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15 Most Humiliating Reflection Selfie Fails On The Internet

15 Most Humiliating Reflection Selfie Fails On The Internet

Selfies… the bane of our modern times. They are the ultimate example of vanity that we often share with our friends and family. The selfie will replace the dignified portrait or photo of the past as the way we present ourselves to the world and preserve our image. While this will mean that we will have plenty of information for future archaeologists since they will represent the majority of the photos that people make of themselves. What this also means is that in the future, when the kids of the ’90s and ’00s are decrepit old has-beens and have grandkids of their own, those grandkids will look up the highly embarrassing selfies that they took when grandpa was a fake bodybuilder in 2005 who also liked to paint himself like a Smurf (and if those grandkids know what the Smurfs are, they will take great pleasure in calling Papa Smurf). Grandma will not be kept out of this either, since she will also have her old photos with the duckface meme that was so popular a few years ago discovered, too.

But not all those pictures are that benign. A lot of people taking selfies try to stand out from the crowd by embarrassing themselves even more than normal. These people have taken serious steps to ensure maximal hilarity at their own expense. If this was intentional, then I must salute them for their incredible creativity and willingness to laugh at themselves.

So let’s dig into the 15 most humiliating reflection selfies ever taken!

15. Auditioning for main course or just a snack?


Now we begin our fail with this gentleman who has the most delicious costume of peanut butter and jelly, but it isn’t a costume. This guy actually smeared the stuff and has random bits of bread attached to him. I’m guessing either this guy thinks that some girls say he’s sweet like jam (does anyone actually say that?) and he figured he might as well find his peanut butter girl to be with him… but he couldn’t find her, so he figured he must love himself as much.

Or maybe he is just a modern day Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk and he decided to give up on life and give himself away to the giant… Fee fi fo fum, I smell… Oh come on, that’s just too ridiculous now…

14. Behold the headache inducing genius!


This would have been a convention, run of the mill selfie if it wasn’t for the fact that he wanted to make a multi-camera setup and ended up making a mess that even M.C. Esher’s own twisted mind couldn’t turn into a painting. Just looking at the multiple screen setup and the numerous pictures he has of himself is enough to give me a head ache.

But you have to give the guy kudos for creativity for being able to take that many clear pictures in one go. He had his main reflection selfie, his selfie of a selfie, and iPad as a mirror selfie. All while pursing his lips in a smug manner, too. He managed to resist the old tired duckface meme!

13. Never too early to embarrass your kid


So fathers often don’t understand their kids and their attempts at trying to be cool often backfire and embarrass their kids in front of their friends, their friend’s family, their extended family, and on national television (before we invent interstellar TV, then they can embarrass them in front of aliens who have no idea what is going on). But this selfie fail decided to take this a step further…

I mean why wait for his kid to grow up? Why not just get the embarrassment over with right now by dressing up in a manner that is even more immature than his infant child and then take a selfie with him, and then make sure that selfie is stuck in the kid’s head forever so that wherever he goes, everyone will know just what a geek of a dad he has.

12. Am I missing something?


So in what appears to be a normal example of a sexy bikini selfie, there is something very strange going on in this picture. I think it is obvious that there’s a rather dejected looking boy that’s slumping his head on the wall, looking away from the woman. While not technically a ‘fail’ selfie, it raises soooo many questions as to what is happening here. Is it a kid who just has had enough of his mom’s selfies? Or does he not understand why his mom is dressing up like that indoors? Is that even his mother? Is there child abuse involved?

We don’t know. I can’t tell if this is a selfie fail, a sign of a broken household, or a true masterpiece of art that’s just designed to make us ask all these questions…

11. Nyao Means Nyao!


So here we have an example of someone who is clearly part of the sub-species of humanity that has never been exposed to real sunlight. Your typical basement dweller is either extremely scrawny or massively obese, and generally is accompanied by a cat, which is the only thing that would even remotely tolerate his company (as long as an adequate supply of food is made available, otherwise it’s The Great Escape… feline style!). This guy wants to show that he has at least one person who loves him, but apparently that one person only loves his food and really doesn’t want to associate with him in any other way, let alone be carried in such an awkward manner.

Moral of the photo: nyao means nyao!

10. Let’s make it officially embarrassing!


Usually selfies are informal photographs, they usually just kept to themselves, shared on social media, or with friends. The number one thing about selfies is that they are not normally used for formal photographs. Especially not for driver’s licenses or school ID cars or… well, any form of identification. Not unless you want to look like a buffoon of the week in an article on The Clever.

This one is of a young girl that doesn’t even look like she is focusing on her phone when taking the photo. In fact, I don’t even think this is a selfie, but it is a pretend selfie because that’s the only kind of photography that she knows. That’s just really sad when you think about it.

9. Teenage werewolf or what?


This young man (at least I think he is young… and a man, I can’t tell for reasons that I will explain) is rocking a cool pair of shades that would make him look great in an ’80s action movie… where he is the first guy to get his derriere destroyed by the bad guys because he only looks cool, but he doesn’t have the musculature of Arnold Schwarzenegger, the wicked coolness (and physique) of Sylvester Stallone, or the beard of Chuck Norris (which only contains another fist). So he is relegated to showing off how dangerous the bad guy is by being the first to be defeated.

