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15 Ridiculous Ways New Yorker’s Complied With The “Carry Your Dog” Law

Lifestyle, Travel
15 Ridiculous Ways New Yorker’s Complied With The “Carry Your Dog” Law

New York City introduced a new law some time ago for the subway systems. No, it wasn’t about panhandlers or even showering before getting on for a ride. Those would be good new laws to look into though. No, the new law was about people who take their dogs on the subway. It stated that if people want take their pooch for a ride with them on the subway, that they have to be in some kind of carrier. This isn’t a problem for some of the smaller dogs but once you reach the medium to bigger sized dogs, well, you can see where the problems might arise.

Residents of The Big Apple quickly got wise to potential solutions, and some of the things that have been used are quite funny to see. You have to wonder how well behaved some of these dogs must be to stay in their carriers without trying to escape. Some of the solutions look to be pretty comfortable for them though, and that may be one of the reasons that they stay put.

Today you are going to laugh when you see some of the solutions that are used on the New York subway system. If you have a pooch and need a carrier, you might just come up with a few new ideas here today!

15. Black dog in white bag


This woman has taken an ordinary bag and turned it into her own dog carrier for the subway. It looks like there is plenty of room for her pooch and the dog doesn’t seem to have a problem with anything at all. The stylish looking bag looks to be not only roomy but soft as well. This guy looks like he is the perfect tenant for it too!

She obviously chose her new carrier wisely but not as wisely as she chose her seat.  Just look at that bench… it has got to be the cleanest subway bench in all of New York!

14. Is it nap time yet?


This little guy looks to be very comfortable in this canvas type looking bag. Since he is a smaller dog he is a perfect fit for the form fitting canvas. As a matter of fact, he looks so comfortable that it looks like he is about to fall asleep at any moment.

Those brown eyes tell the story that he is obviously isn’t bothered at all by having to go inside of a bag in order to ride the subway. You’ve got to get there some way right? It looks like when they arrive at their destination, that the woman can easily put him over her shoulder so everyone wins!

13. Husky on the go


This gentleman needed to come up with a solution when the new law went into effect. You can bet that plenty of thought went into how he would take his Husky on the subway with him. It turns out just a regular carrying bag will do the trick.

The stylish white bag with blue trim is a perfect fit for the husky in anyone’s life. The dog obviously has plenty of room to sit down and also has a clear view of everything around them. Being close to its owner is just an added bonus. What more could a dog ask for?

12. Red is her color


This little girl looks to be taking up shop in a comfortable looking red canvas bag. Since she isn’t that big a medium sized bag does the trick just nicely. She is small enough that she fits right there on the seat next her mom and has a great view of everything going on inside the subway car. After all, just because they are on the subway, that doesn’t mean that a dog’s work is done. Mom must be protected at all times. At any cost!

She doesn’t look to pose too big of a threat to anyone sitting next to them though. She looks like a calm, content little girl.

11. Beagle in a bag


This picture comes to us from the user known as ‘beagle in a big’ on reddit and you can certainly see why the shot is worth of inclusion here today. The little guy looks more than comfortable, not to mention cute, in his white canvas bag with green trim. If he has any complaints it might be that the bag isn’t as roomy as some of the others that he sees on his subway ride. It looks like his moms purse might be inside the bag with him, judging from the additional strap hanging out. It doesn’t appear to be bothering him much though so maybe all is good today!

10. The stroller


Since the new law went into effect, people all over the city have been coming up with some truly great ideas to transport their dogs on the subway. A lot went out and bought carrier bags but this guy had other ideas. He went to the easiest choice he could find; the stroller!

This little pooch looks extremely comfortable and there is obviously plenty of room in there for him to maneuver around. The cup holder next to the handle is a nice touch so dad can place his cup inside without worry of spilling. This looks like it should be a top choice for everyone!

9. The backpack


This woman has found another perfect solution for the new subway law; a backpack! Her little guy looks like he is enjoying the ride too so it’s a win win situation for all involved. He loves how he can sit comfortably on her back, and see everything coming toward them by taking a peek over her shoulder. As a matter of fact, he looks like he just might be more comfortable than she is. You can clearly see in his eyes that he knows where they are going, and he can’t wait for the ride! “Come on mom, can’t you walk a little faster!?”

