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15 Times Youtube Pranks Went Severely Wrong

15 Times Youtube Pranks Went Severely Wrong

Pranks have always been a great way to let off steam and trick the ones you love. However, pranks will always have a limit, and many times that limit is crossed. Youtube is home to many of these pranks that have gone too far. These pranks usually include someone getting injured or coming close to death. It all depends on the severity of the prank and who the people are playing a prank on.

Trends have begun to surface of worldwide pranks being pulled by many different people. The most popular and most recent being the clown epidemic a few years ago. This ended in many injuries and even a few deaths. However, the prank gained the attention of many, since people put themselves in the position of being chased by a clown. That means many Youtube channels played part in the trend to gain views. This happens often with prank trends, and it is where a lot of pranks go wrong. It could either be due to the fact that they’re not taking proper precautions or because the prankster doesn’t know when to stop.

Pranking isn’t the worst thing in the world, and there is definitely a place for it. However, there is a definite line, and it’s easily crossed. Many Youtube channels have tried to prevent harm by hiring actors to play a part in their pranks. This usually ends in hate comments, as the prank is portrayed as being real. There is a niche market for pulling off a great prank, and it can be very easy to mess up.

15. Killer Clown Prank


The killer clown phenomenon has luckily died down since its rise in popularity in 2016. Pranksters would dress up in cheap clown costumes and roam their nearby towns looking for people to scare. This was of course dangerous, as you never know how someone could react. If someone was truly fearing for their life, they could react violently, leading to disaster.

This is exactly what happened when a teenager decided to partake in the clown trend. He dressed up and began to chase a couple of his friends with a chainsaw. The chainsaw was fake, but it was hard to tell since this took place at night. When the clown caught up to the teens, one pulled out a knife and stabbed the chainsaw wielding clown. He crumbled to the ground and removed his masked. They immediately recognized him, and the teens treated the wound until an ambulance arrived. Luckily the prankster lived, and hopefully this will teach him to leave people alone.

14. Deadly Prank Call


Prank calls are usually fun and harmless, that it until this happened. Kate Middleton was admitted to the hospital after she was suffering from a severe case of morning sickness. Two radio hosts caught news of her stay at the hospital, and thought it would be funny to prank call the hospital to act as the Queen of England. To their surprise, the receptionist believed the man’s impression, and they were patched through.

The two radio hosts first checked with lawyers to see if there could be any legal action taken for broadcasting it, they put it out on the air where it was streamed live. Everyone praised the radio hosts for pulling off such a prank, but the prank took a dark turn. The receptionist felt very embarrassed, and couldn’t take the amount of guilt she felt. She hanged herself in the nurse’s quarters, and the radio hosts were shocked, and felt remorse for their actions. You never know how your actions can make someone feel…

13. Car Crash


Two teens from Ohio were out one day and wanted to pull a prank. However, they were tired of the typical graffiti pranks people would do on road signs. They decided to cover a stop sign with petroleum jelly. They then set out that night to completely cover the stop sign with the jelly to the point where the stop sign was invisible. One of the boys was reluctant and even told the other to stop, but it was brushed off.

An elderly woman sadly didn’t see the stop sign and ran through it. This caused an oncoming car to slam into the elderly woman’s car head-on. The woman died at the scene, and the woman’s sister, who was in the passenger seat, was severely injured. The sister died 3 weeks later. The teens turned themselves in, and both were charged with involuntary manslaughter. However, one of the teen’s charges were let go, as he was seen as an unwilling accomplice. The other boy pled guilty and served four years in prison.

12. Accidental Hanging

Via: Pinterest

Halloween is a lot of people’s favorite holiday, especially for pranksters. A teenager wanted to follow a popular trend that required someone to fake hanging themselves. He wanted to scare trick-or-treaters, and most importantly his family. His family arrived home to see him hanging in the tree of the front yard. His mother, not impressed with his prank, ignored him for a while. That is until the boy’s sister realized he wasn’t breathing.

They quickly pulled the boy down and called for an ambulance. The boy was rushed to a hospital where he was treated, but he sadly passed away. This stunt is very dangerous, and if it is pulled off, it should follow very important precautions. This is a common form of accidental suicide, especially around Halloween. Maybe it’s best to just buy a dummy prop, or skip out on decorating all together…

11. Police Chase


A few students at a local high school decided to pull their senior prank one night. Their plan was to break into the school and steal one of the golf carts for a joy ride around the campus. A janitor working the night shift saw the teens breaking in and called the police. The police arrived, but it was too late as the boys had already fled. Most of the officers left, except for the sergeant who stayed behind, in case the boys came back.

Sure enough, two of the boys came back to retrieve the bolt cutters used to break into the school. The officer spotted them and began to chase after them. The officer stopped and felt a sharp pain in his chest. He died of a heart attack before he could make it to the hospital. The teens were identified, and charged with attempted burglary, but they weren’t charged for the officer’s death. It was deemed a tragic circumstance.

10. Bathroom Prank


A Youtube channel was filming a prank where the prankster made a fake mannequin head to peek at people using the bathroom. The prank was filmed in men’s bathrooms at several different locations. Several of the men got angry, but ended up just leaving. The prankster was cussed out a few times, but didn’t face any real danger, that is until the last guy they pranked.

The man was getting agitated, so the duo decided to stop filming. They said it was obvious the man had a gun, and that they were going to try to get out of the bathroom before the man left the stall. They were too late, and they were left in the stall as the man kicked open the door. He entered pointing a gun at the prankster. The man pleaded, and the cameras cut. It is assumed the man survived. People like their privacy!

