15 Signs Your New Relationship Will End In Disaster
Let’s be honest, it’s usually obvious if a relationship is going to last long term or whether it will be short-lived. Constant fighting and irrational jealousy are the telltale signs that the relationship is doomed, especially in the early stages. If you’re having problems in the first few months, that’s a sign that you’re probably not compatible and it’s best to end things sooner rather than later.
However, in the early stages, also known as the “honeymoon phase” you ignore all of the warning signs. There’s that initial excitement and you want it to last for as long as possible, but of course, all good things come to an end. When that feeling wears off, the relationship is put to the test. You’re going to experience problems and how you decide to handle those issues determines whether you’ll stay together or fall apart.
Sure, most couples go through a “phase” of not having enough sex, or not communicating as much as they did from the start and it can put a strain on the relationship, but how you decide to work through these issues tells you whether it’s worth it or not. Here’s 15 signs that your new relationship will most likely end in disaster.
15. Every disagreement turns into an argument
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Arguments are expected in a relationship, but when does it become too much? If a simple disagreement turns into a fight then you need to reassess what’s causing this. Sure, it’s better to make your feelings known, but it doesn’t have to end up in hostility every time. Conflict is inevitable, so the way you deal with it determines whether your relationship will survive. The only way you can get to the bottom of what’s going on is to talk to your partner. However, if you can’t handle a disagreement in the early stages, then it could be that you’re not compatible. Still, it’s better to find that out early on than years down the line!
14. It’s all about the action in the bedroom
Via: Knowyourmeme.com
Regularly having sex strengthens your relationship. In fact, any kind of intimacy will bring you closer to them. Some will argue that there’s no such thing as having “too much sex” but what if your relationship revolves only around what you do in the bedroom? In the beginning of the relationship, it’s what determines if you are compatible or not. Let’s be honest, making love is a very important aspect of most relationships and if you’re not getting what you need, then you’ll never truly feel satisfied. But if the physical aspect is the best part of your relationship, it’s time to rethink your feelings. Do you want a future with them or do you prefer to keep it casual? Either way, a relationship that revolves solely around hanky panky isn’t going to last.
13. You don’t like their friends
Via Thoughtcatalog.com
When you’re in a relationship, you have to make an effort with their friends and family even if they’re not the easiest people to get along with. At some point, your girlfriend will seek reassurance from her friends and if they don’t like you, then that puts a strain on your relationship. One of the main indicators that the relationship isn’t going to work out is if you can’t stand to be around her friends and she can’t stand to be around yours. If you’re ever in doubt, you should always listen to what your friends are telling you because they will tell you what you need to hear.
12. Not enough communication
Via: Businessinsider.com
If you’re not opening up and telling them about your feelings, it creates a barrier between you and your partner. Usually, in the first few months of dating someone you want to know more about them. You share stories about your childhood, your dream career and plans for the future. But if you or your partner is holding back, then that’s a sign that you’re simply not that interested. No matter how long you’ve been together, good communication is important. Your relationship won’t survive if you don’t regularly communicate because it’s hard to connect with someone who won’t share what’s on their mind.
11. Window-shopping
Via Datelicious.com.au
There’s nothing wrong with finding other people attractive, but if you compare every person that walks by to your current partner, then that speaks volumes about your feelings towards your relationship. Clearly, you don’t see a future with them, and that’s why you catch yourself thinking about other women. Let’s put it this way, if your relationship was amazing, then why would you risk it by window shopping? Why aren’t you satisfied? Even though it’s not cheating, it still hints at the fact that something is wrong with your relationship. At this point, you can either be upfront with your partner about how you’re feeling and see where it goes from there, or you can end it while it’s still in the early stages.
10. You have different views
Via Uproxx.com
For a relationship to survive you need to be going in the same direction. There are certain relationship deal breakers and if one of you can’t accept the other’s views, it doesn’t look good. In the beginning, you’re probably not thinking about marriage and kids, but if you want something long-term with your girlfriend then you need to at least be on the same page about what you want in life. If one wants five children but the other one doesn’t, that’s a big issue. Can you really overcome something as big as that? You need to have the same goals in mind otherwise, the relationship simply isn’t going anywhere.
