15 Videos That Accidentally Caught Something Disturbing
On a day to day basis many things are captured on film. Whether it’s on purpose or on accident. You may not be fully aware you’re on camera due to the inventions of security cameras. With the added fact that cameras can be pulled out, and begin to film at any moment there is no end to what can be caught.
These videos show particular cases where creepy things were caught on camera by accident. Whether it be someone attempting to film something else, and catching something much more interesting, or a security camera capturing something strange. These video’s contents range from paranormal happenings to unknown creatures we’ve yet to discover.
Let’s be thankful that we weren’t the ones unfortunate enough to capture these things on camera. Next time your filming an interesting event take a look in the background, and you might find that you’ve caught something way more interesting than a selfie you were posting to your Snapchat story.
Many of these accidental captures can lead to helping in the aid of investigations, or even research of certain creatures. The unknown only strikes when we least expect it making it something many humans fear the most…
15. Ghost in the Hallway
Via: Youtube
A school in Ireland has been known to have strange paranormal happenings occur inside it. A CCTV security camera finally caught proof of these disturbing claims. The footage showed everything from a locker swaying back and forth, to door being swung open on their own. The school was founded in the early 1800’s, and ever since then the sightings there have often been claimed to be ghosts.
The cameras placed inside the school were motion activated, and it caught a lot of motion this eery night. The principal was alerted that the camera picked something up, and he stated if it were a human being performing these actions other motion sensors they have set up at the entrance of the school, would have gone off, and they never did.
14. The Flying Horse
via: youtube.com
This video was shot in Saudi Arabia, and was taken on a phone’s camera. This video appeared to be capturing what looks like a flying horse, during a thunderstorm at night. Many people believe the creature captured in this video was the Al Buraq, a mythical creature in Islamic culture. The Buraq is supposed to have wings, but the horse in the video is missing them.
The people filming were originally filming the bad lightning storm, when they stumbled upon the silhouette of a horse flying through the air. Many people have suggested it was a horse swept up in bad wind, but the storm didn’t present any wind itself. Others have said that it’s a optical illusion caused by the lightning. Could this be the mythical creature, or just a strange mistake? Nobody can really tell due to the poor quality of the video…
13. Breaking and Entering
via: youtube.com
A nanny cam at a home in New York caught something disturbing one night. The security camera outside the house picks up a man walking swiftly up to the house. An intruder had broke in while the owners of the home were sleeping. The man was walking silently, and even at one point got on all fours to avoid being seen by the people sleeping in the room.
The man was searching nervously for valuables to take, and wasn’t going to leave empty handed. When the nanny cam picked up the man crawling on all fours, he can be seen wielding a knife in his mouth. The burglar sees a phone upon the dresser, and decides this is enough for his fortunes. The intruder was going to steal more, but one of the people inside the house woke up, causing the burglar to flee.
12. They’re Getting Smarter
via: youtube.com
Drones are known to capture creepy things by accident. They typically have a wide range view from the camera lens, and often catch strange things. This drone is flying over a chimpanzee exhibit, when a chimp in a tree knocks the drone down using a stick. This may not seem that disturbing at fires,t but when you realize the implications, it gets strange.
Once on the ground the chimp then goes to investigate the foreign object. He pokes at it for a bit, then becomes disinterested. The chimp wielded his stick with such confidence, and took down a modern piece of technology with ease. The use of a stick, was an interesting choice of weapon. Many prime ape experts have studied the video, and found it interesting to say the least…
11. Murder Aftermath
via: youtube.com
This video comes from a small town in Texas. A fitness class at a church was going to begin like any other class before, but when the attendees walked in they found their instructor murdered. The old fitness instructor was found lying life less on the floor, and there weren’t any leads except for footage taken from a security camera right outside the classroom.
The footage shows what looks to be a police officer responding to the murder, but this was worn by the murderer themselves… The person in the SWAT uniform wore the whole uniform including the helmet, and bullet proof vest. The camera shows him searching inside several rooms, possibly looking for more people to kill. The culprit has yet to be identified, and this is the only evidence linking to the murder.
10. Real Life Witch
via: youtube.com
In 2006 proof of the Monterrey witch may have been captured. The supposed witch was flying over the hills of Monterrey, and is seen floating every so slightly off the ground. The movement of the creature resembles just how you’d think a witch would fly through the air. The first few minutes of the video show the witch’s silhouette flying above the hills, and moments later she turns into a small white speck flying through the hills.
The video would be hard to hoax, not only because the figure is floating, but because the figure is moving at high speeds. The figure is tall, and shaped like a cylinder. Many people in the UFO field say that this isn’t a normal occurrence, and there isn’t a way to fake this. Experts also say the fact that the object moves so steadily is absurd, due to the high winds the canyon has.
9. Watching You Sleep
via: youtube.com
Many people get the feeling of being watched while they sleep, however for this couple it actually happened. A couple in Chicago, had fallen victim to a home intruder seeking to take their valuables. He was caught on a security camera, looking down at the couple from the bannister above.
The couple had fallen asleep on the couch in the living room while watching Netflix. After reviewing the footage, the man asks the woman why she was standing at the top of the stairs in a white hoodie, before they went to bed. She said she had no idea what he was talking about, and they got very creeped out after the realization. The intruder spent a long amount of time staring at them, before looking for something to steal. He had entered through the couple’s bedroom window, and he was so quiet, that the couple’s dogs didn’t even hear him. The burglar only took the woman’s purse, which sparked the couple to review the security footage in the first place.
