15 Things That Are Scientifically Proven To Attract Women
Via baltimoresun.com
Can’t seem to attract the attention of that special someone? Why not try applying some of the things that really matter – things that are scientifically proven to attract women. It’s not fair when you consider things like height that you can’t change regardless of how hard you try (even plastic surgery can’t make you taller). And I’m not saying that you need to completely change yourself, but rather that you want to attempt to be a better version of you because that special someone is worth it. So if your old tactics haven’t worked, then it’s time to kick them to the curb and start thinking differently. It’s time to polish your image and really stand out.
Here, we’re going turn to the experts who have done the dirty work for us. In randomized studies, they’ve gathered the facts of what traits women are most likely to find attractive in men. Some of these you might find surprisingly easy to do such as growing a little bit of a short beard or just buying a box of chocolates. Whatever you decide to do, analyze where your relationship is at and apply the things that might work in your favor.
15. Wear Good Cologne
Via menxp.com
Women have an especially keen sense of smell and they will always be attracted to a good masculine scent. If you’re trying to attract that special someone, try investing in some good cologne. And if you don’t want to take any chances, don’t go cheap with something like Axe (although it would be better than nothing). Instead, something like Burberry or Calvin Klein is sure to win you some quality attention. Women are attracted to men who groom themselves and this starts with an attractive smell that is inviting yet not too overwhelming. Making cologne a regular part of your morning routine is sure to transform your overall image for the better.
14. Grow a Beard
Via stylenochaser.com
According to an Australian research study done in 2013, facial hair plays a huge role in influencing the way a woman perceives a man’s masculinity and attractiveness. The study concluded that the most attractive beard is a “heavy stubble” length, which is the length of the beard after ten days of growth. Women love a man who can grow an intermediate beard and keep it well-groomed and maintained. It correlates with a man’s maturity, dominance, and aggression. This is one reason why many women find the beast from Beauty and Beast extremely attractive even before he transforms into a human.
13. Practice Chivalry
Via mannersmentor.com
When was the last time that you saw a man open the door for a woman? Chivalry is like a medieval concept that isn’t really practiced much anymore today. Husbands don’t even do this for their own wives anymore. But chivalry a universal language that women have always been attracted to and it will always stand the test of time. Women love to feel respected and cared for. Simple gestures like helping a woman carry her purse or groceries, pulling her chair for her, helping her take off her coat, or opening the door for her are sure ways to win her heart.
12. Buy Chocolates
Via roni-sue.com
Chocolate is scientifically proven to make you feel better by increasing serotonin levels in your brain. Most women experience lowered serotonin levels about a week prior to their menstrual cycle. This causes them to have strong cravings for things like chocolate and coffee, and for some women, chocolate is about the only thing they want to eat. If you want to attract a woman, chocolate is an easy investment. Just like a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, this concept may be equally true in regards to chocolate. Try buying a box of quality chocolates like Godiva or See’s and you’ll be sure to win her heart.
11. Look Older
Via abcnews.go.com
If you’ve never heard of the “George Clooney effect,” here’s what it is in a nutshell: Basically, a 2010 study of 3,770 people revealed that women prefer older men. As women mature, they become more focused on whether or not a man can provide for them financially. Rather than being concerned with good looks, as women become more independent, they actually prefer men who can provide them with further stability and security. This can also be due to the assumption that younger men aren’t as financially responsible and stable, therefore making women prefer older men who would also be better suited as father figures and leaders.
10. Work Out
Via affirmfinancial.ca
According to a recent UCLA study, women are scientifically proven to be more attracted to muscular men. The attraction is synonymous to how men are more attracted to women who are more curvaceous and have larger breasts and butts. The study revealed that muscles influenced a woman’s perspective of a man’s masculinity, condition of health, and strength. Muscles are also a sign of high testosterone – another huge attraction for women. So if you’ve got a woman you’re trying to impress, try hitting the gym on a regular basis and start lifting the heavier weights. Drink protein shakes and do whatever it takes to bulk up.
9. Get Smart
Via huffingtonpost.com
Scientists say that, when it comes to choosing a life partner, women are genetically programmed to be attracted to brains over brawn. For most women, having an intellectually stimulating conversation is actually much more stimulating than the wild act itself. So, the next time you want to pick up a hot chick, try to figure out which authors she keeps up with and get caught up on the latest TED talks. These are the kinds of conversations that spark the interests of females. They love a man who can be genuinely interested in something other than sex, and dumb is never attractive regardless of how you might look on the outside.
