Matt Bromagin
Transformers, Visionaries, MASK: 15 Other ’80s Action Figure Lines That Need Reboots
Matt Bromagin
Back in 2008 with the release of the first Iron Man film, Marvel comics decided they were going to start producing movies within their own studios as opposed to continuing …
In the Big House of Mouse: 15 Disney Stars That Have Been Arrested
Matt Bromagin
All too often we hear horror stories about child actors and actresses that were led down the wrong path due to the temptations of the Hollywood lifestyle. The number of …
Damaging Disney: 15 Of Their Lowest Performing Films
Matt Bromagin
It goes without saying that Disney is a powerhouse when it comes to entertaining just about every demographic under the sun. When they couldn’t seem to reach boys as easily …
15 Crazy Things About Spider-Man: Homecoming That Will Surprise You
Matt Bromagin
If you haven’t yet, you really need to get your butt off that couch, jump in your car, drive to the theater, and watch the hell out of Spider-Man: Homecoming. …
’90s Nickelodeon: 15 Shows You’ve Forgotten
Matt Bromagin
If you were to say that Nickelodeon in the 1990s was easily the best network and era for programming catered to children and teens, there aren’t many that would argue …
15 Times People Were Locked Up For Social Media Posts
Matt Bromagin
The biggest mistake we make with our social media accounts is we think of them as private diaries. Too often we see somebody post something that is clearly questionable. When …
15 Tweets That Permanently Destroyed Reputations
Matt Bromagin
There are two problems many of us have when it comes to social media. The first is the fact that we refer to all of our social media accounts as …
15 Action Figure Lines Only ’80s Kids Will Remember
Matt Bromagin
There aren’t many kids that were born in the 1980s out there that haven’t reached the age of thirty yet. This is a big deal because if you’re thirty and …
15 Real Robots That Will Lead The Machine Revolution
Matt Bromagin
The robot uprising that will crush us all is inevitable. Robots have already taken many of ours jobs, just so some other humans could save a few pennies. Even jobs that aren’t …
15 Forgotten Cartoons Only ’80s Kids Will Remember Pt. II
Matt Bromagin
If you haven’t read our last article on the subject of the forgotten cartoons of the 1980s, go ahead and do that now and then come meet back up with …
15 Reasons the Comic Book Industry Tanked In the ’90s
Matt Bromagin
There’s been a lot of talk over the past year and a half about Marvel and DC comics seeing a slump in sales. While their film and television projects seem …
15 Forgotten Cartoons That Were Made For Adults
Matt Bromagin
Every single one of us likes to look back on our childhood and revisit the old shows, toys, and movies we enjoyed as children. Most of our trips down ‘nostalgia …
15 Movies And Shows Marvel Doesn’t Want You To Remember
Matt Bromagin
While there’s news going around that Marvel comic books are selling at a current low, Marvel isn’t exactly hurting for money. Marvel is hardly just a comic book publisher these …
20 Forgotten Cartoons Only ’90s Kids Will Remember
Matt Bromagin
By the end of the 1970s and 1980s, many of the original creators from the Golden Age of television animation had passed away or retired from the industry. This means it …
15 Everyday Items Originally Developed For The Military
Matt Bromagin
You have to love research and development. Whether the R&D is done in the private sector or by a governing body, we have all seen great benefit from the discoveries …
15 Deadly Toys That Had To Be Recalled
Matt Bromagin
Over the past ten years, the United States Consumer Products Safety Commission, from here on referred to as the CPSC, has recalled nearly 450 toys from store shelves across the …
20 Of The Most Ridiculous Inventions Ever Made
Matt Bromagin
In modern life, there seems to be a major emphasis on getting rich. The problem is, a lot of things tend to get in the way of that possibility. We …
15 Forgotten Cartoons Only ’80s Kids Will Remember
Matt Bromagin
If you grew up in the 1980s, you know about all the cool stuff now. Every decade looks back on the decades past and forgets all the bad. They remember …
The 10 Most And 10 Least Electric Car Friendly States
Matt Bromagin
There has been a lot of talk in the past few years about fossil fuels in the news. Since protests against the Dakota Access Pipeline have regularly been in the …
Shape Up: 20 Apps To Help You Stay Fit
Matt Bromagin
There are three guarantees in life: You pay taxes, you die, and there is an app for everything. Apps have become so commonly used that they seem to have been …