8. Strange Species of Shark
via: youtube.com
Marine biologists were exploring the depths of the Gulf of Mexico, when they caught something unexpected. The heavy camera equipment rigged to their submarine was able to capture footage of a ghost shark. The shark is also known as the chimera, and can be seen swimming in the depths of the Caribbean.
Ghost sharks are hard to come by, and are rarely seen due to the depths in which they live. For marine biologists this was a great find to capture on film, and an even creepier one for the biologists on board the sub. The ghost shark also had a disturbing smile, when they got an up close look at it. The scientists on board were reported as being shocked, and creeped out when they accidentally stumbled upon the shark…
7. Ghost Attack in Stairwell
via: youtube.com
A ghost attack was accidentally caught on a CCTV security camera in a stairwell. In the footage two male friends can be seen walking down a stairwell, in a potential school. They make it down the first flight of stairs fine, but as they approach the second pair the boy in front is knocked to the ground, and attacked by a shadowy figure.
It’s obvious the boy didn’t trip, and it appears he was pushed. The pair give up on trying to get down the stairs, and the other boy is trying to help the one who was pushed back on his feet, so they can escape the violent being. The boys make a quick escape back up the stairs, and the shadow that was present quickly fades away.
6. Pushed by an Unknown Force
via: youtube.com
A woman in a law office was pushed by an unknown force, when she was passing by the reception desk. When reviewing the footage we can see the woman passing the reception desk with another woman. As she passes the desk she is pushed by something not seen, and falls to the floor. The woman falls fast, and hard as if something didn’t want her to be there.
The woman claims nobody was in front of her, and she was just chatting with the girl next to her when before she knew it she was on the ground. When she looked up after being pushed, she couldn’t see anyone, and assumed the culprit made a run for it. The woman asked the receptionist who’d pushed her, and the woman said nobody was there. She didn’t believe it until she was shown the incident on the security camera which caught everything…
5. Stay Out of the Water
Via: Youtube
With the invention of drones comes footage of things we wish we could un see. This footage comes from a drone over an Australian beach. The drone is flying high above the water capturing surfers enjoying the waves. A surfer takes a wave back to shore, and has no idea that a few feet from him are two large shark ready to eat.
The surfer was informed of the sharks, and most of them decided to get out of the water at that point. The sharks were large in size, and appeared to be circling the surfer as if they were going to make him their next meal. Sharks aren’t as dangerous as many people make them out to be, but when they begin to circle you, it’s a good sign to leave.
4. The Ghost at the Diplomat Hotel
via: youtube.com
A hotel in the Philippines has gained a reputation of being very haunted. The city government has decided to open the place, to attract more tourists. The architecture is very old, and has some great history behind it, but now it just looks abandoned, and creepy. When the hotel was still operating, guests claimed to hear strange noises, and see headless apparitions during their stay.
Many believe these headless ghosts are those of the priests who were decapitated during WWII. Many videos have surfaced from tourists visiting the location, and claim they’ve caught one of the famous headless ghosts. During one tour, a woman is seen panning around the courtyard in selfie mode, when she believes she’s caught a headless apparition standing in the building behind her…
3. Possession Out of Nowhere
via: youtube.com
Another CCTV security camera caught something strange, but this time inside a store in China. In the video we can see a woman walk down an aisle when suddenly a package from a high shelf falls on it’s own. Many believe the package was just teetering on the edge, but before the item falls, it can be seen moving on it’s own. The woman who passed by the item hears it hit the ground, and decides to put it back in place.
The shopper then begins to act strangely. She completely drops the package she is holding, and is appearing to be possessed, by an unknown force. She begins to convulse, and shortly after falls to the ground. Her movements resemble that of other possessions caught on camera, and are very sporadic in nature. Shoppers quickly come to the aid of the woman, but the demon isn’t holding back, and launches one man back. The video ends with no real conclusion to what happened to the woman, and we don’t know if the woman is now free from the grasps of the demon, or if it still possesses her to this day.
2. Strange Lights
via: youtube.com
This video comes from a security tape taken at a synagogue in Ukraine. A bright ball of light comes out of nowhere from above, and floats on camera for a few minutes before disappearing again. The ball of light is hovering off the ground, and sways slowly in place. The ball of light isn’t a perfect circle, and changes shape as it appears on camera.
Experts can’t find any explanation for this ball of light being here. This has left the explanations up to popular opinion. Many people believe this light comes from ball lightning. Others claim it’s a light reflection off the lens of the camera, and others believe it’s someone’s soul returning to their synagogue one last time. Many people say that jewish people were instructed to go here before being shipped to camps in WWII, so it’s likely this could be a soul that was killed in WWII.
1. Strange Creature in the Desert
via: youtube.com
This strange footage comes from Portugal, and leaves people wondering if the mythical beast known as the Chupacabra is real. Chupacabra is an legend that originated in parts of Puerto Rico, and translates loosely to “goat sucker” in Spanish. The clip shown only lasts a few seconds, but shows definitive proof of this strange creature.
The creature is humanoid in shape, with large arms, and legs. The creature walks slowly before disappearing behind a bush to never be seen again. Many people believe the video is fake, and was made using CGI. While others believe this is actual proof of the existence of the Chupacabra. Whatever the creature is, the video provides a creepy tone to those who live near the area…