16 Weird Confessions From Women On The First Date
Ah, women. To a lot of us men, they can be quite a mystery. But if you take the time to understand and love them, you’ll realize that they’re beautiful, admirable individuals—far from all the horrendous names those clueless, unlovable woman-hating boys give them. After all, regardless of gender, we’re all human, so we all have common ground. By having an open mind, respect, patience and a heart full of love—be it in the friendly, romantic or brotherly (or sisterly) sense—we will be able to see that we are connected, and that we should be living together in harmony…
Then there are these insufferable women. With an attitude like theirs, these fine Redditor gentlemen of this thread with a childish and NSFW title couldn’t stand a date with them, and had to tell their story to strangers. These girls should be ashamed of themselves, and banished by the love goddesses of all pantheons to be stuck in the bottom of the dating pool. But may the goddesses bless these brave lads, who lived through such horrible experiences, with a much better lady the next time around. With what they’ve experienced, they very much deserve it.
16. Always a cheater
Via blackdragonblog.com
We all have done wrong and shameful things in our past relationships. Some of us have even committed one of the gravest sins when it comes to love: cheating. It’s never okay. However, if you cheated before but you did your best to change so that you’d never repeat the same mistake again in the future, that’s good. Never, ever be like this girl Reddit user SansGray is talking about. While people are still unsure how true the saying “Once a cheater, always a cheater” is, the girl from this Reddit user’s experience sure is trying to make herself its perfect example. Because of her admission, nobody will want to date her, even if she turns out to be super hot. Well, maybe except masochists.
15. Submerge her, please
Via medium.com
When you’re a decent person, you also want to date a fellow decent person like you. So when the girl you’re seeing says something completely disgusting, like what Reddit user Timmoddly’s date said, you should do what he did. Seriously, if you meet a girl like her, stay away from her like she’s the plague. Regardless of where a chick leans in the political spectrum and what the color of her skin may be, if she thinks any race, ethnicity or nationality is not human, then she deserves to grow old alone and lonely. Then again, that’s not harsh enough. She deserves to be with another racist guy, so they can live unhappily ever after on the wrong side of history, while the world moves on and becomes more progressive.
14. Young and reckless
“Lying is the most fun thing a girl can do without taking her clothes off” according to a line in the movie Closer, and the title of a Panic! At the Disco song. Maybe this is fun to crazy girls, but to sane men who just want a decent girlfriend, it’s the worst thing that could happen to them. Reddit user Zwaanzy once went out with a girl who lied about her age. It’s one thing for a girl to only give a range instead of her exact age, but it’s a complete disaster for a guy if a girl he’s seeing claims she’s over 18 even though she’s just 15. Talk about jailbait. Thankfully, our Reddit bro was either decent enough to stop her advances, or scared to death of getting imprisoned.
13. Cold, hard cash…and heart
Via kkyr.com
If you have a heart, no matter how little, you will, at the very least, be sad about the thought of little, innocent children who have cancer—a vicious disease that not only inflicts so much pain, but also ravages the body and depletes one’s strength and will to live. Unfortunately, Reddit user sporkpdx had an unpleasant encounter with a heartless woman. The girl he was on a date with told him that she wanted to be a pediatric oncological nurse, a nurse whose specialty is children with cancer. A sweet and noble thing, until she told him that she didn’t care about the kids, and that she’s only in it for the money. Yes, it’s one of the highest paying nurse specializations. But if you’re only in it for cash? Shame on you.
12. Why are there still monkeys?
Via bbc.com
Whether you believe in evolution or not, you should be knowledgeable enough to understand what it’s all about instead of making strawman arguments. Like the girl Reddit user rockHopper54 dated, who said: “I just feel like if evolution is real, why are there still monkeys?”
Going by her logic, there should only be one kind of animal for each order, as she’s so misinformed about Charles Darwin’s greatest contribution to science that she thinks each and every organism would evolve to one species that has the best traits of and none of the flaws of those species that are lower in the evolutionary ladder. Unfortunately, girls like this are more common than you think, so if you meet one, tell her Pokemon isn’t real life.
11. Zero respect for video games
Via entrepreneur.com
We boys love our games a lot, sometimes a little more than we love women. So if we’re dating someone and we hear her saying something similar to what the date of Reddit user TheRealBlueBadger said, we’ll run for the hills. Her ex was going to pick up his PlayStation 2 and game CDs. She scratched the latter because, you know, she’s crazy and has no respect for the property and the hobby of others, including a guy she used to date. The mere fact that she damaged her ex’s stuff is already a red flag in itself, but the fact that these are gaming-related makes the flag way redder. Well, at least she didn’t damage Crash Team Racing. Then again, everyone loves that game.
10. Cold, hard cash…and heart
Via kkyr.com
If you have a heart, no matter how little, you will, at the very least, be sad about the thought of little, innocent children who have cancer—a vicious disease that not only inflicts so much pain, but also ravages the body and depletes one’s strength and will to live. Unfortunately, Reddit user sporkpdx had an unpleasant encounter with a heartless woman. The girl he was on a date with told him that she wanted to be a pediatric oncological nurse, a nurse whose specialty is children with cancer. A sweet and noble thing, until she told him that she didn’t care about the kids, and that she’s only in it for the money. Yes, it’s one of the highest paying nurse specializations. But if you’re only in it for cash? Shame on you.