8. What are you looking at?


“Look man, this clearly wasn’t my idea. Mom said I have to go and this is the only way they will let me on the subway now. Yes I know I am the same colors as the bag, but to my defense, it’s quite obvious that I had no say in the matter. Now go ahead and move on, the show’s over. There is nothing to see here!”

This little guy looks like there are plenty of other places that he’d rather be. but he sure is cute isn’t he? He blends in with the bag so well that plenty of people probably didn’t even realize the bag contained a rider.

7. The military bag


I’m not real sure if this is an actual military bag or not but it sure looks roomy and this medium sized dog looks to have absolutely no problems with roominess. As a matter of fact he looks quite comfortable lying on his owner’s lap, inside of the bag.

A dog this size though looks like it might hurt the neck and shoulders a bit. The bag looks like it supports the weight by spreading it out over both shoulders. It would work similar to how a backpack distributes weight. Neither of them looks like they are having a bad day though, so all must be good!

6. One word… cute!


This little girl has a prime spot and looks like she is plenty good to go! It’s a good day when you can get an end spot on the subway, because that’s one less person who can sit next to you. It’s an even better day when you are styling a nice looking green canvas bag with blue trim. The bag is obviously plenty roomy that allows for plenty of comfort and as you can see, it curls over the top for warmth on those colder winter days. The bandana is a very nice touch and she is definitely one of the better dressed riders of that day!

5. The over-sized backpack


The oversized backpack is a popular choice for the medium to larger sized dogs. This man bought a large sized one and his loyal pooch fits inside quite nicely. Put it over his shoulders, across his back and the pair is ready to hit the subway.

This one doesn’t look to be as comfy as some of the other bags, but it doesn’t look like he is too angry about it. Most dogs like going for rides and this guy doesn’t seem to be much different. He is probably envious though of his four legged friends, when he sees them on the subway in roomier, canvas bags. Take notes dad!

4. The baby carrier


This man figured what better way to carry a pooch than in something that is already designed for carrying something? Baby carriers are designed to hold babies either in front of or on the back of mom or dad, so a small pooch should fit in quite nicely. As you can see, it was a good thought process because the little guy looks to be a perfect fit.

He doesn’t look to be uncomfortable at all and is probably looking forward to the upcoming ride. As he should be though. You can see by the look in his eyes, even though he is on his owners back, he is still on patrol, scanning the area for potential threats!

3. She’s a champion!


This cutie is looking more than a little comfortable inside, what looks to be, a Champion hockey equipment bag. There is obviously plenty of room for this medium sized pooch, and she obviously isn’t camera shy either. You can hear what’s going through her head as the photo is snapped can’t you?

“What, you’ve never seen anything like this before? Seriously, it’s the best of both worlds. As you can see I’m laying down, quite comfortably. At the same time I’m right next to dad. I couldn’t ask for a better solution to this dumb law that doesn’t allow us to walk freely on the subway anymore. I win!”

2. The over-sized purse


This woman was already set when the new law went into effect. What woman doesn’t have plenty of purses to choose from to match her favorite outfit? This lady obviously had one that was big enough to fit her pooch in so he could ride the subway with her. He looks a little unsure of things though, probably because he isn’t facing forward.

It looks like it’s a nice leather purse though, which looks to offer comfort, softness and plenty of room for the little guy. If she threw it over her shoulder it might be easier to carry though, along with allowing the pooch to see where they are headed. That would probably make his ride a little better.

1. The small backpack


This woman has found the perfect solution to bring her little guy on the subway with her! The small backpack looks to be the perfect size for him and with him sitting upright he can see everything that is going on around them. Being able to place a paw on mom’s shoulder is just an added bonus for this cute pooch.

As you can see though, he takes his rides seriously, and he doesn’t have time to stop for photographs. He loves his subway rides and he doesn’t like being held up on getting a good spot for the ride. “Keep it moving mom before all the good spots are taken!”

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