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20 Things Men Do That Are Total Turn-Offs

20 Things Men Do That Are Total Turn-Offs

Being single doesn’t mean you’re a bad catch. But let’s face it. There could probably be a few things you could tweak about yourself if you’re trying to catch the attention of that special someone. This doesn’t mean that you need to adopt a completely new personality or image altogether. But it could just mean that you need to let go of some bad habits that she might find to be a total turn off. In fact, there are many things that are scientifically proven to win over the hearts of the opposite sex. And vice-versa, there are just as many things that can totally turn them off.

Interestingly, there is a pretty big population of men who simply don’t know what turns women off. These are most likely men who’ve never had sisters or moms who were completely honest with them. So we did the dirty work for you. Here’s our list of the top twenty things that women consider to be turn-offs when it comes to the opposite sex. This should be a great place to start if you’re trying to hook the attention of that special someone. You never know if a simple adjustment might win her over.

20. Being Lazy


You might be able to get away with hooking a chick while being a lazy bum if you’re a sitting on a multi-million-dollar inheritance or if you’ve got the looks of David Beckham. Otherwise, if this is you, you’re going to have some serious issues with keeping a girl around. Maybe it’s because women tend to be overachievers with type-A personalities. Sure, they’re also nurturing by nature, but no chick wants to feel like she has to be your mom and pick up after you. So pick up after yourself and even lend a hand every here and there to let her know that you don’t need someone to clean up your shit for you.

19. Being Obsessed With Yourself


If you’re the kind of guy who can’t walk past a mirror without checking yourself out, then this applies to you. Or if you can’t have a conversation without talking about yourself more than seventy-five percent of the time, then you’re probably way too obsessed with yourself. You should take a socialization class or see a therapist to get all that stuff out. Being too into yourself isn’t just a total turn-off for women, but to society in general. No one wants to associate with someone who’s a complete narcissist and can’t see anything or anyone as more important than himself.

18. Flaking Out


Nothing is more annoying than a man who can’t keep his word. Just think about the times when someone broke a promise that meant a lot to you. In the same way, don’t expect a woman to easily forget a promise you made to her, even the ones you consider small or petty. Flaking out on dates, promises, and even feelings is annoying. It’s like you can’t make up your mind about what you want and, even worse, you have no priorities about what’s important to you (which obviously aren’t your commitments to her). Don’t expect her to stick around too long if you’ve flaked out one too many times.

17. Growing Out Their Nails


This is pretty much self-explanatory. Unless you’re a famous guitarist, there’s really no reason to grow out your nails. It’s just disgusting and sends the message that you’re either lazy or just way to busy to prioritize your hygiene. Long nails are uncomfortable anyway so do yourself a favor and don’t allow them to grow past a certain length. Even getting a manicure every now and then wouldn’t hurt. Especially if you’re trying to attract a special female in mind, don’t be ashamed of getting a male manicure. You might actually impress a lady or two by showing them that you know how to take care of yourself.

16. Too Much Too Soon


Sure, women love men who are assertive, but assertive and aggressive are completely opposite things. As a man, you really have to know how to read all of the signs and anticipate just the right timing to make your moves. If you come on just the least bit too strong and off in timing, then you can really risk sending the wrong signals. Not only can you turn her off, but you might be sending the message that you’re forceful, inconsiderate, or just disrespectful. If you don’t know whether or not the timing’s right, it doesn’t hurt to just come right out and ask her.

15. Having A Bad Attitude


When going out on a date or spending some one-on-one time together, be sure to leave your bad attitude at home. And if you haven’t won over her affection yet, be sure to have an attitude adjustment so that she doesn’t catch you letting it out in front of her. Bad attitudes are just total turn-offs for women. Being a poor sport tells her that you’re not a fun person to spend time with and having a bad attitude tells her that you’re a potentially toxic person. Women, especially the more mature ones, are looking for good life partners who can hang out without being bitchy.

14. Being More Sensitive Than Me


I’m not saying men can’t be sensitive. In fact, some women find a little sensitivity to be attractive. It shows that you have empathy and can relate and connect with her on an emotional level. This is a good thing. But too much sensitivity can give off the completely opposite message. It shows that you’re unstable and require too much emotional support, and she might not want to be the person to supply this for you (especially if she has enough issues of her own to deal with). Instead of letting it all out at once, gradually open up to her little by little so that there’s a level of comfort and healthy progression.

13. Being Boring AF


No girl wants to partner up with someone who’s a total bore. If you’re no fun to spend time with, then she’s not going to want to spend time with you. Instead, practice a healthy sense of spontaneity and humor. Women love men who know how to have a good time, make her smile, and make her laugh. Some women even prefer a man with a fun personality and a good sense of humor over someone who’s good-looking or rich yet dull and boring. This particularly applies to women who’ve already been in numerous relationships and are looking forward to sharing their life with someone who’s enjoyable.

12. Having Anger Issues


Between men and women, men are more notorious for having uncontrollable anger issues. On the other hand, women, although they’re typically more emotional beings, let their emotions out gradually. Men, however, have a harder time expressing their emotions in a healthy manner and are more prone to have rage and angry outbursts. However, this is a total turnoff for women and can actually send the message that you’re a scary person that she should be careful messing with. So, if you have anger issues, be sure to seek proper help before getting involved in a potential relationship.