8. Play Hard to Get
Via travelers.com
An older research study showed that women actually were more attracted to men who weren’t always so available. That’s right… the hard-to-get men are more likely to get chased. In this case, if you’ve just started connecting with a girl that you’re super into, try not to be so available all the time. Give it a couple of minutes before you respond to her texts or pick up her calls. Don’t always initiate either, but make sure you both have a good balance in the relationship. Be occupied with other things once in awhile as well, as women love a man who’s not so desperate, but instead has his priorities straight.
7. Be Good With Kids
Via angelibebe.com
There’s a reason why single dads are seen as so attractive to women. Every woman finds a man who is good with children to be incredibly attractive. This is a major sign that he’ll make a great father and life partner one day. For some reason, women also find it more comfortable to talk to dads with their children at the playground rather than moms. So, if you want to test out this theory, perhaps volunteer to take your nieces and nephew out for a day and see how often you get approached by women. You might be surprised by the outcome.
6. Make Her Laugh
Via meetbrazilliangirls.com
Jeffrey Hall, a leading researcher from the University of Kansas, states that a sense of humor can be more appealing and attractive than physical looks. This is based on the fact that women want a life partner that they know they’ll have a good time with. Someone who’s funny is likely to bring lots of cheer and laughter throughout the relationship. Also, women want to be someone who is sociable and funny people tend to have brighter personalities. So the takeaway from this is that a little bit of cheesy and corny can work to your advantage if you can make her laugh, especially if you don’t have good looks or a strong physique working for you.
5. Have Confidence
Via cavemancircus.com
Psychotherapist David Klow states, “women like direct men the same way a salsa dancer likes a good lead. When there is clarity and direction, she feels relaxed. If she can’t trust his movements, they step on one another’s toes. If he is direct and clear in his leadership, however, everyone wins.” Confidence takes out a lot of the stress that can come with a relationship because women don’t want to have to deal with being the decision maker. Also, women don’t want to have guess how you’re feeling. They prefer someone who is direct and honest with their feelings – someone how knows what they want and isn’t afraid to express it.
4. Take Risks
Via glenn-foster.com
There’s something incredibly sexy about a man who is not afraid to live on the edge – someone who takes life by its horns and takes even the most daring of adventures. Studies have shown that women are more drawn to and inspired by masculine men who partake in risky activities including hunting and competitive sports. This is also why you’re more likely to attract some attraction from the opposite sex in a uniformed position such as a firefighter or cop. So the next time you’re invited to go sky-diving or shooting at the range, know that all of these activities are just making you that much more attractive.
3. Drive Expensive Cars
Via seyidekol.blogspot.com
It sounds cliché but it’s true – women like a man who can flash his cash. Driving an expensive car, wearing high-end clothing, and living in a lavish home are all sure to make you more attractive. Some would think that this makes women look like gold-diggers, but honestly, women just want to know that you’re financially stable and responsible. Even women who aren’t materialistic or shallow think this way to some degree. No woman wants to be with a man who doesn’t have stable income and comes with a pile of bills. So if you’ve got the cash, don’t be afraid to use it to your advantage.
2. Be An Independent Leader
Via publishingmedia.org.uk
There’s nothing more unattractive than a wimpy man who waits for the woman to take the lead. Sure, there are plenty of alpha females out there who might compete with you for leadership, but even still, women prefer a man who can take charge. Not only does she want you to be able to stand on your own two feet, but she also wants you to be able to carry her once in awhile as well. Women love it when men plan the dates, pick the restaurants, and make well-thought-out decisions on their own. They might not always agree with you, but it’s way sexier than a lazy man who depends on you to make all of the decisions for him. That’s just plain annoying.
1. Have A Good Heart
Via thenextweb.com
There’s a reason why men like George Clooney and Ashton Kutcher win the hearts of millions of women all around the world – they’re extremely good-hearted, charitable men who do a lot for the good of others. Studies show that women find value in a man with a genuinely good heart who is constantly involved in acts of kindness and generosity. Here’s a great reason to get involved in volunteering to work with animals, senior citizens, and children. And if you don’t have the time but you’ve got the money, get noticed for making donations to local non-profit organizations. But you don’t have to go big – even the smallest acts of kindness count so start small. You’ll win her over with a kind heart.