20 Hobbies Guaranteed To Impress The Ladies
Via sickchirpse.com
Listen, it’s not all about your career and how much money you make. Not all women are going to care how you spend your days from nine to five. Our hobbies sometimes say a lot more about us than our jobs. We are the ones who decide what we do with our leisure time, after all. What you do in your free time says a lot about the kind of person you are, or, at least, the kind of person you want to be. Do you prefer to spend focus your leisure on athletic pursuits? Maybe you’re an artistic type that prefers to pluck guitar strings or slap colors on a canvas. But, what kind of hobby is going to impress the ladies? If you’ve found yourself a bit bored lately, let’s see if we can find you a new leisure activity to pursue. Don’t worry, we’ve compiled a list of hobbies that are sure to make an impression on your next date. Remember, you don’t have to stick with only one pursuit. But, passion is sexy.
20. Video Games
Via plus.google.com
Yes. Your affection for late night video gaming might just impress some ladies. Especially if you’re into games that suck you in for the long haul. Think, Zelda. If you’re a pro at guiding Link through various tasks and puzzles, it’s a sure sign that you’re not a quitter. Some women will definitely appreciate your mystery solving prowess. Even if you’re just a pro in the video game world, you’re someone who clearly doesn’t give up so easily. You might even find you share a love for gaming with your date. Who doesn’t love a round of Mario-Kart with a glass of wine?
19. Photography
Via youtube.com
Your hobby of photography is sure to be viewed as sexy by potential mates. It shows that you’re artistic, creative, and have keen eye for detail. There’s this notion that photographers are more sensitive to the world, they can see – and capture – what the rest of us don’t. There’s something intimate about photographing the world. Photographers capture moments that are forever recorded visually. Photography can be the ultimate intimate experience too. Think sexy boudoir shoots. When you’re behind a camera, you instantly appear as if you know something the rest of us don’t about the world. You’re definitely a bit mysterious.
18. Painting
Via businessinsider.com
A lot of people can’t paint, can’t draw, and have no artistic bone in their body. Finding out someone can paint means that that person is able to access a world that many people just can’t. It means you’re creative, likely sensitive, and you’ve got the ability to express your feelings via an art form. That’s majorly impressive. Remember the scene from Titanic? When Jack paints Rose naked. That’s the sexy part of being an artist. You might not be able to paint faces that well. Maybe you’re more of an abstract painter. It doesn’t matter. Art is sexy, no matter what.
17. Music
Via nyack.levitylive.com
Way back in the days of high school, it seemed that the only way to get a girl was to learn how to play guitar. Of course, with a bit more maturity, you’ve likely realized that that’s just not true. You can learn to play any instrument and be able to impress women on a date. Learning to play music is tough stuff. It shows that you’re dedicated and able to focus your attention. If you happen to actually be good, more power to you! If you can make beautiful sounds, you’re bound to get some positive attention. Go ahead and sing a beautiful song.
16. Surfing
Via vogue.fr
What’s hotter than a guy on a beach, shirtless and riding waves? Surfing is a hobby that’s sure to impress those around you. If you’re able to stay above water and ride waves, it’s likely that you’re at least marginally in shape. It might also mean you’re okay with taking risks. Surfing in the ocean can potentially be a dangerous endeavor. The fact that you’ve honed your skills to be able to practice your hobby means that you’re a determined person. But also, the fact that you’re not wearing a shirt when you’re on the beach goes a long way.
15. Reading
Via movpins.com
Are you a bookworm? Do you lose yourself in the written word and enjoy taking trips to other worlds and places? Maybe you’re into Harry Potter, or maybe you just like a good non fiction book. Whatever you prefer, being a reader is sure to impress women. Reading, usually, takes some form of intelligence to do. The fact that you like to spend your free time engrossed in a good book might mean that you’re an introvert. Maybe you prefer staying in to a raucous night out. It might also mean that you’ve got a vast imagination. Being able to think outside the box? Now, that’s sexy.
14. Writing
Via copylabblog.wordpress.com
Writing is yet another creative pursuit that is sure to impress your love interest. Maybe you’ve got the ability to craft a well written story, poem, or letter. Poetry is always a sure fire way to grab a woman’s attention. As long as it’s good and, of course, sincere. Having writing as a hobby shows that you’re smart. It might also mean that you’ve got a way with words in general. You might also speak eloquently, which is a nice way to woo your beloved. Get that girl’s attention with your words. Write a beautiful haiku to show her you exist.
13. Dancing
Via liveforfilm.com
There’s a reason Magic Mike, a film about a male stripper, was pretty successful at the box office. A guy who can dance is super hot. There’s nothing sexier than a guy who can move his body to the music, whatever the music may be. A guy who can bust a move is always going to be more attractive when he’s moving along to the music. You’ve heard of beer goggles? There’s might even be such a thing as dance goggles. Except, when the other person is dancing like a pro, you can’t help but be turned on. If you’re not already a pro on the dance floor, sign up for some lessons now!
12. Cooking
Via alltimebest.co
There’s a saying that says that food is the way to a man’s heart. Well, the reverse is true. Actually, food is the way to most people’s hearts. Good food, of course. A man who can cook is super hot. A man that knows his way around the kitchen and can make pasta from scratch? He’s a keeper. Cooking is a labor of love. Someone who cooks for another person isn’t just providing them sustenance, their showing their affection for the other person. Eating a delicious home cooked meal together is the perfect way to create intimacy. Light those candles and pour some wine!
