15 Ridiculous Intimate Rituals From Around the World
The world is beautiful but very strange. How much do you know about the world you are living in? You may say, “A lot.” No, you are wrong. The world has surprised you several times by revealing some “interesting” facts. Well, we’re about to reveal a list of 15 rather strange sexual rituals practiced around the world. And they are pretty ridiculous.
From reproduction to recreation and beyond, sex has a place in every culture. You may think that coitus is a pleasant but straightforward experience but there are certain regions in the world where people take their sexual proclivities to the next level! The reasons behind these customs may be related to tradition, culture, or general kinkiness. In any case, these rituals go way beyond the sex life of a common man. After going through these 15 rituals you will start believing in Albert Einstein’s quote: “Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity.” From drinking semen to sharing wives among brothers, these bizarre rituals will surely stun you. So, don’t wait anymore and have a look at these 15 absurd sexual rituals practiced (some, even in 2017) around the world.
15. Drinking Semen
Via everythingtourism.blogspot.in
Yes, they do. A primitive Sambian tribe in Papua New Guinea has been practicing the custom of drinking semen for a very long time. This ritual is a way of showing off their manhood. In Sambian tribe, little boys are not allowed to be around women after reaching the age of seven and they start living with men for ten years. It keeps them away from sexual activities and also eliminates the chances of getting seduced by married women. During this period, boys will give blowjob to the elders. If they are able to swallow the semen, they are considered boys with the potential to grow into men. The Sambia tribe strongly believe that drinking semen can help young boys become physically strong. After consuming the semen, they perform other homoerotic rituals as well. It’s a very open culture indeed!
14. Older Women Having Sex With Young Boys
Via rebelcircus.com
Have you heard of Mangaia? It’s an island in the South Pacific Oceans. Mangaian boys start masturbating at the age of 8 or 9. When they turn 13, they must participate in a weird ritual. Elders will perform a surgery on a young boy’s penis and then will teach him about sex by…well having sex with him. So called “elders” are not actual medical doctors, but they are considered experts in operating on the penis. Of course, it’s terrible and highly risky. After two weeks, the boy will have coitus with older women who already have enough experience in the field of sex. She will teach him how to have sex, and that piece of information will help him in the future.
13. Love Huts For Sex
Via westender.com
Parenting styles are unique in different countries and cultures. In fact, religion, tradition, and education play a dominant role in shaping one’s perception about parenting. In a tribe called Kreung, the parenting style is redefined, but not in a socially acceptable manner. This Cambodian tribe leads a relatively simple life. Food, shelter, love and sex, nothing else. In order to provide young girls with a thorough sex education, they implement an interesting concept known as a “Love Hut.” Fathers build a bamboo hut for their young girls who are in the age group of 13 to 15. In the Love Hut young girls can spend private time with random guys from their tribe. According to Kreung folk, premarital sex helps girls find a right match for them. A girl can have more than one guy at a time in her Love Hut. If she likes anyone, she can tie a wedding knot after consulting with her parents!
12. Wife Stealing Festival
Via westender.com
Taking part in a beauty pageant competition is almost everyone’s dream, but only a few get the opportunity. Here in the Wodaabe tribe of Sahel, men are super lucky because Wodaabe’s annual beauty contest is meant for them! And the reward is most exciting, something that you can never guess. Yes, a handsome man can impress his tribe’s married women and “steal” them away from their current husbands. However, impressing Wodaabe ladies is not an easy task, and men reportedly spend a minimum of 6 hours applying facial makeup. Three women judge the “Yake” dance performed by the men and the winner can choose any Wodaabe woman as his life partner. Women are free to leave their husband if they accept a marriage proposal from their new beau. This wife stealing festival is called “Gerewol” and it’s held in September every year.
11. Puberty Party
Via wikimedia.org
Menstruation is a significant sign of puberty. And most young teens on their very first period are very shy and guarded. After all the body is going through many changes and it takes time to adjust. And of course they hold the right to their privacy. But in Sri Lanka and in the southern part of India, families arrange a ceremony for girls soon after they get their first menstrual period. This puberty ceremony may look like a wedding to you because the family spend a lot of money on arrangements. It’s basically a big party. This century-old practice was started for a reason. In the olden days, it was an opportunity for a girl’s family to convey the message that they have an eligible bachelorette at home. This would then usher in marriage proposals from eligible bachelors. This age-old tradition is still celebrated with joy and fervour.
10. Capturing Men For Sex
Via bewelltravelled.wordpress.com
Are you thinking of visiting the Kiriwina islands (Trobriand Islands) all alone this summer? It’s not a wise choice, and here’s why. In the Kiriwina islands, tribes celebrate the “Yam festival.” What sets this festival apart from the one’s you’re used to is that during the celebrations the women can capture any man they want and have sex with him. Tribal chiefs grant their permission for this weird practice, so women can enjoy sex without the fear of punishment. However, they are not allowed to capture a man from their own tribe. Usually, men do not roam alone during the Yam festival season since they are aware of the custom. If a man is not able to perform well during intercourse, the unsatisfied partner can urinate on his face!
9. Wife Swapping Culture
Via ask.naij.com
Namibia’s nomadic tribes have been practicing “okujepisa omukazendu” and they are happy about it. The literal meaning of “okujepisa omukazendu” is “offering a wife to a guest,” or in even simpler terms, you can just call it “wife swapping.” Women are often asked to sleep with their husband’s friends. These tribes live in the northwestern Kunene region near the Angolan border, and far away from mainstream society. The modern lifestyle is totally an alien concept to them and they continue to obediently practice what they have learned from their ancestors. Educated individuals as well as international and local organizations have raised their voice against the custom of wife swapping.
