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15 Scariest Ghost Sightings Caught On Tape By Youtubers

15 Scariest Ghost Sightings Caught On Tape By Youtubers

Youtube is a place where hours upon hours of video content is uploaded daily. This means there are sure to be weird things picked up on camera, whether intended or not. There are plenty of videos that showcase the paranormal and go out of their way to search for it. While others happen upon it mistakenly, and they sometimes don’t even catch it. These apparitions are most noticed during editing, or by viewers watching the video.

A lot of ghost videos on Youtube are of course faked and they’re to make ad revenue off of clickbait. It works well, because people are generally intrigued by the unknown. If you’ve captured evidence of the unknown, flocks of people will come to see if it’s actually real. Sometimes video proof isn’t always enough. Skeptics will always be around, their catchphrase is “I’ll believe it when I see it”. Who can blame them? A lot of editing software now is easy to use to make things look real. A simple door shutting could be made with green screen effects, or a string that was masked out later in the editing room. This makes it hard to come by a video that seems so real, because it rules out these editing tricks. They are out there, and they’re hard to explain.

15. Ghost Scratch

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During a 24-hour overnight stay in a house that had a murder take place, this Youtuber experienced something disturbing. While filming, he felt a burning sensation down his back. Complaining about it so much, he asked his colleagues to take a look at his back. He lifted his shirt and revealed three scratches across his back.

This shocked the people investigating with him, and they all felt uneasy after that. Moments later, the same scratches appeared on a woman who was investigating with them. The scratches showed up in generally the same position as on the original person. After only about three or four hours at the house, they decided to flee the site, and gave up on their 24-hour investigation. Who could blame them?

14. Mimic

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Famous Youtube vlogger Jake Paul was hopping a fence, when something strange was caught on tape in the background of his video. It looks like a white figure performing the same action Jake is. It’s only on screen for a few seconds, and it was so unnoticeable that Jake didn’t even see it when filming. It was picked up by commenters later after the video was uploaded.

This could easily have been faked by the person editing Jake’s vlog, but the little concern/knowledge Jake showed during the recording suggests otherwise. The figure while unnoticeable, is very saturated, and doesn’t look to be see-through at all. If it was a ghost, it was very interested to see where Jake was going, and wanted to follow.

13. Smoke Ghost

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Logan Paul, another famous Youtube vlogger ran across something a bit more paranormal than he was used to. The team was investigating a house that was allegedly haunted. They were walking around the premises when Logan shined a light to the building, and caught something moving in front of his friend.

That thing was presumed to be a ghost by many, like Logan Paul, and his fan base. Logan analyzes the video and claims that it wasn’t staged, and it is a hundred percent real. He even gets scared by the video. The mist formed does seem unnatural, and it is most likely not someone’s breath. It doesn’t have the same pattern as a breath would, and it was most likely not cold that night since it was in LA during the summer.

12. Kinect Ghost

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A gaming rig that Microsoft released with the Xbox 360, and now the Xbox One has a peripheral called the Kinect. The Kinect is basically a camera rig webcam that picks up users who use their Xbox. It can read movements, hear voices, and command the Xbox for you. Its main use is for video games, and voice chat, however would you believe it could be used as a ghost hunting device?

Not many people would believe that, but on several occasions it has. Someone who had been experiencing paranormal activity in their kitchen set up the Kinect, and caught something strange. Just as a cabinet opened by itself, a quick wireframe of a human body clipped into frame. It was only there for a second, but it was standing right where someone who would’ve opened the cabinet would be standing.

11. Mirror

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During a trip to look at new homes, a Youtuber may have run across something extraordinary. They had looked at a total of five homes, and were vlogging their visit. Entering one of the homes, the vlogger joked that the place was haunted. As time passed, he realized it wasn’t a joke, and he started to feel uneasy.

His girlfriend snapped a quick picture in one of the bedrooms, with the bathroom still visible in the shot. If you look closely in the mirror in the bathroom, it looks like a face looking back at them. The face has dark eyes, and long black or brown hair. Needless to say, they didn’t end up buying the house, and for good reason!

10. Ghost Stalker

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Like many on this list, this vlogger doesn’t solely do paranormal content on his channel. He does vlogs, gaming content, and other things. However, recently he’s built a die-hard audience when he started to enter the realm of the paranormal. While in Peru, this vlogger was walking past a house that had supposed dark spirits haunting it.

While walking past it at night, he thought he saw a shadow in the window. Quickly grabbing his camera to capture it, he stared down the window above him, waiting to capture it again. Sure enough while shining a light in one of the exposed windows, a shadow figure darted across his light. Freaked, he jogged away from the house to a safe distance to process what he’d just seen. It seems even when he’s not vlogging the ghosts, won’t leave him alone.

9. Paranormal Activity

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A Youtuber whose channel is completely based on the paranormal built his channel around his house, which is supposedly haunted. He explained his suspicions, and some ghost hunters told him to set up a camera in his bedroom. They explained if he were able to catch anything, it’d be in there.

Sure enough, one night he captured something disturbing. Right around four in the morning while he and his wife were sleeping, their closet door shot open. It didn’t shut back, and it was quiet for a while. After some time, the side table lamp was dragged off the table. Still not awoken by the racket, they stayed sound asleep. It gets worse. A woman or small girl’s head can be seen peeking over the edge of the bed, and staring at the sleeping couple. It quickly ducks back down, and disappears for the rest of the night.