9. Bigfoot Prank


Bigfoot is a widely known urban legends. It’s up there with the Loch Ness monster. Many people have attempted to prove its existence one way or another. A man in Montana thought of a good prank, where he would wear his ghillie camouflage suit, and attempt to spook people driving down the highway. He thought the suit would make him look like Bigfoot and make people believe the creature actually existed.

This prank turned south when a person driving down the highway didn’t see the man in the camouflage suit (because it’s camouflage), and hit the man at high speeds. Another car was unable to stop in time, and also ran over the man’s body. He was still alive however, but would succumb to his injuries soon after. None of the drivers were charged since it was impossible to see the man, and the other woman did everything she could do not hit him.

8. Fire Starter


During a graduation ceremony, the main stage caught fire. This fire destroyed the stage and the turf underneath it. It was obvious it was done by students, but it was thought to be students at the rivalling school, since it would’ve been unbelievable for students to do this to their own school. However, it seems that the school put too much faith in their students.

Two students from the school were arrested under suspicion of starting the fire. Staff and other students were shocked by how they could show their school so much disrespect, especially so close to graduation. The students received hefty punishments, and the community pitched in to restore the stage and the turf underneath.

7. Air Pressure

Via: Youtube

Two men who worked at a car showroom, and often played pranks on one another. One man took the pranking too far. The man found an air pressure hose, and decided it would be a great idea to force his partner down, and insert the hose into the man’s body. The man’s body began to fill up with air, and he violently started to vomit. The men quickly turned the hose off, and called for an ambulance.

Sadly the man passed away before he was able to be treated. The police arrested the man who inflicted the prank on his partner. It is said when the autopsy was performed on the man, the first incision made air release from the man’s body, similar to a deflating balloon. This story should serve as a reminder that pranks can indeed go too far, and end in tragedy.

6. Pepper Spray Required


Senior pranks are pulled almost every year to varying degrees of destruction. It’s perceived by the students that after they graduate, the staff at the school can’t punish them anymore. Little do they know that the police are still able to. What started out as a few students vandalizing soon turned into a full on food fight. This then led to a full on fight, with an all out brawl going on in the parking lot.

Police were called, and they were forced to use pepper spray to calm the students down. A lot of people argued that it was unnecessary, but due to the sheer number of people involved in the brawl, it would’ve been impossible otherwise. Other situations of school pranks involve fights that break out due to stink bombs, and other things being released into the school. Many students explain fearing for their life when some pranks were done. This is what causes the mass panic, and it might be better to let senior pranks die out.

5. Bullied to Death


Bullying is no laughing matter, and it’s still a huge issue many schools deal with to this day. Many bullies don’t know the amount of torment they’re ensuing, and often times see it as a joke, or prank. This was the case for a 17-year-old boy who was being bullied by some of his classmates. The bullies tied the boy up and began to push him around. The boy fell and hit his throat on the side of a desk.

The boy was unable to breath, but his classmates stood there and laughed. The teacher was even present and decided not to intervene. The boy suffocated and died on the spot. The boy’s family decided to press charges, and the Moscow police opened a murder case. The whole incident was caught on security cameras, and the police charged everyone present with potential murder charges. They also charged the teacher for not intervening.

4. Creep On The Loose


A Youtube prankster found himself in quite a bit of trouble when the police opened a case against the boy for potential molestation. This all started because of a prank video he recorded where he would ask strangers on the street, all women, for directions, then quickly steal a kiss before running away. You can see in his videos the uncomfortable nature of the victims he pranked.

Many politicians and officials began to complain about the prankster, and reported the video to the police. He could only be charged if one of the women came forward to say that the video was real, but all three women came forward and said that they were friends with the prankster, and were in on it. This didn’t stop the outrage against the prankster for idolizing potential molestation.

3. Gun Prank Gone Wrong


A common trend for Youtube prank channels is to take to the streets of bad neighborhoods. They usually get better reactions, but it can also be more dangerous as is the case with this prank video. A group of pranksters would walk around asking random strangers if they’d want to buy a gun. It doesn’t sound much like a prank, right? The gun would in reality be a water gun.

Almost every person they asked ended in physical violence such as, being punched, and pinned to the wall. One of the pranksters decided he needed more footage, and approached three men in a park minding their own business. The man quickly revealed he had a real gun, and pointed it at the prankster. The prankster pulled out his water pistol, and tried to explain it was a prank, and begged to be freed. The video ends, and it’s assumed the men let the prankster go.

2. Murder Prank

A couple took pranking to a whole new, disturbing, level. The wife of the prankster decided to pose in the bathtub as if she’d just been murdered. The husband would then spray ketchup all over the scene. They planted a knife nearby, and took a photo. He texted his sister the picture and began to sound frantic in his texts. The sister was scared, and she told another family member who called 911.

When the police arrived, it was revealed it was a prank, but at what cost. The couple was charged with inciting panic, and they were compliant with police. The couple has yet to go to court. They got off lucky, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that this prank took things too far. The couple says they have learned from this experience, but without a hefty fine, or even facing prison time.

1. Sam Pepper Traumatized His Friend


Sam Pepper has been known for his pranks, and even more so hated for them. Several times, Sam Pepper has been accused of sexual assault, so much so that Youtube was forced to shut down his channel on several different occasions. However, in a return to form, Sam Pepper decided to pull a prank on his best friend. He got another friend of theirs to get in on the joke. Sam placed bags over the two men’s heads, and kidnapped them.

Sam Pepper was masked, and his friend was forced to watch as a masked gunman shot his friend, assuming he was next. The man was having a panic attack, and couldn’t look as Sam “shot” his friend. Even after the reveal, the friend was still freaked out. When the video was uploaded, Pepper was subject to thousands of hate comments saying he took the prank too far. A news outlet even compared the video to something ISIS would perform. Sam Pepper hasn’t recovered since, and probably for the better.

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