15 Of The Creepiest Sites On The Deep Web
You may think you can find some pretty disturbing things on the surface web. Maybe you’ve visited LiveLeak one too many times. That is nothing compared to the amount of disturbing content the deep web offers. The Internet is made up of many different websites, and many of us access less than twenty percent of its full potential. The other eighty percent is the deep web! The deep web is the wild west of the Internet; there are no rules there.
It’s home to things like stolen webcams, disturbing videos, and cryptic messages. That is the more tame side of the deep web. It’s not recommended to ever attempt to visit the deep web. If your morbid curiosity gets the better of you, there are extensive precautions to take to protect yourself from visiting the deep web. Accessing the deep web unprotected can lead to your computer being hacked remotely, and all your information being stolen.
The deep web is not a toy, and is better left off of people’s bucket lists. Instead, stay on the surface web, and simply read about the deep web. This will give you many reasons never to venture further than the surface web.
15. Final Words
via: drive-tv.co.uk
The deep web features a website in which you can listen to the last communications on flights that are destined to crash. These audio files are from passengers calling their loved ones and telling them the devastating news. It’s disturbing to know people search for these clips of people right before they die. The website offers transcripts if you can’t stomach listening to the actual calls.
They also have one of the most infamous calls before a plane crash. The flight 93 that took place on 9/11. The transcript and some audio files are available during this terrifying event in America’s history. It’s strange to think how a website like this could obtain files like these, but on second thought it’s better left a mystery.
14. Dark Scavenger Hunt
via: planetdolan.com
The deep web scavenger hunt is a popular website on the deep web, and has been shared by many. The scavenger hunt is unique to each person that decides to partake. One user was playing an ARG (Alternative Reality Game) called “no love deep web.” The scavenger hunt had users find different items. When the user finds a specific item they began to receive phone calls with no one on the other end.
It’s said the calls didn’t stop until the user decided to quit the hunt. It’s said that one user was so committed to the game that he drove to a nearby city to use a pay phone. He heard a baby crying on the other end, and nothing else. While not all users have experienced something this creepy, there’s no real way to know that you won’t be the next victim of this dark scavenger hunt…
13. Cicada 3301
via: nocookie.net
This website is home to an organization only known as Cicada 3301. On several different occasions, the organization has posted different puzzles to recruit highly intelligent individuals. The puzzle has surfaced on the normal web, but it’s said it originated in the deep web, and that is where most of the clues are located.
The first puzzle was published in 2012, and it was online for about a month before being solved. The puzzles focused on cryptography and data security. In the same year a few months later, a 4 Chan post was made by the creators stating they have found the individuals they need, and their journey came to an end. Many believe it was run by the government to recruit data security experts. Whatever it is the mystery that surrounds it can send chills down anyone’s spine…
12. DDOS Hosting
via: alluremedia.com
This website is similar to a phonebook, but a thousand times more terrifying. This website can make anyone not feel safe about their personal information. Doxbin is a website that holds information on millions of unknowing people across the world. At any time, anyone can login and see the personal information of these people. People often use the website to add people they know as a form of revenge.
There are people to message on the website to get more information on a specific person. Everything from phone numbers, height, weight, and even addresses can be posted to the website. Anyone who visited the site could have their information stolen too. The webpage was shut down in 2014, but is back under a different owner. Not to mention there are several other deep web sites that operate similarly to this one…
11. DIY Vasectomy
via: googleusercontent.com
The dark web is home to very disturbing things, a lot of which include black markets. These markets can include selling things like guns, drugs, and even a DIY vasectomy kit. There is a sales page that sells a DIY vasectomy kit at a low price. It’s main selling point is describing how this is a cheap alternative to the expensive one performed by a professional doctor. The site doesn’t stop there and offers a forum.
The forum includes stories from previous users of the kit and assumed to be their success stories. This is disturbing in so many ways, and it’s hard to imagine someone being able to perform this surgery on themselves. It’s a very precise process and should never be done by anybody but a professional. Not to mention there most likely wouldn’t be any sedation involved if performing it on oneself…
10. Cannibal Tutorial
via: azureedge.net
This website is unique to say the least. This can seem as a joke, and a parody of the many Youtube tutorials that exist. However, as you dive deeper into the contents of the webpage, you can soon realize there is no joke. There are pages and pages of how to eat human beings. There are some pages that explain which part of a human being make for better meals.
The website includes recipes, and even demonstration videos. It’s a website that is purely made for cannibals. There are even forums present on the webpage that talk about the experiences they had when they initially ate human for the first time. This website is not for weak stomachs, and it’s a showcase of how disturbed some human beings are…
9. Personal Information Exposed
via thehackernews.com
There are many deep web sites that have one goal of taking revenge on ex-partners. These usually include posting personal pictures to embarrass their ex. However, one site on the deep web takes it a bit further. The website has many pictures of young adult women, and they range from SFW to NSFW. The website pays users to post photos of former partners, however it doesn’t end there.
The website also encourages users to publish these women’s personal information. This can include full names, addresses, and social media links. Aside from just embarrassing these poor girls, it can also put them into serious danger. The website has had stories that have led to some girls who were featured on the website to commit suicide. Luckily, the website was shut down by an international police operation.
