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15 Odd Things Women Do That Men Find Attractive

15 Odd Things Women Do That Men Find Attractive

All relationships have one root and that is attraction. It is the strong qualities of that particular person that evoked your interest towards him or her. According to studies that were conducted in order to understand attraction, the first thing that really piques someone’s interest is physical attraction. This includes a person’s smell or scent, voice, facial features, financial stability and kissing prowess.

However, another study was conducted in the field of psychology that indicates physical attraction is just one factor that makes couples stay attracted to each other. There are other types or levels of attraction – logic, emotional, status and health. The foundations of attraction are status and health, which includes one’s confidence, skill set, job and physical attributes. The next level of attraction is emotional, wherein couples fall in love and feel the emotional bond. The highest level is logic, which helps couples determine whether they are aligned with each other or not.

People, especially women, try so hard just to look good and attractive, whether they have a partner or not. Ladies, while you spend a lot of time thinking about what to wear, what shoes will match your dress, and what shade of lipstick looks best on you, there are guys who are already attracted to you without any of that. Women don’t realize that their simple actions and personality are already enough to be attractive.

Here is a list of the unintentional things that women do in their everyday life that men find really attractive.

15. Lip Biting


There are times that women bite their lips as a sign of flirting and that will definitely attract men. However, lip biting is not always a sign of flirting; women bite their lips when anxious, worried and afraid. This is unintentional, but men find this body language attractive. For example, a woman sometimes bites her lip when she’s worried or nervous about her partner’s or other people’s response.

On the other hand, lip biting can be a woman’s mannerism. Some people, not just women, do bite their lower lip or even cheeks out of boredom. It’s a common habit, especially when a person is thinking or doing something. Sometimes, this can also mean that a person is lying. Whatever the reason of this involuntary lip biting is, men still find it attractive.

14. Hair Flicking, Adjusting, and Twirling


Hair flicking and twirling are also ways that women flirt. Just like lip biting, women do not intentionally flick or twirl their hair because they want to flirt, but men still find this very attractive. What are the other reasons why a woman developed this kind of habit? Aside from wanting to send the message that a woman wants to be noticed, playing with hair also means that a woman is also nervous, uncertain or shy.

Aside from this habit, fixing and adjusting a ponytail can be so attractive to men. Why? It’s because it is hair and most men are really attracted to women with long hair. Well, hair is one of the trademarks of women’s beauty.

13. Eye Contact


As Bruno Mars said in his hit song “Just The Way You Are,” “Her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining.” This applies to every woman; their eyes are really tantalizing and attractive to men. While it is normal to make eye contact during a conversation, some men find a woman attractive just by making eye contact. Remember, eyes are the windows to the soul.

Eye contact and attraction have an extreme connection, because eyes express one’s emotional state – sad, happy, scared, or worried. This means that once you locked eye contact with someone, you allow them to see what you feel at that moment, revealing your true emotions. This alone can make a guy feel attracted to a woman.

12. That Whiff of Perfume


Physical attraction includes one’s smell or scent. Men are attracted to women who smell good, of course, but the mere faint smell of a woman’s perfume when she walks by can make a woman be a head turner. So, just a whiff of perfume is all it takes to attract a man, and a woman does not even recognize that she is already attractive. This happens especially if a woman has that distinct scent of perfume. The same goes for men; women are also attracted to that whiff of perfume that a man has whenever he passes or whenever he is around. Just be careful, because excessive amounts of perfume can also be bad, Too much of a good thing can become nauseating.

11. Dressing Up for Him


Ladies, men do appreciate that you are taking your time dressing up just for him. So, all of your hard work in looking for the perfect outfit, matching the perfect shoes, finding the best accessories, and blending the foundation, contour and makeup will always be paid off. Physical attraction always includes the physical traits, which means that one’s appearance will always affect attraction. If a woman looks so good and presentable, there is no doubt that a man will be attracted to her.

Ladies, just remember to avoid overdoing it. Feel free to still wear comfortable clothes as long as you will stay presentable. Men will not mind, because your presentable look and beautiful makeup will catch his attention. Everyone is attracted to someone who is neat and pleasing to look at.

10. No Makeup Look


Yes, men are attracted to women that are dolled up, but women don’t know that they are more attractive in their no make-up look, with messy hair, and their everyday clothes. When you appear like this in front of the person you are dating, boyfriend, or even husband, this denotes that you are comfortable in revealing your true colors, because you have enough confidence to face them without makeup. A woman’s natural look will always be the look that a man will wake up next to every morning he’s with you. So, just your fresh face will make his heart skip a beat and realize your true beauty and how confident you are without dressing up.