9. No Protection?
Via: Youtube
For a lot of guys, especially dudes who just want to get laid, unprotected activities with a complete stranger is completely fine as long as she’s on the pill. As long as she doesn’t get knocked up and therefore you won’t have to pay for child support nine months after you nail her, it’s fine, right? Wrong. So when a girl told Reddit user Guruking that they could do it without a condom, it was a big no-no for him. Because who knows? There’s the chance that she had a sexually transmitted disease, or worse—she might not really be on the pill, and next thing you know she’s got a hold on you, because she tricked you into leaving her with a child.
8. Don’t want your company
Via alleywatch.com
It’s nice when a woman wants her parents’ company. It means she’s a family-oriented lady who has much respect for her folks, and that she’s content with just spending time with her mama and papa at home. You know, just watching TV, talking and reminiscing the days when she was still a kid. Until you realize that the company she’s talking about is an entirely different thing. Reddit user R1CKandSH0RTY had a date with this girl whose parents owned a medical supplies company. She told him about this fifteen minutes into the date, and shortly after she was already telling him that she’s just waiting for her parents to keel over and then the company would be hers. That’s not something you say on the first date.
7. I’m woke, y’all
Via splinternews.com
On one hand, we have racists. On the other, we have social justice warriors. They’re nowhere near as bad as the former, but they’re very much annoying, and can even be pretty insulting when they start blurting out buzzwords, put you in a box and patronize you if you’re considered a minority in America. And the worst part? They think they’re enlightened and are doing the world good because of their misguided take on identity politics. Unfortunately for Reddit user Mensday4, he had the displeasure of dating one. The girl called him a “person of color”, kept insisting that they had a conversation about his ethnicity and humble-bragged that she’s “woke”. Our Reddit friend wasn’t a fan of these types of people, so there was no second date.
6. Just keeping the bloodlines pure
Via imgur.com
As long as you’re not specifically aiming for a particular culture because you have a fetish, it’s nice to date a girl from another culture or ethnicity, as you get to learn a thing or two about other people. And when a girl tells you that it’s disgusting to do so, it says a lot about what kind of person she is. Reddit user momwouldnotbeproud once dated a girl who thought it’s gross that he once dated a Mexican, and when she noticed he was not happy about what she said, she tried to save the situation by saying that she just thought that bloodlines should be kept pure. Well, if this girl’s mama is a decent person, then she will definitely not be proud of her daughter.
5. Marriage is out of the question
Via wedding-spot.com
It’s nice to hear your girlfriend tell you that she can see herself marrying you. But sometimes it’s a bit too soon. So, when’s the best time for her to say it? Four years within the relationship? Five? Or maybe six? Wait, we’re looking at it the wrong way. It’s not about how long the relationship is, but about how she feels about a life with you. Therefore, it goes without saying that a girl wouldn’t tell you that she could see herself marrying and having babies with you on the first date. It happens in movies, but definitely not in real life… or does it? Apparently, it does, according to Reddit user NotRickDeckard1982’s experience. To make matters worse, she said it twenty minutes into the date. No thanks.
4. What about my beard?
Via theidleman.com
Men love their beards. It’s a symbol of their masculinity and love for being the testosterone-filled gender. So when a woman tells her man that the beard has to go, a man goes through so much mental anguish, as it’s hard to choose between his woman and his facial hair. But for Reddit user and unmarried dad uncertain_death, it’s not enough that his beard and his lady date are mutually exclusive, as he also had to deal with the fact that she cheated on her previous boyfriend with her ex-husband. She said he should prioritize her date’s kids over his, and his kids can’t live with him and her if they ever move in together. As if making a man think of losing his beard for her wasn’t bad enough.
3. Language barrier
Via linkedin.com
It’s fine to cuss, depending on the situation, and depending on how loud you are. At the club with your friends? It’s fine, even if you shout it at the top of your lungs. Nobody’s going to hear you anyway. On public transportation? It’s cool too, as long as you’re not too loud. On a date in a restaurant, and the table is near a family with a bunch of kids? Most definitely not. But apparently, Reddit user YellowShorts’s date didn’t get the memo, or wasn’t taught by her folks about that, as she cussed and talked loudly despite being in such a situation. Our Reddit bro told her to pipe down, but she said that she doesn’t “give a f***.” Yep, she’s definitely a keeper. Not.
2. When your date says something that triggers a red flag…
When your date says something that triggers a red flag, get away. But when she says as many red flag words as possible, you should tell Reddit about her, just like what user IShotJR3 did. There are too many to be written and be elaborated here, so just check out this link. For a preview, here are three things she said: “I’m not racist, but…”, “You’re paying for this, right?” and “I have 2 kids and both of their fathers are useless, I hope you turn out better”. If this were a game show, the answers would be: “You brought it up so maybe you are racist”, “How about no”, and “Why are you bringing this up when we’re not even serious with each other yet?”
1. In a previous life
First was the boom of New Age Spirituality, which led people to take whatever concept from random religions and just believe it to be true. Next was the trend of being “woke” about certain issues. Mix the two, then add the Internet and impressionable people, and now you get girls saying spiritually and politically “woke” stuff that are not only ridiculous, but also harmful to legitimate causes. A good example of this is what the date of Reddit user DevilSaintDevil (a rather appropriate username) said: “I was probably a sex slave in a previous life because I’ve never been raped, but I have all the symptoms of a violent rape survivor.” Aside from the fact that it sounds completely bonkers, it trivializes real rape victims.