11. Team Sports
Via alltimebest.co
A guy that’s into team sports is probably in shape and looks are half the battle when you’re trying to make a first impression. But being part of a soccer, rugby, or baseball team isn’t just about being in shape. It’s impressive because it shows you’re dedicated to something. It also means that you value teamwork. Being part of a team means you’re someone who’s likely loyal. Team sports also often require attending practices. The fact that you’re willing to practice to hone your skills? We’re already impressed. If you’re actually the star player on the team, that’s bonus points.
10. Running
Via propstore.com
Team sports are impressive but so are solo sports. Running is a sport that requires a lot of dedication. It probably means you’re a Type A person who cares about reaching your goals. Or, maybe you just enjoy spending time outside, breathing in fresh air. Runners tend to be fit and they also tend to really enjoy running. The fact that you’ve run several marathons might impress a lay person, but it’s sure to wow a fellow runner. If you’re lucky enough to find a run obsessed partner? You’ve basically won the lottery. Other runners will swoon over your maniacal love for the sport.
9. Gardening
Via thelondoneconomic.com
If you like getting your hands dirty in the garden, you’re bound to make a positive impression on the ladies. Whether you garden in a small backyard plot or you’re a big farmer, the fact that you enjoy being outdoors is pretty attractive. When you garden, you bring life to tiny seeds, that in itself is impressive. Your passion for growing flowers, vegetables, or herbs is pretty endearing. When you tell someone you’re hobby is gardening, images of fresh produce and honeybees come to mind. You clearly care about something beyond yourself, maybe you’re even into saving the environment. Totally sexy.
8. Hiking
Via trinitynews.ie
If your favorite activity is being outside, hiking a mountain, then you’re bound to impress some ladies. Your love for the great outdoors and the exhilaration of climbing steep inclines is definitely appealing. The fact that you enjoy walking long distances on tough terrain must mean that you’re a determined individual. There’s also something about people who prefer the outdoors to being indoors. They’re a special breed. There’s something visceral and manly about your pastime. Make sure your potential love interest is up for the same challenge as you, though. Breathe in that fresh air together and enjoy a picnic at the top of that mountain.
7. Building Things
Via youtube.com
A guy who can build things, fix things, and create things from scratch is super appealing. A man who can fix things is sexy because well, it’s nice to have someone fix that leaky faucet. If you’re not a fixer yourself, hiring someone to do it is never fun. You’d prefer having a partner who can help you instead! A man who can build a patio. Super sexy. Watching a man perform physical labor? Yes, please. Women might just break things so they can invite you over to help. It’s a sneaky plan, but your hobby makes you so irresistible!
6. Learning
Via memesuper.com
Are you someone who can’t get enough knowledge? Do you constantly want to consume information so that you can be just a little bit more informed? Well, that’s totally hot. A guy who seeks to better himself with the pursuit of knowledge is definitely appealing. You’re sure to impress your next date if you reveal that your favorite hobby is simply ‘learning stuff’. Maybe you enjoy taking random college courses, maybe you really love to read the news to stay on top of the issues, or maybe you just like to read books about the topics you’re interested in. Whatever way you like to learn. The fact that you’re hungry for more is so sexy.
5. Scuba Diving
Via collider.com
If this is your hobby, it’s likely that it’s a bit obscure. Unless you’re living in a town filled with scuba divers (does that even exist?) you’re probably going to share this information about yourself with a non-diver. No matter who the other person is, potential love interest or not, the fact that your hobby is scuba-diving is very impressive. It might mean that you’re fairly wealthy, since diving requires equipment and flights to prime dive locations might also be rather expensive. The fact that you dive underwater is reason alone to find you amazing. That’s scary stuff! You’re basically a deep sea daredevil.
4. Flying
Via pinterest.com
There’s something sexy about those that fly the skies. Even those flying is very safe, many of us still can’t believe that planes can actually stay in the sky. They’re too heavy! It must be magic! The fact that you know how to pilot an aircraft is obviously appealing. It means you can whisk a woman off for a magical trip. You can show a lady beautiful vistas. You might even be able to land a place in the unlikely event that both the pilot and co-pilot perish from heart attacks on your flight to your romantic getaway. If you’re a commercial pilot, the uniform alone is enough to make a woman fan herself.
3. Yoga
Via harpersbazaar.com
You might have expected this to appear on a list of sexy hobbies for women. It might certainly appear there, but we think it’s a pretty sexy hobby for men too. Anyone who has the ability to successfully bend their body into a perfect downward dog is a pretty impressive person. Someone who has the focus and persistence to practice and hone their yoga skills? Sexy, sexy, sexy. The fact that a man doing yoga is probably super flexible also adds something to the appeal. Think about how that guy can perform in bed. But it’s about more than that. A man who does yoga is clearly in touch with his sense of self and isn’t afraid to be vulnerable.
2. Travelling
Via bustle.com
A guy who travels the world as a hobby is probably going to impress a few ladies. If you’re well travelled you probably have more than a few stories to tell your date. The fact that you’re not just going to offer up boring small talk is impressive enough. Your world traveller status might even mean that you’re an excellent tour guide. It shows that you’re open and willing to try new experiences. You might even be able to speak more than one language. If you can seduce a person in more than one language, well you deserve a trophy.
1. Volunteering
Via independent.co.uk
Volunteering is the most impressive hobby on this list. There’s a obvious reason for that. If you choose to spend your free time helping others, that says a whole lot about you. If you volunteer at the soup kitchen after work or spend your weekends building houses for those less fortunate, you’re clearly a good person. If you volunteer during your spare time it shows that you’re a compassionate and caring person. That’s something that other hobbies just don’t demonstrate. If this is your preferred hobby, it kind of means that you’re giving up some of your own time for others. What’s more impressive than that?