Kylo Chen
15 Of The Most Ridiculous Demands Made By Celebrities
Kylo Chen
Being a celebrity earns you the right to give the most ridiculous of demands. As a celebrity. sometimes you don’t notice that you are already turning into a big baby. …
15 Actors Who Almost Died While Shooting a Movie
Kylo Chen
The epitome of a great adventure, suspense, or thriller film is the amazing stunts. Watching high-speed chases, death-defying leaps from skyscrapers, and massive explosions that can wreck the whole world can …
15 Nasty Conversations Only Men Will Be Able To Understand
Kylo Chen
Many call it the “locker room talk” because the locker room is often the place where the nastiest conversations happen. It is the place where men confide with their buddies …
15 Fantasies She Is Too Embarrassed To Admit
Kylo Chen
When in bed, expect that unexpected things can happen. When you are super intimate with one another or in the heat of the moment, even good girls can go wild. …
8 Things That Suck About The iPhone 8 And 7 Things That Are Awesome
Kylo Chen
The upcoming iPhone 8 is Apple’s 10th-year anniversary iPhone. Since it is a milestone iPhone, fanboys and non-fanboys alike have high hopes of what’s to come in this iconic smartphone. …
15 Mysteries That Are Alien In Nature
Kylo Chen
Just like the flow of time, mysteries cannot be exactly foretold. It’s like the weather that we cannot really predict accurately a few years from now. We may know the …
15 Expensive and Rare Muscle Cars Worth The Money
Kylo Chen
Muscle cars are monsters on the road, and that is a good thing. They are kings of the highway because of their top-notch performance and sexy looks that definitely make …
15 Expensive Things That Will Shut Her Up
Kylo Chen
Valentine’s Day may just be one day in a year but when it passes it does not mean we can only let the people who matter to us feel special …
The 20 Baddest Muscle Cars Ever Made
Kylo Chen
A lot of people are fond of muscle cars due to their raw power and amazing appearance. By definition, a muscle car is a vehicle that runs on a high-displacement …
15 WTF Things That Only Exist in Dubai
Kylo Chen
Dubai is a symbol of opulence not only in the Middle East but in the whole world. It is the largest city in the United Arab Emirates and it serves …
15 Real Jobs That Will Make You Say ‘WTF’
Kylo Chen
You go to school, you finish it, and then, you dream of landing the best job in the world. That is the ideal process. However, not everyone gets to have …
20 Billionaires Who Are Actually School Drop-Outs
Kylo Chen
In the US, it has been found that over 1.3 million students do not finish high school annually. Although a huge percentage of the jobs in the US require people …
15 Things That Will Make You The Best Boyfriend According To Women
Kylo Chen
Being in a relationship is just as hard work as when you started liking someone or began dating them. It may appear like it requires a simple formula to be …
15 Signs She’s WAY Too Similar To Your Mom
Kylo Chen
Like in any new relationship, everything seems to be going smoothly. You are having a lot of fun. You are spending more and more time with each other yet you still enjoy …
20 Hot Anchors That Make The News Worth Watching
Kylo Chen
Watching the news nowadays, especially with the sad events happening all around the world, can be a downer. At times, you just want to shield yourself from seeing the news …
15 Supercars That Really Suck
Kylo Chen
Not all supercars are created equal. And not all supercars are created to be worshiped. Sometimes, there are just those that although they perform well on the road, they don’t look …
15 Unbelievably Low Stress Jobs That Pay A Lot Of Money
Kylo Chen
It sounds too good to be true but there are actually low-stress jobs out there that can give you a decent living and pay more than what you think they pay. …
15 Things About Androids That iPhone Users Will Never Understand
Kylo Chen
There are a lot of perks to being an Android user. Aside from having an inexpensive price tag unlike the iPhone, there are a lot of things you can do on an …
15 Tech Products That Will Not Exist 5 Years From Now
Kylo Chen
As the cliche goes, “nothing is constant in this world except for change”. Hence, in the fast-paced environment of technology, it is expected that there will be products that served …
15 Sneaky Ways To Escape The “Friend Zone”
Kylo Chen
Labels – one of the most important yet ever confusing parts of any budding relationship. At the start of any romantic relationship, determining whether you are friends or lovers can …