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20 Chilling and Real Workplace Horror Stories

Career, Lifestyle
20 Chilling and Real Workplace Horror Stories

Work. We all know that word. We spend a huge portion of our adult lives dealing with it. The workplace becomes a second home. Friendships are built, drama occurs and goals are achieved at this place. It’s not always an easy place to be. Between personal drama and arguments, workplace politics and misunderstandings, it can start to feel like a personal purgatory. Trying to leave this craziness at the office can be difficult. We start to feel that our jobs define us.

Many people spend fifty to seventy hours a week building their ultimate career. Their jobs are their identity and the only thing they feel proud of. There are times that we can feel that work haunts our lives every minute that we’re not there. But at the end of the day, our jobs aren’t what defines us, or they shouldn’t. But the following stories will show you that we don’t always leave things behind at the end of the day. You will see that to some, showing up to work is a habit that they will never lose, and they will do anything to continue, even from beyond the grave. 

20. Saint Thomas Hospital – Stockport, England


Doctors spend a great deal of time and energy getting through school for their career. The drive and desire to help others is a strong feeling that carries these dedicated professionals through. You have to be passionate. But in the case of one doctor, this drive still continues. An interior decorator in Stockport, England caught an image that appears to be a doctor in an abandoned hospital. There have also been reports of a nurse in what appears to be a nun’s habit seen in the hall. Eerie images of these spirits show that dedication can continue even past the grave.

19. Lake County, Chicago Coroner’s Office


It’s not surprising to find that a coroner’s office would have stories of hauntings. It’s a common theory that spirits will hang around when they have unfinished business. If so, the ghost that hangs around the Lake County coroner’s office apparently has unfinished business with the staff. It’s said that the ghost is that of a woman by the name of Anna who died in a nursing home in the 1990s and was brought to the morgue. A deputy coroner retrieved the body and brought her to the morgue. Unfortunately, during a very busy time, she was left untended for a time. After she was identified, weird stuff began to happen. Doors opening and closing, cars turning off and locking and things moving are only a few of the things attributed to the spirits here. Anna obviously decided that although she was forgotten once, she won’t be forgotten again. 

18. Greenville Army-Navy Store – Greenville, SC


Greenville is a gorgeous southern city that has an abundance of history in its buildings and grounds. It’s not surprising that it also has it’s share of ghosts. The Greenville Army-Navy store hosts one. In 1946, veteran Harry Zaglin purchased the store and ran it until his death in 1995. His son, Jeff, took over and continues to run it today. But it is believed that Harry didn’t retire from the store when he retired from life. Paranormal investigators reported hearing a voice saying, “Get out! We’re closed.” There have also been reports of flashing lights, boots moving by themselves and drawers that won’t stay closed. Apparently, Harry is still maintaining the military discipline he loved in life.

17. Guilford County Sheriff’s Department, Greensboro, NC


The sheriff’s department in Greensboro, North Carolina is located in a historic area downtown. The offices occupy a building that used to be the home and showroom of interior designer Otto Zenke. He had lived in the building for more than twenty years after he renovated the downtown home. In the 19790s, the city of Greensboro had plans to revamp the downtown area and create a governmental complex. Zenke’s house was right in the middle of it. Despite a hard fought battle, the family lost the legal fight to have the home declared a historical site. Zenke died in 1984 and the city purchased his home. The sheriff’s department moved in, but it appears that Otto never left. Reports of moving furniture, disembodied voices and footsteps are just a few of the pieces that come from this place. Most of the activity centers around an administrative office that used to be Otto’s bedroom. Although his home wasn’t thrown open to the public, Otto obviously isn’t happy about the use of it and is determined to stick around.

16. Hotel Galvez – Galveston, TX


The employees of the Hotel Galvez in Galveston, Texas have their hands full caring for the historic hotel and it’s guests. The diamond rated hotel that sits on the seawall of Galveston island has been providing impeccable and luxurious care to guests for more than a century. But the hotel has had tragedies. The best known ghost of the hotel is the ghost bride, Audra. Audra was engaged to a mariner in the 1950s. She would stay in room 501 and await his return. She would climb the stairs to the west turret and watch for his ship. During one of his trips, a storm blew in. Word finally arrived that the ship went down and no one survived. Audra refused to give up hope and continued to return to the turret to watch for him. Finally, after no sign of the mariner arrived, she gave up; she hung herself in the west turret. Several days later, the mariner returned to find out that his beloved Audra was dead. Guests of the hotel report cold drafts, slamming doors and televisions and lights turning off and on. Room 501 is said to be the worst. So enjoy your stay at the hotel, but watch for some guests that never left.

15. Spaghetti Warehouse, Houston, TX


If you’re looking for good food and good atmosphere in Houston, try out Spaghetti Warehouse. The Italian restaurant has been serving its customers since 1974, but the historic building in downtown has a longer and darker history. Built in 1912, it was a fruit and vegetable warehouse than a pharmaceutical company. Tragedy struck when a young pharmacist fell down an elevator shaft. So distraught over his death, his wife passed less than a year later. Guests of the restaurant get a wonderful dinner and sometimes a little extra excitement. Reports of floating objects, disembodied voices and shuffling noises often greet the customers. Employees have reported hearing voices calling their names and hearing the sounds of invisible children playing. Next time you’re in Houston, stop by and have some spaghetti and hang out with the spirits.