9. Giving Him Extra Attention


Sometimes men need special attention, especially when they are sick or they have a severe cold. There are times that they need a cuddle, a hug, and a kiss, because they want to feel loved. Giving them extra attention and extra time will always be the best thing that you can do for them. This does not just happen when they are sick or lonely. Men need help, too. If a woman lends her time and helps him in whatever he is doing, he might just end up feeling attracted to that woman. For example, when a man has a lot of work to do and a woman helped him getting through it, he will feel special, which will result in attraction.

8. Understanding Him


If giving a man extra attention is already attractive, but what if a woman gives him support and understanding? Women are moody, but so are men. There are times that they are unpredictable, due to stress and anxiety. It is already a given that a man should always understand his woman, despite her attitude problems and moodiness. However, the understanding should be mutual. There are times that men are feeling so down and women should understand. A simple talk, pat on the shoulder and hug can imply that a woman understands her man.

But this does not just apply when men are feeling down. Men are also attracted to women who can understand them, which means that the women share the same interests or laugh at his jokes.

7. Getting a Little Mad


Men do find women attractive when they are a little mad and angry. Why? It’s simple – anger is a very passionate emotion. Once women are mad, they express a wider range of emotion and they become more vocal about expressing themselves. It shows that women are stronger. While a woman expresses all of these qualities while she is mad, men find this attractive, sexy, and cute. Men often say that women are cute when they are angry.

But ladies, this only happens if you are a little mad or angry. If you are whining, screaming, and yelling profanities, men will never be attracted and it will just spark heat between both of you. An attractive mad face is when women are irritated when men are teasing them.

6. Confidence Level


Having confidence will always be a good quality. When women tend to show that they are confident and less insecure, especially in accomplishing something they really want, men will always find them attractive. Some even coined confidence as the most attractive quality of a person. Why is confidence important? Women who have confidence feel a lot better about themselves. They don’t care about what other people will think of them and just move on with their life, which can be really attractive.

Confidence also exhibits power and knowledge that they know what they’re doing. Also, women with confidence are positive thinkers and they are often known as born leaders. Because they are confident, they tend to lead and instruct other people, making women more attractive and dependable.

5. You’re Independent


Today, male dominance is now over and equality is now raised between men and women. Women who are independent, strong-willed, and dominant are more attractive. A woman that is independent believes in herself and other people, too. She is always positive and there is no dead end for her if she wants something. If the path is unclear, she’s willing to find another way just to accomplish her goals. Whatever she does, she will always make things her way. Although she still needs friends and a partner, she will never rely on other people and she can live her life the way she wants to. With these strong characteristics, people will look up to her. Men will always be attracted to a woman that is independent.

4. But Still Childish


Although being strong and independent are the best qualities that a woman could have, her playfulness and childishness should always remain because men find this attractive too. Even though a woman is not playful with him and the man just sees a woman with positivity, happiness, and humor towards other people, this will already make the guy attracted and interested in her. So ladies, never let your inner child go.

In return, women are more attracted to men that can make them laugh. Yes, men and women who are serious are really effective, but people who can make a situation feel lighter and happier will always attract the opposite sex. Why? People who unleash their inner child are more fun to be with.

3. That Smile


Always remember that the best makeup that a woman can wear is her smile. A smile alone and crinkle near her eyes and nose can make a man stare at her. So, it’s true that a woman’s smile can make a man fall in love. Smiling can give a lot of benefits to women. This can improve another person’s mood, especially when they are feeling blue. Brightening someone else’s mood is important, as this can also remove anxiety and depression.

Smiling also has personal benefits as this can also reduce one’s stress, strengthen the immune system and relieve pain. This can also promote relationships with other people, especially family, friends and a special someone.

2. You’re Strong


How can you tell if a woman is strong? Hiding emotions is not always bad; there are times that people need to conceal their feelings and move forward. Women are emotional and that is already given, but there are strong women who do not complain about what’s happening in their life and just keep on moving forward by simply being able to smile and laugh the problem away.

Being independent and confident also includes being strong despite what happens. For example, there are women who complain a lot when they are on their menstrual cycle, but there are women who just don’t care about the pain.

1. You Are Who You Are


The best way to impress and attract someone is just being yourself no matter what. The sexiest and most attractive women are those who are not afraid to show themselves – their reactions and their gestures. A woman who shows her free-spirited laugh is more natural and men find that attractive. Other gestures that men really like about women are their snores and drools at night, the way they eat and drink, and the small things that make them unique and natural.

So ladies, don’t be afraid to let them know your unique characteristics, traits, habits, and other small things that make you the way you are now. Let’s quote Bruno Mars again: men will always be attracted to women who are “just the way they are”.

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