15 Of The Most Ridiculous Demands Made By Celebrities
Being a celebrity earns you the right to give the most ridiculous of demands. As a celebrity. sometimes you don’t notice that you are already turning into a big baby. You have a platoon of people following your every whim no matter how extremely unpleasant they can get. Also, some celebrities have tantrums like toddlers when even the smallest details of their demands are not followed.
Jennifer Lopez was known for not wanting any “horrible” colours from distracting her when on tour. So, she firmly demands that her room should only be in the colour white – white walls, white ceiling, white flowers, white decors, white tables and chairs, white curtains, and white candles. She also demands to only have tepid water. Although that does not sound super crazy, that is just the tip of the iceberg. Other celebrities have worse demands.
Let’s take a peek, shall we?
15. Justin Bieber doesn’t want you to talk to him
Via: etonline.com
Pop singer Justin Bieber may not have eye-rolling requests unlike we expected. Initially, we thought he has lots of ridiculous demands, knowing how he behaves in public. However, almost all his demands are pretty tame like having herbal teas to keep his voice in the best condition, Ritz Bits (because he’s still a kid who loves Ritz Bits), Swedish fish cakes, and an assortment of white T-shirts.
The most ridiculous among his demands is that no one talk to him directly when on tour. Maybe so that he maintains his focus and doesn’t get nervous before coming out on stage.
14. Taylor Swift and her Starbucks
Via: amybucher.com
Apparently, Taylor Swift is a Starbucks lover. If she is arriving before 11 AM, she should have some Starbucks on hand. Her drinks are specific, according to businessinsider.com. According to her rider she should have, ” A Grande Caramel Latte (Iced) with two Sweet-n-Lows, a Grande American (Iced) with soy milk and two Sweet-n-Lows, and a slice of pumpkin loaf.” We can relate because without our morning coffee we are basically zombies walking around and knocking into things.
Taylor also loves ice cream so her room should have some Ben & Jerry’s available as well. Also, her tour bus is massive. Some even describe it as huge and fully-functional dorm room for her and her entourage.
13. Selena Gomez and her anti-Justin room
Via: huffingtonpost.com
Apparently, some of Selena Gomez’s demand may have been triggered by a recent heartbreak that she went through. There was one point in time when she firmly demanded that her room, while on tour, not to have anything reminiscent of her ex, Justin Bieber. She even required to not have anyone around named “Justin” during that time. Sometimes heartbreak really hurts, and we have all done some pretty bizarre things in an effort to get over our ex.
But all’s well that ends well. Selena has already moved on and this demand has already been off her list. She is pretty much happy with her love life now with her new beau, The Weeknd.
12. Rihanna and her munchies
Via: billboard.com
Pop singer Rihanna enjoys her snacks even when on tour. Some of her food requests include Haribo gummy bears, Oreos, and Babybel cheese. She also wants her fridge packed with Red Bull.
One of her weirdest requests though is to have blue or black drapes in her dressing room that is embellished by “icy blue chiffon”. That is how specific it can get with her. Moreover, she wants animal print (cheetah or leopard) throw rugs with not sequins and a non-leather couch only. Also, she wants expects that her carpet is super clean because she loves walking around barefoot. Seems reasonable enough?
11. Kanye West and his Versace towels
Via: huffingtonpost.com
Yeezus sweats because he is human like us after all. However, unlike us average humans who use any regular towel to wipe off our sweat, Kanye West demands that he only has Versace towels. Do you know how much each of his towels cost? $400 apiece.
Aside from expensive towels, Kanye also requires that he has a barber’s chair in his dressing room. On top of that, he should have access to a selection of fine alcohol.
One of the other ridiculous demands from Kanye was when he wanted the carpet in his dressing room to be ironed because it was “bumpy”.
10. Mariah Carey and her bendy straws
Via: isingmag.com
Mariah Carey loves some wine. She enjoys having some Cristal during the tour but she demands to have “bendy” straws to drink it with.
When it comes to room decor, she wants to have eight tall plants and two vases of white roses. She also wants her room fully covered with drapes.
Mariah is a celebrity who has many assistants. She requires that she has an assistant who will help her if she needs to go up or down the stairs. She also demands that her sugarless gum is disposed of by an assistant.
9. Lady Gaga and her weirdly specific requests
Via: billboard.com
The Mother Monster has some of the most absurd demands and some disturbing ones which are oddly specific. Apparently, Lady Gaga needs a huge space inside her dressing room to fit a whole smoothie station. Looks like she loves a good smoothie before the show.
When it comes to bath products, hers should only be lavender (both in colour and scent). Her room should only have leather couches and there should always be 28 bottles of water at room temperature and 28 other bottles that are cold.
