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15 More Odd Things Hidden In Pics (That Will Convince People Of The Underworld)

15 More Odd Things Hidden In Pics (That Will Convince People Of The Underworld)

Pictures are taken everyday to capture people’s memories of special events. What if the pictures taken have strange things lurking in the background. This is a more common phenomenon than people may think. This is even more true with the increase of the ability to take a photo anywhere, anytime. Some of these pictures date back to when cameras were first invented, and some are taken with the latest smartphone.

These photos feature some things you wouldn’t expect. A picture of a little girl’s birthday party features a very angry demon lurking in the background. A forest shows living proof of a gnome. These photos are taken everyday, and it’s usually not realized until the person who took the pictures looks through them after the fact. This makes things even more creepy knowing that there was a strange creature present when the photo was taken, and they had no knowledge of it.

If you have a box of old photos, you may want to go through them. You could even just go through the camera roll on your smartphone. You may find something truly creepy lying in the background of your favourite selfie…

15. Demon Under the Bed


A girl is seen in her bed, possibly in a dorm room, and she seems pretty happy. However, if you take a closer look in the crack of her bed in the right most corner, you can see something strange. Looking back at the camera it appears to be some sort of face. It could be that of another person, or even a demon. Both cases are just as terrifying as the other.

If it’s a human it could be an intruder waiting for the girl to go to sleep to strike, or if it’s a demon, then it’s likely trying to hide, stopping it from being identified. It’s likely the girl in the photo has no idea that the creature is under her bed, and probably didn’t notice it until this picture was posted, and concerned friends pointed it out.

14. Reflection in the Mirror


This picture is simple, and shows a picture of someone taking a selfie. However, when you look past the person in the picture, and look to the bottom left of the photo you can see a mirror. The mirror is reflecting something truly terrifying. The mirror seems to be reflecting some sort of demon face. The face definitely doesn’t look human, and seems to be somewhat transparent.

It’s obvious the person didn’t see the creature until after posting the picture, and comments pointed it out. Many told the person to get rid of the mirror, and hope that the demon face isn’t possessing the house, but just the mirror. Mirrors can also be known to host alternative realities, and act as portals to our world, so if you ever see something strange in a mirror, it’s best to get rid of it, or break it. The bad luck from breaking the mirror will be well worth getting rid of whatever demons lay inside it…

13. Three’s a Crowd


Two girls that appear to be at a party of some kind, decide to take a picture to commemorate the moment. However, what they didn’t realize, until their friends pointed it out after posting it, there is a third person present in the photo. If you look over the shoulder of the woman in the green dress, you can see someone creeping in the background.

Many dismiss this as being anything paranormal, and that it was just a perfectly timed photobomb. Seeing as the person’s eye is the only thing present, we can’t go off of anything else, but it does look human. Nonetheless it’s stills creepy, especially if the person lurking isn’t one of the girl’s friends… Even then if that person is their friend it’s still disturbing. Hopefully that person wasn’t found in any more of their selfies…

12. Strange Shadow Kidnapper


This picture shows a concerned mother taking a selfie of her, and her child outside on the porch. The child looks frightened, and looks to want to desperately get away from whatever is standing behind him. At first glance this figure looks like a shadow creature of some sort. The mother’s reaction doesn’t back this theory up, as she’d be helping her child, and wouldn’t even have time to take the picture in the first place.

Many people have speculated that the woman summoned the demon to take her child, and this picture was taken to capture her actions. However, when you use logic, you can see that the shadow figure, is actually another woman, probably her mom, sitting facing away from the child. The child looks distressed, because he simply wants to be with his mom. Luckily this isn’t as bad as it may seem at first glance.

11. Demon Selfie


This picture shows three girls taking a selfie at a high angle. This is a trick when taking pictures to make people look better. It eliminates any chance of people looking unfit, and makes them appear thinner than they actually are. Little did they know by taking the selfie at this angle, it’d capture something much more terrifying. If you look between the two girls on the left you’ll be able to see what looks like a fourth person trying their best to be in the picture.

However, this isn’t any normal person. All that is seen is their eye, and that’s enough to know that the person isn’t human. It looks to be a bit transparent, and could resemble a demon of some kind. It’s obvious the three didn’t notice while taking the selfie, and judging by the angle at which the mysterious figure is positioned, they’d be able to feel it it was a real person…

10. Demon in the Trunk


A woman decided to take a selfie in her car, and she seems quite happy. Nothing seems out of the ordinary in the picture, until you take a look behind the woman. If you look closely on her back window you can see what appears to be a humanoid figure hopping out of, or onto her trunk, and looking in the back window. The person taking the picture didn’t see this, as her expression remains the same, and likely didn’t notice it until scrolling back through.

If this were someone trying to break into the back window, she would have noticed, so assuming it’s not a human we can identify the creature as a demon, or some sort of humanoid creature. The face also allows us to assume it’s not human. While it does have the features of a human, we can tell that it doesn’t appear to be that of a human…

9. An Already Scary Picture Made Scarier


This picture appears to be taken in Japan, and shows a classroom of kindergarteners, and their teacher. They appear to be holding up masks that they made in class. These masks resemble mythical creatures, perhaps a dragon or demon of some sort. This is creepy in of itself, but with the added effect of blacking out the children’s eyes, and the low quality of the photo it sends a chill down many people’s spines.