11. Not Being Able to Take a Hint


Being completely oblivious or clueless can be a total turn-off. If you’re that much of a spacehead that you’re always failing to catch the signs and hints she throws your way, then you’re bound to turn her off. For example, if she sends you signals that she’s ready to take the relationship to the next level, and you’re totally oblivious, you might just miss out on the opportunity. And vice-versa, if she’s telling you that she wants nothing to do with you, chances are very likely that she really wants nothing to do with you. If you’re that clueless, seek the counsel of another female friend.

10. Having Bad Oral Hygiene


Nothing says “don’t talk to me” more than dragon breath. If you’re trying to catch the attention of a special someone, make sure your breath doesn’t send off the opposite signal. You can be most charming person with the best personality, and your bad breath would still be a total turn-off. It tells her that you don’t take care of yourself enough to resolve something as simple as bad breath. So unless you want to detract attention, make sure to prioritize your oral hygiene whether it means investing in better oral care equipment or in regular dental office visits.

9. Having Selective Hearing


Women find men who are good listeners incredibly attractive. So when she’s talking to you, show her that you’re intently listening and that you’re invested in everything she has to say. On the other hand, if you’re a bad listener by nature, perhaps this is something you want to work on (like a personal goal). Some of the things you can practice to show that you’re listening include leaning in with your body, nodding your head, smiling at the right cues, providing feedback, asking clarifying questions, and showing an emotional response. Being a good listener tells her that you’re a caring person who would make an excellent lover and life partner.

8. Having Unpleasant Body Odour


If you’ve ever been around someone with unpleasant B.O., you’re probably also familiar with that invisible cloud that surrounds them and follows them wherever they go. You don’t want to be that guy with the stench cloud. This is one of the easiest way to detract women. It tells them that 1) you don’t take care of your personal hygiene, and 2) it’s because you’re lazy. Lazy men don’t find it important to shower on a regular basis, but men who smell good invite the right kind of attention and company. So be sure to shower regularly and invest in good quality cologne and deodorant.

7. Having a Potty Mouth


A little cursing here and there doesn’t hurt anyone. But if you can’t say a single sentence without spewing out an F-bomb, then you probably have a bad potty mouth. Ew and yuck. It might be tolerable at first, but after a while, it just becomes a total turn off. If you have a potty mouth, you’ll want to work on it if you’re trying to attract that special someone. If you’re trying to work on this, practice replacing the curse words with other, more family-friendly words. Or even better, just challenge yourself to transform your vocabulary and language habits altogether.

6. Trying Too Hard


Not only are men who try too hard total turn-offs for women, but also for other men. If you’re someone who tries too hard to be someone you’re not, it can be extremely obvious to pick up on and actually detract the people you’re trying to attract. Instead, be true to yourself. Find out what you like and don’t like, what interests you, and define your own personality so that you can really commit to sending off consistent messages about who you are. Trying too hard instead tells others that you’re not comfortable or confident with yourself and that you need to seek out other’s approval.

5. Having Wandering Eyes


Nothing is more unattractive to a woman than having wandering eyes while you’re with her. Checking out other women can tell her that you’re just not that into her and that she doesn’t quite do it for you. Women absolutely despise men who are uncommitted. And even worse, women are totally turned off by men who are perverted and stare at every female with big busts and behinds. Instead, give her all of your attention and show her that you’re completely invested in her. Even if you’re not yet in an established relationship yet, giving her all of your attention when she’s around can really be something that she finds totally attractive.

4. Being Immature


No woman wants to be with a man who acts like a child. This is because she doesn’t want to have to feel like she’s your mom or big sister. That’s more responsibility she doesn’t need. This is why women tend to be attracted to older men who also display more maturity and responsibility. So, instead of dressing like you’re in middle school, try to turn it up a notch and dress like you’re a bit older than her. If you look older, chances are that you’ll also start acting older and more mature. Practice responsibility, assertiveness, and doing similar things like those who are just a bit older.

3. Having No Self-Control


If you’re that guy who lets the alcohol control you in a club or in a bar, then you’re probably not going to win her over. No girl wants to date a guy with an addiction or self-control issues. It shows that you’re irresponsible and have way too many problems to work out before being in a committed relationship. Also, being more interested in the alcohol than her is another turn-off. Instead, practicing self-control can win over a lot of her respect, showing her that you know your limits, you can stand your ground, and you’re not easily pushed around. That’s respectable.

2. Having No Sense of Style


If you still dress like a slob, or like you’re a middle or high schooler, or if you shop in the teen section, then you probably need a major makeover. Getting a new wardrobe might just be what you need to capture the attention of that special someone. Men who know how to dress stylishly are incredibly attractive. It shows that you know how to take care of yourself and also that you have great taste. Experts say that you tend to attract women who are like yourself. So unless you don’t care to attract women who are also total slobs, this might be at the top of your to-fix list.

1. Living with Mom


Once she finds out that you live with mom, don’t be surprised if you never hear from her again. No woman wants to be second best to mommy. If your mom is still doing your laundry, packing your lunch, and waking you up for work, then it’s a sign that you’re probably not going to find a girl any time soon. It’s time to move out and start doing life on your own. Then you can start dating and letting her know that you’re ready for a relationship. Men who are independent and capable are incredibly attractive because these are traits that women desire for themselves as well.

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