9. Putting your relationship online
Via Betanews.com
We all know a couple who are ALWAYS talking about each other and posting pictures together on social media. Whenever you log on, you’ll spot them shouting their love from the rooftops. It makes you think, how happy are they really? Often, the couples who overshare on social media are the ones seeking the most reassurance. They want to show the world just how “perfect” their relationship is, and every like and comment gives them the validation they crave. It might look like they’re happy because that’s what they want others to believe. They like to hear what other people have to say about their relationship to make them feel better about their own insecurities. If you or your partner frequently post about your relationship on social media, that’s probably not a good sign.
8. You feel suffocated
Via Fanpop.com
No matter how you much you like someone’s company, sometimes, you prefer to have some “me” time. It’s not unreasonable to want some time apart from your partner, even if it’s only for a few days, but if you find yourself reminiscing about single life and craving time alone it’s probably because you feel trapped in your relationship. Even though it’s the last thing you want to do, you’ll have to tell your girlfriend to give you some much-needed space. And if she doesn’t take it well, or continues to blow up your phone every 5 minutes, it might be time to call it quits before it becomes obsessive.
7. Silences are awkward
Via Microsec.org
Being able to sit there with your partner and talk about nothing at all is a sign of a healthy relationship. You don’t have to find something to say every time the conversation falls into a silence; just being in each other’s company should be enough. However, if you find silences really uncomfortable, it could be that you’re not on the same wavelength. It’s easy to overlook awkward silences. After all, she could be a perfectly nice girl and you might enjoy spending time together, but what are you supposed to do in those moments when you don’t have anything to say? Sometimes, silence is more powerful than words.
6. Irrational jealousy
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Of course, jealousy in the early stages of the relationship is a red flag. The first few months are supposed to be fun and exciting, but if you’re constantly being interrogated or accused of cheating, it’s best to get out. Often, irrational jealousy stems from insecurities and trust issues on their part, so it probably doesn’t have anything to do with what you’re doing. At first, it might be nice to have someone check in on you all the time, but don’t mistake obsessive behaviour for something else. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse. Long-term, this behaviour will start to feel suffocating and you will wish that you ended things earlier.
5. You have different spending habits
Money plays a big part in a relationship, so you need to make sure that you’re both on the same page. If one of you likes to spend like there’s no tomorrow, and the other is set on saving up for the future, there’s going to be problems ahead. It’s still in the early stages, but you can usually tell a lot about someone just by their spending habits. Do they offer to pay when you go on dates, or are you expected to cover the cost of everything? For you, it might not be a problem now but months, or years down the line, you’ll end up feeling frustrated and resentful towards them. They should at least be meeting you halfway. If not, they’re probably not worth it.
4. They always put the blame on you
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It’s exhausting being with someone who never admits when they’re wrong, even when they’ve been confronted with the truth. If you try to discuss an issue with them and they turn it around on you, then that’s a red flag. You should be able to have discussions that don’t turn into arguments, and you should be able to feel at ease with your partner. If you’re apprehensive about mentioning something that’s been bothering you, then you should reassess why you’re still in the relationship. Someone who can’t own up to their mistakes isn’t someone you want to be romantically involved with. Long-term, this kind of behavior will only get worse and it’s borderline emotional abuse.
3. You don’t spend enough time together
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For the first few months you’re still in the “honeymoon phase” and usually, you want to spend every moment with them. Relationships thrive on spending as much time together as possible and sometimes, that means you have to put other plans on hold just so you can be with them. But if you choose not to spend time together, it could be that you’re already bored. Sure, you don’t need to see them all the time but if you’re spending a lot of time without your partner and you’re not even thinking about them, it’s probably because you’re not that invested in the relationship. Clearly, it’s not going to last much longer.
2. Conversations are boring
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Does every conversation with them make you yawn? At some point, you will run out of things to say, but if you generally feel bored in their company then that signals a big problem ahead. You should feel excited and eager to spend more time with them, but instead, you feel like you’re just going through the motions. Maybe you have too much in common, or maybe you have nothing in common at all; either way, it’s probably not going to work out. Being bored of each other so soon into the relationship is a clear sign that you’re just not right for each other. At least you found out sooner rather than later!
1. Your gut tells you something’s wrong.
Via Youtube.com
They say you should always listen to your gut. If something feels wrong, then you should trust your instincts and nip it in the bud. Sometimes, there’s no reason at all. You just feel like there’s something a little… off. Of course, there might not be anything “wrong” with them, but you just can’t seem to connect. If you’ve started asking yourself “should I break up with them?” then you’re already halfway out of the relationship. Those doubts don’t surface unexpectedly – they are there for a reason. You might not know what the reason is but if the idea of breaking up is constantly on your mind, it means the relationship is nearly at the end.