Scott Stevens
Scott doesn't only write great suspense thriller novels, he also contributes to several online magazines. He has penned 73 #1 most viewed articles and overall his articles have been enjoyed by over 74 million readers. His novel, On Ice, is available through Amazon, in paperback and eBook form. It peaked at #4 in the United Kingdom, #9 in Germany, #14 in the United States, and #23 in Canada. It also made the Top 100 List in Australia and Spain. Scott's second novel, Twister Town, is available through Amazon in paperback and eBook form. It reached #1 in Germany, #7 in the United States and #19 in the United Kingdom. It also made the Top 100 List in Australia and Canada.
15 Ridiculous Ways New Yorker’s Complied With The “Carry Your Dog” Law
Scott Stevens
New York City introduced a new law some time ago for the subway systems. No, it wasn’t about panhandlers or even showering before getting on for a ride. Those would …
15 Bad Parking Jobs (And What Angry People Did About It)
Scott Stevens
Every single one of us has come across people who don’t know how to park. For some of us it’s actually a daily thing that we are blessed to be …
15 Other Events That Happened Around The World On September 11
Scott Stevens
September 11th of 2001 is a day that no American will ever forget. Those of us who were alive that day remember every single detail of what played out that …
15 Embarrassing Confessions From Stay-At-Home Dads
Scott Stevens
Things have certainly changed over the years. Some of the changes have been subtle that we don’t even really notice them until one day it just slaps you in the …
15 Amazing Animal Rescues Caught On Tape
Scott Stevens
In this crazy life we are finding our way through, we come across a lot of bad stuff on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter what your financial or social …
15 Trashy Redneck Halloween Costumes (That Are Actually Good)
Scott Stevens
When Halloween rolls around each year everyone is always trying to come up with the best costume of all time. There are a lot of “go-to” looks such as the …
The 15 Oddest Things Found On The Side Of The Road
Scott Stevens
When we go through our everyday life we drive, ride, walk and jog or run on roadways. We do this every single day and we don’t even give any thought …
15 Secrets The Cast Of Bounty Hunter Don’t Want To Expose
Scott Stevens
When someone is part of any type of reality show, people want to know about them and their past. If the character is a high profile type of person like …
15 Interesting Facts About The Harley Davidson
Scott Stevens
Harley Davidson is probably the most popular and famous motorcycle maker of them all. That comes with good reason as their service and product is continually rated as the best …
Storage Wars: 15 Reality TV Stars That Put Brandi To Shame
Scott Stevens
Brandi Passante has been on the reality television show Storage Wars for quite some time now. She has also appeared on another show called Brandi and Jarrod: Married to the …
15 Reasons The NFL Is Corrupt AF
Scott Stevens
Football is America’s pastime. That’s the reality of things and anyone who says that it’s baseball is mistaken. Look at the ratings and the number of viewers for each game, …
Mac VS PC: Which Is Better?
Scott Stevens
It’s a question and argument that has been going on for many years now. Mac or PC – which one is better? There really isn’t a clear cut answer unless …
15 Things Women Do All The Time That Are Annoying AF
Scott Stevens
The world of men and women is an interesting one. Both sides have a laundry list of issues that bug the hell out of the other. That is the way …
20 Shocking Celebrity Tweets That Were Deleted Within Minutes
Scott Stevens
The world of Twitter is an amazing place. People can share their thoughts with the entire world in just seconds. It’s always a lot of fun to see who has …
15 Ways Big Pharma Is Corrupt AF
Scott Stevens
It’s no secret that the prescription drug companies are some of the richest in the world. There isn’t a person around who hasn’t felt the sting in their wallet at …
15 Dirty Secrets Nike Doesn’t Want You To Know About
Scott Stevens
Nike has been one of the biggest players in sneakers for over thirty years now. The beginnings of the company are pretty interesting to read about, as are all similar …
15 Shocking Confessions From Spouses Who Work Together
Scott Stevens
When you are married things can get tough sometimes. The things that life throws at you are just too much to handle at certain points. When this happens couples will …
15 Shocking Confessions From Cops
Scott Stevens
At some point in life everyone has had at least one dealing with a cop. It might have been a good situation and then again maybe it was not so …
25 Worst Employees Who Got Fired For Stupid Reasons
Scott Stevens
We all know that there are some truly stupid people in the world. They walk amongst us every day and on a good day we won’t cross paths with any …
15 Dark Secrets We All Hide From Our Bosses
Scott Stevens
Those people who go to work every day normally have some kind of secret that they hide from their boss. It could be anything really, from the most minor of things …