One of her weirdest requests is to have a “mannequin with pink pubic hair”.
8. Britney Spears and Princess Diana
Via: bookmyshow.com
Britney Spears is back on tour and unlike before, her request for food is a lot different than before. During her younger years, Britney used to demand comfort food like fried chicken and Cheetos. She also wanted a stock of Red Bull to keep her energy high. Nowadays, she chooses to be healthier and she demands to not have any junk food in her room while on tour.
Although her food choices have changed, something does not change for Britney. Then and now, she always requires having a framed photo of Princess Diana in her room while on tour.
7. Lindsay Lohan and meeting the Russian President
Via: pinterest.com
At the top of her career, Lindsay Lohan’s demands when on tour were some of the most ridiculous. For instance, she requires having a private jet while on tour. She brings all assistants for personal grooming including a hairstylist, a makeup artist, and a manicurist.
Also, during her time touring around the world, she demanded to have a one-year Russian visa. Another ridiculous demand was that she has a private meeting with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.
As icing on the cake, Lindsay demanded to have a penthouse suite at the Ritz-Carlton as well. We wonder if she would be able to make any of these excessive demands now that she is no longer an A-lister.
6. Adele and her disposable lighter
Via: thesun.co.uk
There’s a fire starting in my heart…
Soul singer Adele loves a good smoke. When on tour, she specifically demands to have a pack of Marlboro Lights on hand all the time with a disposable lighter always nearby. Since she smokes, she also has to have a variety of gums around her at all times. She also requests for only the best red wine that they can get.
When it comes to food, Adele loves her sandwiches but she specifically requests that her sandwiches have no tomato, vinegar, or citrus fruits. No spicy food as well as she requires no chili in her food.
5. Katy Perry and her 45-page demand
Via: ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com
When it comes to being specific with tour demands, no one gets it more detailed than Katy Perry. Apparently, she has a 45-page order that details all that should happen in all corners of her room. Her demands are so specific such that for food, she requires freeze-dried strawberries.
Katy does not want carnations. She is okay with other flowers like roses, hydrangeas, and peonies, but never put carnations in her room. What’s with all the carnation hate? She is also very specific with having a glass-door refrigerator and French lamps. Like the Biebs, Katy does not want anyone on staff talking to her directly.
4. Madonna and her massive entourage
Via: madonnarama.com
She is not the Queen of Pop for nothing. Madonna looks perfect all the time and performs amazingly well, thanks to her 200-person entourage. Her crew is composed of 30 personal bodyguards, chefs, yoga instructor, acupuncturist, and a plethora of assistants to help her out. Apparently, she also requires having a personal dry cleaner while on tour. How is it possible to travel with such a large entourage when you are touring the world? We suppose when you are Madonna anything is possible.
When it comes to food, Madonna also requires a selection of vegan food despite not being vegan. Her room is similar to a huge call center because she demands to have 20 international phone lines available.
3. Cher and her separate room for wigs
Via: youtube.com
A diva in her own right, Cher has some of the ridiculous demands when she is on tour, but many say what she asks for is worth it. Who wouldn’t want to see Cher perform live?
For instance, in a specific tour, Cher asked that she should have a separate room aside from her dressing room. The additional room will be used to keep all her wigs, hairpieces, and costumes. She is popular for being an all-out performer with her iconic costumes so it is just right that she has that other room.
Moreover, Cher requested to only have black cups in her room. She also requires having Aloe Vera tissues, whatever that is.
2. Jay-Z and luxury cars
Via: highsnobiety.com
When on tour, Jay-Z requires that he should be picked up to and from the venue by only a Maybach. The American rapper is known for his fondness for luxury cars, hence, the requirement. Not only does he ask for a Maybach, he also requires that he drives it. Well, at least you save on cost on the driver.
Before, Jay-Z used to demand to have access to some of the most expensive alcohol available, including a $300 bottle of champagne. However, on his recent tours, he had all request for alcohol removed on the list. We suppose he is trying to be more responsible now that he is a father.
1. Beyonce and her 78-degree room
Via: grazia.com.au
She isn’t Queen Bey for nothing. With top hits and always sold-out concerts, Beyonce has earned every right even to ask for the craziest of demands. For instance, one of her specific demands is to keep her dressing room at 78 degrees. Moreover, she also specifically says not to put any Coca-Cola products near her as she is in a contract with Pepsi.
When it comes to food, Beyonce asks for heavily seasoned chicken legs. Take note, in her demand notes, “heavily seasoned” is in all caps so that no one misses it. She wants her chicken heavily seasoned with cayenne pepper, and parts should be legs, wings, and breasts only.