8. Medical Experiments
via: nbcnews.com
A known type of website on the deep web is what is known as a “red room.” We won’t go into detail about what a red room is, but you can take our word that it’s something you don’t want to find out. There is a website in which there are several archived photos of human experimentation. These range from old videos in mental hospitals where they would perform sick acts, like lobotomies.
The site has a dark message right away, and has a title that states not all humans are created equal. This is their way of justifying them archiving these sick experiments. The website gets much deeper, and much worse, but we will spare you from those nightmares. Nobody knows if these sights actually exists, as there is no real way of proving it except to visit the site yourself, which is not recommended.
7. Coffin Viewing
via: ytimg.com
This one is fairly self-explanatory. This website hosts a vast variety of photos of people in coffins. These pictures come from many different places like funeral homes, morticians’ offices and in the graveyard before the body is buried. This website will make you question who is actually using the website for their own benefit. You also have to wonder who are the people actually posting the photos in the first place…
It gets more messed up. There is a comment section on the photos where onlookers can pay their respects. Some users comment on how beautiful the corpses look, and if that doesn’t send a chill down your spine, what will? That is one of the more tame comments. The whole website is messed up, and is a hub for people who need to get out more.
6. Sad Satan
via: ytimg.com
A game called Sad Satan has made its rounds across the Internet since it was discovered on the deep web a few years ago. The game was first discovered by a Youtube channel, and it’s said one of the viewers was on the deep web when they came across the game. After checking the link for viruses, the Youtuber played the terrifying game in front of his audience.
The game isn’t really a game, but more of an experience. There is no real gameplay; you just walk. The walls and pretty much everything the player views is made up of lights and shadows that create a disturbing scenery. Static images will pop in and out as the player makes their way through the game. Several images show child abuse, and it seems that is what the purpose of the game is. It’s said the game will create text pad files on the player’s computer that read “666” and other demonic messages…
5. Demon Hunting
via: vignette.net
There is a website on the deep web completely dedicated to providing step by step instructions on how to summon a real demon. This has caused demon hunting enthusiasts to come out and express their love for summoning new and old demons. It’s unknown if the practices on the website actually work, as there has been no evidence posted to the webpage. The only way to find out would be to practice them yourself.
There are other websites similar to this, but they take it a step further in making a buck off of these supposed demon enthusiasts. They offer kits to start summoning demons that typically include a ouija board, and different tools to begin a summoning ceremony. This is all just a way to make a quick buck, or to pull a prank on these demon hunters… or is it?
4. Hire a Hitman
via: gosunoob.com
As mentioned before, you can buy a lot on the deep web through its black market ties. One of these things is a hitman. Sadly, we’re not talking about a copy of the popular video game Hitman, but an actual hired gun. Many websites are dedicated to hosting a marketplace for these hitmen. They use the currency known as bitcoin, a popular currency used on the dark web marketplace.
Bitcoin helps with remaining anonymous on both ends of the transaction. One website offers hits in the USA/Canada and in Europe. These range from 10,000 dollars to 12,000 dollars. Typically prices change depending on the target (i.e. if the target is a politician, it will cost way more). These hits can go up to 100,000 dollars or more, and it’s usually a base price of 10,000 for a normal person. It’s disturbing to know that a person’s life is held at a higher monetary value than another.
3. Death Sentence
via: vice.com
Plane crashes aren’t the only place you can hear someone’s last words. Inmates who are put on death row are usually given a chance to say their last words. These are usually recorded, and somehow they make their way onto website’s like this one. Strangely enough, these recording websites are fairly popular among deep web users. Many express that it’s not wrong to want to listen to these words, as the men who are saying them deserve death.
Many people look to these words in a desperate search to find words of wisdom. Who else would give the best advice than someone who is about to die? It’s strange that the state is required to record these final statements, but what is even more disturbing is how they’re now in the public’s hands and uploaded to the deep web.
2. Stolen Credit Cards
via: fthmb.tqn.com
Stolen and fake credit cards are among the many things you can buy on the deep web. They come at pretty cheap costs too! These credit cards come from all across the world, and are taken from unsuspecting people who sadly got their information stolen. People on these websites can also steal credit card information from someone you know, for a price that is.
These credit cards can be bought for as low as 40 dollars. That just goes to show how many of these credit cards are stolen per day and their information uploaded to marketplaces like this. This leads into the darker territories of faking IDs and passports. It seems like it comes straight from a spy movie, but this is sadly very real. There are many ways to protect your information, and if you practice them, you’re information is most likely safe.
1. Hacked Webcams
There are many websites on the deep web that host live streams of webcams. These webcams are hacked into and streamed for everyone to view. These cameras can be from computer webcams, all the way to security cameras. They typically film unsuspecting people going about their everyday life. However, sometimes it gets darker.
Some hackers, if skilled enough, can begin to play music from webcams. This is typically done to security cameras with speakers, or built in webcams on laptops. This can be anything from playing a clip of someone screaming in the middle of the night to wake up an unsuspecting person, to playing even more sinister sound clips. It will make you think twice about leaving your laptop open before you go to sleep at night.