14. The Downtown Houston Library – Julia Ideson Building


Employees of the Julia Ideson library cater to Houstonians of all types. This beautiful Spanish style building has graced the downtown area since the 1920s. It provides a look at the grandeur of the architecture of the city. It houses the Houston Metropolitan Research center and is open to all guests. The librarians that take care of this historic building enjoy working in an elegant location surrounded by history. But some parts of the library’s past refuse to stay in the past. In the early 1900s, the caretaker of the library, Jacob Cramer, would spend his leisure time playing the violin, wandering the halls, and playing with his dog, Petey. He died alone in his basement bedroom. But there are stories that he never left. Employees report hearing strains of violin music and the clicking of dog claws on the marble floors. Jacob apparently loved his job so much, that even after death, he’s still looking after the books.

13. Los Angeles City Hall


Working for the government can be a good job, with great hours and benefits. But along with the stress of dealing with constant customer service, the employees of Los Angeles City Hall have an extra set of circumstances that most don’t deal with. Employees of the government building have to deal with the building’s scary past. Besides the 32 floors of offices and conference rooms, it used to house a morgue. Security guards have said that floors 2, 3, 4, 27 and 28 are the most haunted. You can actually feel someone walking beside you. Cameras actually catch ghostly figures walking through the halls. Employees are never alone when they are in this workplace.

12. Huntsman Chemical Plant – Conroe, Texas


Southeast Texas has a large chemical corridor with a large amount of chemical plants and oil refineries. These mammoth structures are a common site along the roads. They are strictly regulated and employ a very large amount of people. Despite the best efforts of the staff and regulatory agencies to maintain a safe environment, accidents can happen. The Huntsman Plant in Conroe is no exception to this situation. The plant suffered a small explosion that killed one of the workers. When the workers returned to the plant, they soon discovered that their late coworker had returned with them. Stories of a tall, pale man roaming the hallways started emerging. After the initial horror, the employees began to accept the strange occurrences and even felt that he had a right to be there. Huntsman Chemical will continue to be manned by its workers, even after they have left this life.

11. Toys ‘R’ Us – Sunnyvale, California


I am the type of person who still holds on to my inner child. I love toy stores and still enjoy wandering in them. To many of us, they are the essence of fun and silliness. I can only imagine how much fun it would be to work somewhere surrounded by toys, games, and stuffed animals. But the employees of the Toys ‘R’ Us in Sunnyvale might not feel that way all the time. There are numerous stories of a ghost that stirs things up regularly. Female employees don’t feel comfortable going to the bathroom alone. When they go, they will often find the faucets turned on for them. Toys move about. Footsteps and ghostly apparitions have been reported. All this is attributed to the ghost of a worker by the name of Johnson or Yohan. He lived on a family farm that was on the land the store occupies today. The story says that he was in love the family’s daughter, but she ran off with a lawyer. Yohan either accidentally cut his own leg with an axe or was hit with one, but he bled to death from a leg wound. His love of the family and his unfulfilled work appear to have kept him around where he still loves to work and play.

10. Menger Hotel – San Antonio, TX


San Antonio has it’s share of hauntings with locations like the Alamo, but one of the most haunted is the the Menger Hotel. As one of the oldest hotels in Texas, founded in 1859, it has served thousands of guests. Over its long history, the hotel has seen a lot of tragedy. Today’s guests get to share the beautiful hotel grounds with approximately thirty two ghosts. One of the most famous is Sallie White. She was a chambermaid that worked at the hotel. She got into an argument with her husband and stayed at the hotel overnight. He threatened to kill her. Some time later, he attacked her in the hotel. Two days after the attack, she died from her injuries. She is still seen walking through hallways with an armful of towels. She is still making sure the guests have what they need.

9. Whaley House – San Diego, CA


The Whaley house in San Diego has an incredibly turbulent past that has led to a large number of ghostly occupants. Visitors and docents alike have stories of different entities that have been seen throughout the home. Ghostly images of men, women, and children as well as animals have been seen and heard. Stories are told of the ghost of “Yankee Jim,” a man that was convicted of grand larceny and hanged on the spot where the house now stands. Reports of heavy footsteps that sound like the steps of a large man wearing boots have been reported by many. There is also a story of a spirit child that could possibly have been a playmate of the Whaley children. There hasn’t been any proof that the child existed but many claim to have seen her. There is even rumour of sightings of Thomas Whaley himself. Visitors never know if they are going to be touring the house by itself or standing with the former occupants.

8. Disneyland – Walt Disney himself


Disneyland is supposed to be one of the happiest places on Earth, but it’s also one of the creepiest. There are so many ghost stories that I could do an entire article it, but there are a few that really stick out. It is reported that the ghost of Walt Disney is still at work in his beloved office. He had an apartment over the fire station on Main street. After he died, the light in the window was left on in tribute. Before this tribute was started, one cast member turned the light off and left the room. She found the light on when she returned. The story goes that she heard a voice say, “I’m still here.” Walt Disney’s love for his work and vision is apparently so strong, that it still holds his spirit today.

