If you consider a young man who belongs to this generation, that is, the 21st century, what would be his idea of utopia? The latest cellphone? Check. Trendy clothes and accessories? Check. Money to spend lavishly? Check. Finished? Oh, come on! Can’t think of anything else, it’s a girlfriend guys! If a man does not have a girlfriend in these ages, he’d be a source of ridicule amongst his friends. But what guarantee is there that a person who has a girlfriend is happy and that his girlfriend loves him dearly? That is a million dollar question dear and will be answered today to some extent.
A boyfriend is more prone to cheat than a girlfriend. This is the stereotypical image that exists in today’s time and is impossible to break. But isn’t it possible that a girlfriend might cheat behind her boyfriend’s back? In all probability, yes. Such witches (read ‘b’) will dally along with you when they want to go shopping or want something expensive but will then cheat on you the first chance they get. If you love your girlfriend dearly and you come to know of her foul play, it can be completely shattering. Better now than later, confront her on this topic right away! Here we have 15 ways to catch a cheating girlfriend. Use them to ascertain things and sort everything out.
15. Dump your garbage, lest it should stink
Via lifehacks.io
You are very serious about this relationship and also see her as your future wife. When you think of marriage, she is the first one who comes to your mind. But does she share the same thoughts? Probably no. Her intention is just to use you as her credit card and one fine day you will find her getting cozy in the arms of a stranger, in fact, she might already be there but you haven’t realized it. Go to her and confess your wedding plan in a serious tone, either she will find some excuse to escape from it or reject the idea at the outset. For her, this relationship was temporary and someone else is waiting for her with a wedding ring. Dear friend, it’s time to dump her.
14. The power of “IF”
Via wittyfeed.com
When you are going out with her, you have a golden chance to check her loyalty. She is not that clever such that she can fool you at parties. Pretend that you have consumed too much alcohol and that you’re all tipsy. On getting an escape, you may find her getting too cozy with other men, yes, you saw a witch, that’s her true face. Sometimes, she goes to party all alone, make sure that you keep an eye on her. As you know, a girl cannot get intimate with other guys if she is really committed to her boyfriend. There goes the word, if. “If” she is put in compromising situations how would she react? The way she conducts herself will immediately reveal to you whether you have a keeper or not.
13. Make Your Relationship Public
Via quickmeme
Your girl’s other boyfriend may be an innocent person who never knew about your commitment to her. It happens, some girls handle two boyfriends and you have seen one such example. So if you announce your relationship in public, you can easily catch your cheating girlfriend. It’s simple, go to your Facebook wall and share your relationship status. When you are at parties, tell some mutual friends that the both of you are in a serious relationship. It will get rapid publicity instantly! Of course, your love story will reach her other boyfriend and he may contact you for clarification. Yes, you caught a bad woman red handed.
12. Sleuth in the making
Via youtube.com
Is she avoiding calls when you are around? No doubt, she is hiding something from you. You can’t check her phone with her permission, she will definitely turn down your request. So, you have no other option other than stealing her phone. This one trick will give answers to all those questions that are haunting you since many days. Sometimes she leaves her phone on the bed, that’s the right opportunity for you, open her call history and mail her Whatsapp chat records to your email id. Keep in mind that she can stay away from her phone only for some time, so you must be very quick.
11. Start Grilling Her On Her Daily Habits
Via pinterest
Since many days, her behaviour is very suspicious. Sometimes, you feel that she is lying. As you have observed, she is having too many office meetings and business trips. Here you have a clue to break the secret. Ask her about all those people who will be accompanying her on a business trip and please remember those names. While collecting all these information you must look very casual. When she is out for a trip, check out her colleague’s Facebook wall. Is her colleague spending her weekend with kids? Okay, then your girl is out on a personal trip with someone, she is cheating you, buddy!
10. Let’s get the tracking started
Via memeguy.com
Yes, now there are hundreds of apps available in the Google Play Store to help you in catching your cheating girlfriend. You can easily get your girlfriend’s contacts, Skype calls, videos, photos, text messages etc. These apps will not cost you more than $50 and the best thing is she will not come to know that someone is spying on her. You can also find out whether she is a regular visitor on any dating site. Some guys ask their girlfriends to install apps like Couple Tracker through which they can share their phone access with their girlfriend and also get the access to her phone. Try the easy way first of all, and if she doesn’t bite, time to takes things to the next level.
9. Observe Her Body Language
Via Some Cards
“Body language is a very powerful tool. We had body language before we had speech, and apparently, 80% of what you understand in a conversation is read through the body, not the words,” said the British Dancer Deborah Bull. Closely observe your girlfriend’s body language, it has a secret for you. She is avoiding eye contact and she takes a lot of time to answer your questions. The reason is clear – she is lying! Sometimes, she purposefully avoids topics. For example, you are asking her about last night party and all of sudden she changes the topic. So the next time while speaking to her pay attention to all these tiny details.