8. Security Camera

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A Youtube streamer caught something strange on her security camera outside, one day in 2017. Reviewing it, she made a video explaining her worry for it being something paranormal. Most viewers passed it off as a lens flare, but others say it’s shaped too much like a man to be a lens flare.

Another clip shows her during a live stream. She’s taking a break from playing, and is staring down. Her mouth is in the shot, and is obviously not moving. During this, you can hear a faint female voice speaking into the mic. Everyone is convinced it wasn’t her due to the visibility of her mouth, and the clear audio of the apparition’s voice. Another clip of her while she was live streaming shows an audible bang. It just so happened to occur after she was talking about paranormal activity. These may all be coincidences, but it is certainly strange that they all happen around the same time.

7. Attacked

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Jesse from the BFvsGF Youtube channel started a vlog at around 2 in the morning. A strange time to pull the camera out, and start vlogging right? It turns out something had attacked Jesse in his sleep, and he woke up from the pain. He explained it felt like someone had dropped something on his eye.

Viewers thought perhaps he was sleepwalking, but Jesse had never shown signs of sleepwalking in the past. His girlfriend explained that their cats were acting strange, and there was a weird aura in the room. Of course this means that one of the cats could’ve accidentally cut Jesse in his sleep, while trying to walk over him or something. What makes this even stranger is that their channel has never featured paranormal activity before, and it would’ve been out of place for them to make a video like this.

6. Spirit Interaction

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Another clip utilizing the Xbox’s Kinect feature shows a full body apparition’s wireframe again, but this time it stays on screen for minutes. At first the team put on an old record in the house, and captured a wireframe in the corner of their monitor. It looked to be dancing. Its arms were moving as if it was performing an old dance from decades ago.

Once they turned the music off, the figure took a seat on the couch. It is clear that the spirit is sitting, since the wireframe is keeping in frame. One of the investigators walked over to where the spirit was sitting, and extended her arm. At first, the spirit visibly pulled away in fear, but after a few minutes it took her hand. This is the most convincing evidence of a spirit, because it would be hard to fake something like this, given the strange technology of the Kinect.

5. Dark Challenges


A popular thing to do on Youtube is the newest challenge. Maybe you’re not too unfamiliar with the cinnamon challenge, or things of that nature. These challenges extend into the paranormal, and offer terrifying content for Youtubers to try. During one night, a Youtuber and his friends were attempting some of these challenges, and they got a response.

At first, they were just blowing out of the candles they set up, but it soon escalated. A light they had set up in the corner of the room started to violently shake, and fell towards the group. Frightened, they sprinted off the couch, and flew across the room. They collected their nerves, and attempted to finish the challenge. Next, their screen door fell off its hinges, and the light fell again, and ended up breaking. They all explained that there was no way they could’ve faked it, since they were all positioned far away from the light, and door.

4. Angry Grandpa

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During a rant by the Youtube channel angry grandpa, something strange was picked up in the background. While the angry grandpa was shouting at the camera, a strange figure can be seen behind his garbage can. It’s only visible for a second, since the camera panned that way, and when the figure saw it was visible, it ducked out of the way.

Angry Grandpa didn’t take notice to this, and continued on with the video. It’s not until it was uploaded that viewers took notice of it, and began speculating. Some people say it was just a nosy kid who wandered into their yard. This is logical, but the kid never comes out, and the camera lingers there for enough time to be able to see someone leave the premises.

3. Cemetery Ghost

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During one afternoon, two men take notice of a lady dressed all in white walking through a graveyard. Her walk pattern is weird, and that’s why they take notice of her. One of them shouts from their apartment window to her. There was no response. A general sense fear entered one of them, and he explained not to antagonize her anymore.

She continued to walk through the graveyard, and picking stuff off of other people’s graves. The man who was originally shouting at her continued as she got further from them. He shouted, “You’re scaring me!” She walked even further away, and began to walk in circles for a bit. After that she disappeared behind a tombstone. The two freaked out, and waited for her to reappear on the other side, but she never did.

2. Joe Weller

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Joe Weller took an interest in making one of his typical videos, but changed the location of it. He chose a supposed haunted abandoned mental asylum. The video he was making was a quiz game his friend Elliot and him would play while in the asylum. During one of the questions, things turn weird.

You can hear someone say “Joe” or “You alright?” The pair immediately respond. A shriek from a small child follows, and they were confused as to what to do. They believed it to be children messing with them, and they tried to communicate with them. They then got rocks and debris thrown at them from the room. They went to investigate and found no one in the asylum. They exited the same way they came in and found no one on the premises. They explained at the end how it couldn’t have been children, because they would’ve seen them outside the asylum, or heard them leave.

1. Wrestling

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A video uploaded about some friends wrestling in their house captured something strange. He maps out where all of his friends are, and explains that the figure that dashes across the screen couldn’t have been any of his friends. The figure looked like he was chasing the two boys who were wrestling.

It seems they were all accounted for, and there is no way it could be any of the boys visible in the video. The movement of the apparition is very quick, and would almost be impossible for a human, going that speed after the two boys who were just off the side of the camera.

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