7. Masonic Temple – Detroit, MI


This majestic and historic building designed by famed architect, George D. Mason, has stood proudly since 1920. At fourteen stories, it is the largest Masonic temple in the world with over 1,000 rooms. But because it’s a Freemason building, it also has hidden rooms, halls and floors. It also houses the ghost of the designer himself. Mason went into insolvency as the temple was being built and his wife left him. With everything going to pieces, Mason climbed to the top of the temple and threw himself off. Stories abound of seeing him walking the hallways and climbing the stairs to the roof. Any visitor to the temple may come face to face with the father of the largest temple in the world.

6. Orpheum Theatre – Memphis, TN


This beautiful landmark theater in downtown Memphis has held it’s place since 1928. Before then, the site was the home of the Grand Opera House which was built in 1921. There is a story that a twelve year old girl by the name of Mary was killed in an accident in front of the opera house. Employees and guests have seen the spirit of Mary all over the theater. She has been seen dancing in the lobby and sitting in her favorite seat watching the productions. If you’re in Memphis and decide to take in a show at this gorgeous 1920s style theater, make sure to leave seat C5 open. You may have a surprise guest join your party.

5. Moon River Brewing Company – Savannah, GA


This comfortable, old brewery welcomes you in with good old fashioned Southern charm. It has been a part of the Savannah scenery in one form or another since 1821. It was built as the City Hotel by Elazer Early. In its history, it has served as a hotel, post office and a bank before it was transformed into a bar in 1999. The ghost stories started occurring then. All of the floors of the brewery have tales about them ranging from silent specters in the basement to invisible forces holding doors shut in the ladies restroom. People have felt invisible hands touch them while they were eating. The employees will welcome you to the brewery for good food and drink, but just know, you may sit down with guests you didn’t count on.

4. Longfellow’s Wayside Inn – Sudbury, MA


This inviting and warm historic hotel has graced Sudbury with its picturesque charm and presence for over three hundred years. In 1716, a man by the name of David Howe purchased the building. His sister, Jerusha, enjoyed this gorgeous place as her home. However, tragedy was destined for Jerusha. She met and fell in love with an Englishman at the hotel. He returned to England having promised to come back for her. But he never returned. Jerusha spent the next 44 years living as a single woman awaiting the return of her long lost lover before passing away with a broken heart. Male guests, especially those that stay in room 9, report waking up to the sensation of feminine hands stroking their intimate areas. It has become so common, that the guests have taken to writing down their experiences and leaving them in different places throughout the hotel. The staff has dubbed this the “Secret Drawer Society.” The hotel is one of the best places to stay in New England, but the men might get more than just a comfortable bed for the night.

3. Stratford Hall, Virginia


Stratford Hall is the ancestral home of Robert E. Lee and his family. This historic landmark has been preserved and is open to the public daily. The great halls and home have been restored to the majesty of its heyday. The land around the home is still farmed as well. Visitors enjoy the stately home and surrounding area, but some of the visitors of the house have been there for centuries. The most famous is the ghost of Elizabeth McCarthy Storke, who was rumoured to have had an affair with Robert E. Lee’s step-brother, Henry. A medium reported hearing her voice screaming, “I didn’t do it.” When you visit Virginia, take time to enjoy the rich history. If you visit Stratford Hall, you might get to hear Elizabeth for yourself.

2. Texas Capitol Building – Austin, TX


Texas history is filled with times of trouble and strife. This state has seen tragedy and triumph as it has gone from a territory of Mexico to a temporary country before joining the United States. Fiercely independent and strong willed, Texas politicians have had the job of guiding this state through its history. The state capitol building in Austin was the scene of many historic decisions. With the energy and drive that it took to shape this state, it’s not surprising that many of the trailblazing pioneers are still walking the halls of this gorgeous building. The most well known is the spirit of Robert Marshall Love who was reported to have been shot at his desk in 1903. Many employees and guests have seen a well dressed gentleman in clothing from the 1900s. When he is approached he disappears through walls. There are also stories of him saying “good day” to people as they pass him. If you get to Austin and have time to see the capitol building, watch for a bit of history that might walk up to you.

1. US Capitol – Washington D.C.


For a truly haunting experience, check out our nation’s capitol. The 200 year old building has a host of stories ranging from a demon cat to dancing statuary. There’s been a number of tragic deaths ranging from the death of building superintendent John Lenthall when the building collapsed on him to John Quincy Adams having a stroke on the floor of congress. Employees never know when they will run into one of the many spirits that walk, stalk, and scream their way through the revered hallways. Be prepared for history to come back from the grave and join you if you tour the capitol.

No matter how bad your job might be with annoying bosses, office drama, and crazy schedules, these stories show that some jobs are much more hair raising and chilling than others. Hopefully, when you are working alone at night, you are actually alone.

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