However, the creepiness doesn’t end there. If you take a look on the right side of the image, in the window behind the children, we can see another face, except this one isn’t one of the children. It appears to be a white face, with soulless eyes, staring out at the children. We can assume this is a demon, and closely resembles the girl ghost, from he movie The Ring. It will come to quite a surprise to all the kids present, that are now grown up, and want to take a trip down memory lane…

8. Full Body Apparition Lurking


This picture shows three friends practicing some sort of pose, but if you take a closer look you can actually see a fourth person. The fourth person can be seen over the shoulder of the person in the red shirt, and appears to be creeping on the three friends. The figure is very transparent, and appears to be wearing clothes not from this century.

It’s worth noting that the figure has a face, with several features. This could be a spirit that haunts the house, because it died there so many years ago. It’s clear the people in the picture didn’t notice the spirit lurking, and probably noticed it later on when going through their albums. Nobody knows if the spirit still haunts the house, or if the people present noticed anything else paranormal after this picture was taken.

7. The Alternative Realm


This picture appears to be taken of a little girl in her bathroom getting ready for the day. However, it won’t take you long to realize something is wrong with this image. If you look in the mirror you can see the girls reflection isn’t following her actions in the real world. Her reflection is staring back at her, and seems disappointed in the girl.

As mentioned before mirrors are often thought of to be portals into alternate realities, and sometimes pictures like this come up that prove it. These alternate realities can have the same people in them, but have much darker lives surrounding them. This may be one of the reasons the girl’s reflection looks disappointed or sad. Next time you go to the bathroom, and look in the mirror, look a little closer, and you may notice a discrepancy revealing an alternate reality.

6. The Bus Accident Caused by a Demon


This picture shows what appears to be a bus accident. We can tell that the glass on the front of the bus has been broken. It’s unknown the origin of the damage, and it appears the rest of the bus is still in tact. However, if you take a closer look at the image, you can see something strange in the reflection of the glass.

We can see what appears to be a humanoid figure staring back at the person taking the picture. The figure appears to be really tall, as they are almost as tall as the bus. We can see the figure has lifeless eyes, and appears to have long black hair. It’s also worth noting that the creatures skin seems to be ghastly white. Whatever this creature is, it’s likely it wasn’t present during the accident… or was it!

5. The Lake Monster


This picture comes from a family enjoying a day out on the lake. It appears there is five people present, but if you take a closer look you can see a sixth. The sixth person, doesn’t appear to be a person, but some sort of creature. It doesn’t have the same head structure as anyone else in the picture, and lacks some facial features. It’s face is also much brighter than anyone else’s in the picture.

Many who’ve seen this picture, have speculated that the creature is some sort of lake creature, that swam up to be in the picture at the last moment. It’s likely the family didn’t notice the creature, at least before the picture was taken. It can be assumed they quickly retreated from the water after the picture was taken.

4. The Slender Man Scoping Out His Victims


This picture shows a man sleeping in the passenger seat of a car. It was likely taken just because the man was sleeping, but it also captured something strange lurking in the alley behind the sleeping man. If you look closely in the alley you can see a tall figure peeking around a corner. The creature resembles that of the mythical creature known as the slender man.

The creature is said to wear a long black suit, and have a blank white face. This creature matches that description. It looks as if the slender man creature has spotted the man sleeping, and the photographer, and is going to make them his next meal. It’s unknown what happened to the men after this photo was taken, or if it’s even real. It is another convincing claim of seeing the slender man, let’s just hope they lived to tell the tale.

3. Channel 666


This picture was taken a few decades ago due to the pictures quality. It appears to be a brother and sister playing with a bouncy ball. One of the two is posing, while the other looks distressed, and it appears to be upset at what is present on the TV screen. The TV is old in nature, and appears to be powered off, yet there is still something on the screen.

We can see some sort of face coming out of the TV, and it appears to be one of a baby, or young child. We can see the light reflecting off of the face, so we know that the figure in the TV is actually there. We can also see that the apparition has facial features. Whatever this is, it surely came as a shock to the two in the picture when they looked back through their old family photos…

2. One of the Earliest Sightings of the Slender Man


Another incident of the legendary slender man, and this one has more context. This is obviously a very old photo, as it appears in black and white. In the picture we can see three children, and their dog in a forest. They could be with their father who is a forester, and is cutting down the trees. He likely took a break to take a picture of his children. However, none of them expected to capture something much more terrifying in the image.

Behind the crowd, lurking int he woods we can see the tall black suited creature known as the slender man. This time his tentacles are present, and it looks like he’s ready to consume the children. It’s a known fact surrounding the urban legend, that the slender man likes to stalk children, then consume them. It’s also worth noting that the children seem distressed in the picture, as if they knew they’re lives would end soon after…

1. Terrifying Picture Taken Before Tragedy?


This picture may be quite tame at first glance. The Picture shows what seems to be a classroom of sorts, and it seems to be a music class. Every person is posing with their instruments, except for one. The man in the bottom of the photo is simply posing with a pistol. With the many tragedies plaguing the world today, we can only assume the worse when we see this man posing with a gun.

No news came out after this, about a tragic attack, but it still doesn’t answer the question of why the man was posing with the gun in the first place. It could just be an inside joke among the group, but upon first sight for anyone, a large group of people, and one person with a gun, can introduce bad thoughts to anyone viewing this image…

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