youtube.com
Someone in Ukraine was filming a beautiful sunset on a bridge when they captured something crawling underneath the bridge. The creature was on all fours, and it was scaling the bridge quickly. Many quickly deduce this is probably some thrill seeking human, but others pointed out that the legs and arms of the creature are a similar length.
The creature could also be an animal, however it’s not common for an animal to crawl under a bridge like this. At least not one with the appendages that this creature has. The strangest thing about this creature is how fluidly it moves as if it’s walking right side up. Even some of the most graceful animals would hold themselves close to the bars, or at least be moving slower.
1. Monster in a Cage
via: youtube.com
An American tourist was visiting a zoo in Romania, when he heard about a new attraction they put in. Curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to check it out. He then moved into a dark farmhouse with other people who were just as morbidly curious. Chit chat amongst the villagers grew more and more as they approached the attraction. Everyone seemed to be excited to see what was on the other end.
Farm animals began to make concerning noises, and the chit chat of people began to sound more shaky, as if they were worried. Finally he made it to the cage, in which the owners of the zoo kept a white humanoid creature. The creature has large black eyes, and a gap for a mouth. The creature made sounds as if it’s in pain, and even lunged at onlookers. This is most likely someone in a suit, but it could be a creature that was dragged from the woods and put on display for a quick buck.