8. Breast Ironing Practice
Via express.co.uk
Feeling an attraction to the opposite sex is a rule of nature, but in Cameroonian culture the word “sex” is associated with several taboos. Some Cameroonian communities do not want their girls to have beautiful breasts because they believe that it will attract men. So, they flatten their young girls’ breasts with hot instruments. Usually, the custom of “breast ironing” takes place when the girl reaches puberty. Cameroonian parents protect their daughters from having sex from a very young age. In their perspective, girls will discontinue their education if they find a lover while they are still at school. Victims of this evil practice encounter several health issues like cysts, breast cancer etc. Of course, the horrific childhood memory may haunt them for the rest of their life.
7. Pederasty Or Boy Love
Via Homo Express
Greece is known for its rich cultural contribution to the world. However, very few are aware of the openly homosexual customs that were practiced in Greece during antiquity. Older men were allowed to have sex with adolescent youth, and this practice was called “paiderastia,” which means “boy love.” Older men, know as “erastes,” had the duty of educating and guiding the youngsters or “eromenos” as they prepared to transition into adulthood. Young boys could continue their family bonding while having a close relationship with an adult male. Paiderastia was followed with respect and intended to be pleasurable for both the partners. This practice was so common and so fervently practiced that it is depicted in many Greek paintings and artwork.
6. Pon Festival
Via: huffingtonpost.com
Pon festival is celebrated in Java, Indonesia. Those who are crazy about the Pon festival must reach a hilltop shrine called Gunung Kemukus without failure. People believe that having a sex during the Pon festival will make them lucky. So, they spend a night with random strangers on the hilltop. Getting lucky is so easy this way, isn’t it? This festival takes place seven times in a year and one must have sex with the same person all seven times in order to get lucky. Participants also offer flowers and prayers at the gravesite of Pangeran Samodro, an offspring of a Javanese king. On YouTube, you will find tons of fascinating videos about the Pon festival.
5. Having Sex With Donkeys
Via reference.com
Boys have sex with donkeys in the northern Colombian town of Cartagena. Yes, it sounds awkward, but it is true. It is practiced as a socially approved tradition that helps young boys transition into manhood. Kids are trained by their fathers before they have sex with an unsuspecting donkey. Apparently they can get addicted to this weird and unhealthy form of sex. But the followers have a different opinion about this form of donkey love. According to them, a man will possess great sexual potential to satisfy his future wife by having multiple sexual experiences with a donkey. It will make their penis bigger and also stop them from indulging in homosexual relationship, which is not accepted in the Catholic community. Yeah, no homosexuality, but bestiality will get a thumbs up.
4. Pleasure Marriage In Iran
The “pleasure marriage” system in Iran is something foreign to the Western world. This practice is known as an Al-mut’ah marriage and it is practiced by the people who follow Twelver Shia Islam. Essentially, a man and a woman get into a verbal or written agreement to get married, and a dowry amount is also decided at the same time. This marriage is not legally binding and it can come to an end at any point in time. An unmarried woman can consent to more than one Al-mut’ah marriage. However, only after she experience two menstrual cycles will she be eligible for a second marriage. In this marriage system, men benefit greatly since they can have sex with a lady without making any commitments to the marriage bond. And the woman in turn is usually helped financially.
3. Mardudjara Aboriginal Rite
Via webpages.uidaho.edu
The Mardudjara Aboriginal rite in Australia is a threshold to pass for young boys before they enter into manhood. Elders of the tribe take teenagers to a secluded place and start dancing around them. At the same time, another group of elders start to cry loud. They then proceed to remove the outer skin of a boy’s genital and asks him to swallow it. Genital skin is considered good food for a young boy’s body. After some days, the elders will make a split on the young boy’s penis and the blood will be thrown into the fire. Thereafter, the boy will squat and urinate just like a woman. In the opinion of some anthropologists, this custom was started in order to sympathize with women.
2. Initiation Camps
Via altereddimensions.net
In the south African country of Malawi, young boys and girls undergo a social ritual called “initiation” that confiscates their beautiful childhood. These kids are sent to initiation camps to learn how to have sex. The “anamkungwi” or women chiefs teach them various sex positions and kids will practice accordingly. In addition to this, they are taught chisamba, a dance to please their future husbands.
Families strongly support this “initiation” and the children have very little choice but to participate in the rituals. No one has the courage to break the age-old practice. They are not encouraged to use any contraceptives like a condom, so the chances of getting sexually transmitted diseases are very high too.
1. Polyandry
Via terraproject.net
Polyandry is not strange for the communities that are living in the Himalayan villages of India and Nepal. In fact, polyandry has no legal basis in Nepal, but some communities are still practicing it. Basically, brothers marry the same woman and live under the same roof. This practice is to ensure that they do not have to divide the family property between each other. Elders of the family choose the right match for their first son, and later his sibling will also tie the wedding knot with the same woman. Both brothers are considered the father to their wife’s kids and they enjoy a close bond. The wife must consent to having sex with both her husbands and must not discriminate between the brothers. However, this practice is losing its stronghold in the 21st century.
Sources: askmen.com, dailymail.com, vice.com, elitedaily.com, theatlantic.com