But that just makes me wonder what is this guy thinking when he thought it was cool to photograph himself while he is covered in shaving cream? If this guy to say that he’s super manly because he is entirely covered in hair (Like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast)? Or maybe he’s another ’80s pop culture figure… Teen Wolf who wants to see what he looks like without fur. Either way, it isn’t going to be a pretty picture.

8. Blurry and… what’s happening?


So this selfie is normally something that most people would toss away without a second thought. It’s tacky and it’s really, really blurry which makes it hard to look at it. That alone is enough to make it on a fail list, but that doesn’t address the massive elephant in the room… is that her grandmother? And what is she doing? It looks like she is dressing her, but the pose is really weird for that. Or is she undressing her? It is like she is pulling off her shirt?

Just what is happening? The world must know what’s going on here. It is a fail for both being blurry and making the girl look ridiculous, and for her grandmother that is doing something really inappropriate.

7. The fake bodybuilder from 2005


Remember what I said before about grandpa pretending he is a fake bodybuilder from 2005? Well this is exactly what I was talking about. This young man who is rather chubby-faced seemed to think it is a great idea to take a selfie (with a cellphone that looks like it is a state of the art deal from 2006) and he has taken (and failed) a course in Photoshop and decide to try to impress people who haven’t been properly introduced to the concept of computers yet.

I wonder what this man’s grandkids will think of him once they group up and start to dig into the museum of Facebook selfie fails. I’ll bet that they will probably eat soy-chocolate and then brag about how tough they are to their grandpa and rub in his face all the times he said ‘back in my day, we didn’t have bodybuilding-in-a-can soup, we needed to hit the gym.’

6. First rule of gun safety…


So being gansta is really tough and cool. Being a dead gansta, not so much. Largely because you can end up having a gun pointed at you and then have a cap popped into your posterior. Of course this entire thing can be avoided when you simply point the gun at yourself to make that really, really fake down the barrel look… except you’re doing it in front of the mirror, and it makes it look even more ridiculous. Pointing a gun like that is dumb in and of itself, but the look on his face and the hand position just makes him look like he’s so desperate to look tough that he’s just looking like an even bigger nerd.

And never, ever, point a gun at something you don’t wish to shoot. That’s the first rule of gun safety.

5. Do you mind?


So this selfie starts out fine. You have a rather handsome man taking a selfie, and then you realize he isn’t alone. Not only is he not alone, he’s with another guy, another guy who is in a rather awkward state of undress… and on a toilet. That alone makes it a fail, but the thing that really makes it so funny is the look on his face. He’s putting his hand on his mouth like he’s thinking, ‘How did I end up being this guy’s roommate? All my life’s decisions have led me to this point.’

There’s a reason why bathrooms are private places to do private things. But in the world of fails, this rule has not been followed.

4. Return of the grandma!


So remember that silly girl with the blurry photo that has her grandmother that is doing something rather inappropriate to her? Well she has returned, and now she has taken a class in photography and she has removed the blurriness of the photo, and in return she has her grandmother help trying to adopt a rather provocative pose, but it only serves to provoke people into laughing at her fake attempts to be sexy. Oh and she’s sporting the duckface, that’s never, ever going to get old.

What I really love about this fail is the look on her grandmother’s face. The smile is just precious. She looks like she really thinks this is going to be a great idea… or maybe she thinks that this is a terrible idea but she wants to do it anyway because she stopped caring a long time ago. I think grandma will need her whiskey soon… I mean medicine.

3. Redefining a bad hair day…


There are bad hair days, and then there is this. I have no idea what is going on here. Her hair looks alive. Like it is a weaponized thingie atop her head ready to strangle someone who gets too close, and then use the body as fertilizer to make itself grow even larger. The style of the hair seems like something that even the biggest, most elaborate hair metal band of the 1980s just decided to never cut their hair and let it grow to mammoth proportions.

But that’s not even all. The girl tweets ‘Off to hospital’ and she’s so happy about it. What’s going on there? Did she add hair growth serum to her scalp and now it’s so out of control it constitutes a medical emergency?

2. No comment


I have no comment about this one. No seriously… I have no idea what is going on here and I’ll be honest, I’d rather not know. The picture is so confusing and baffling on so many levels, from the clothes, to the lunchbox thing, to the foot in the sink. I’m honestly thinking if this guy was planning to make this photograph look like a modern art masterpiece just to confuse everyone who looks at it.

The only thing I can think of this is that must be a cosplay for an original superhero… Pink-Man! The superman who is powered by pink, and giant pink alarm clocks that count down the amount of time his enemies have before they die of laughter.

1. Dude… High School was 30 years ago…


With the body of a middle-aged man who pronounced the word ‘gym’ as ‘guyim,’ this is the last man who you would expect to don a cheerleader outfit. I’m not sure if he was part of a sports team, but I highly doubt he made the cheerleading squad in high school so maybe he’s making up for that loss now. He’s so happy with this that he knows he cannot possibly succeed in making this a good selfie, so he proudly decided to fail at it in the way that only the people on this list can… by looking as sad as only a man who just can’t get over the fact that he wasn’t popular all those years ago.

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