8. Social Media – Your friend in finding a foe
Via 15minutenews.com
Don’t you have a Facebook account? It’s time to have one. If you can invest quality time in reading your girl’s post and checking those hot comments, you may get a clue as to whom she is making out with. Some guys are too punctual in liking your girl’s post, that you are bound to get jealous. If they are her colleague or family members it’s totally fine, but you just can’t expect such comments from a stranger, right? Go through his FB posts and know what kind of relationship he has been sharing with your girlfriend. If possible, make a fake FB account. In fact, a US Marine tried this idea to check his girl’s loyalty. He expected that his girlfriend will ignore his messages, but she disappointed him by flirting consistently, even she gave her consent for a video call!
7. Stop being her wallet
Via imgflip.com
As a boyfriend, you know her expenditure is too much. You never said ‘no’ to her shopping demands, but now you must stop spending on her. She may stop asking you when she realizes this after a point of time. Surprisingly, her expenditure remains the same, so it’s clear that there is someone who has replaced your credit card. Listen to her conversation with her friends, usually girls are crazy when it comes to showing off their boyfriend’s gifts in front of their friends. On your next visit to her home, carefully observe the gift wrappers that are on her table, there is a clue.
6. Distance makes the heart grow fonder
Via clipd.com
Yes, this idea will work out. If you are her world, she will feel upset when you start ignoring her. Stop responding to her messages and don’t make calls, keep it up just for a week. You will come to know how much she loves you. In case there is someone in her life, she may not come to you begging for love. In fact, she was waiting for a breakup and when you initiate it from your side, she may not protest. After a week, you may find her with a new guy. A week period is not possible for a girl to meet a guy and win his love. So, it’s clear that she was in a secret relationship.
5. Fashion Tour, Revamped!
Via uitgekleed.wordpress.com
In the beginning of your relationship, she was way too concerned about her clothes and looks. Because, impressing you was her one and only intention. Now that you are madly in love with her she started feeling comfortable in her own skin. But recently, she has become crazy about her looks, once again. She will not behave in that way without a reason, right? Don’t you feel that she is doing all of this in order get some compliments from someone? If you have a doubt, make sure you ask her about her whereabouts and cross check the answers with multiple sources.
4. Sherlock, at your service!
Via movin925.com
Okay, the task of catching a cheating girlfriend is not a piece of cake, but for one person, it’s very easy. Yes, a private detective. You can hire him if you are ready to pay a decent amount. Before going to the private detective, collect all the relevant information that you have secretly collected, for example her phone bill, a list of friends etc. A private detective knows how to play his game, in fact, they are very experienced in this matter. So you really don’t have to rely on anyone else for help. In a week he will come back to you with shocking information and a bunch of evidence.
3. Pretend You’re Going To Work
Via memeguy.com
She knows your work schedule. In fact, she knows even this fact that you are very punctual when it comes to office hours. So, there is a possibility that your girlfriend going out on a date while you are busy in front of a computer at the office. Change this schedule, for a week. You can take leave from all your works. Are you both in a live-in relation? Okay, in the morning take your bag and pretend that you are leaving for the office. Now, she is a free bird at home, either she can go out with her boyfriend or invite him to your home. Keep an eye on your house, you might catch them red-handed.
2. Say hello to a drone
Via distractify.com
Are you shocked after reading this? Wait, many people have already tried this trick and also caught their cheating spouse, so there is nothing wrong in trying this idea. A man called Yaog in China used a drone to find out whether his lady is loyal to him or not. The drone caught her cheating on him. Later he released a footage on social media. “Recently I found out that my wife’s been cheating on me. Yep, great right? I caught her meeting a guy only a few blocks from my home, and I got it on video,” said Yaog. Be careful, in some countries you need a legal consent to use a drone. Sort out all the legalities before setting out to use one.
1. Have a brutally honest conversation with her
Via theofficeisms.com
Trust and love are the two faces of the same coin. Since a few days, your girlfriend’s behaviour has planted a seed of doubt in your mind, but you are someone who really doesn’t want to spy on her to know her loyalty. So, the best way to know her secret affair is to have a straight talk. Create a friendly environment for her to confess her feelings. Of course, if she is attracted to someone and stuck in a relationship, clear her mind.
It will be an opportunity for you to know your girl and also clear your doubts. Rather than carrying a complicated relationship, the both of you can come to a conclusion.
Sources: The Daily Dot, Mirror, Breitbart