Sean Murray
15 Creatures Discovered By Fisherman In New Zealand
Sean Murray
New Zealand is one of those beautiful places that just seem too idyllic to exist. Lush rolling hills give way to gorgeous mountain vistas with dense and plentiful forest or …
15 Things That’ll Likely Be Discovered Under The Ice When The Glaciers Melt
Sean Murray
Whether you believe it or not, global warming is real. Since 1880, the average global temperature has risen by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit according to NASA, and this has caused catastrophic …
15 Countries That Are So Rich, They’re Just Giving Out Free Money
Sean Murray
Something miraculous has happened in the past century. For the first time in recorded history, humanity now has more people dying of obesity-related diseases than dying of starvation. More people …
Declassified: 15 Facts About JFK’s Assassination Exposed
Sean Murray
On November 22nd, 1963, at about 12:30 PM, 35th President of the United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot while riding in a motorcade in Dallas Texas. He was shot …
15 Legendary Locations (That May Have Never Existed)
Sean Murray
Back in the day, you really didn’t have a whole lot of options for vacation destinations. If you were lucky enough to be able to even afford to travel you …
15 Things About Black Holes That Make Us Question Our Existence
Sean Murray
Space is a really freakin’ scary place. Besides the fact there’s no air, no water, it’s infinitely cold, and filled with deadly radiation, there’s this whole otherworldliness that has made …
15 Most Dangerous Things Ever Found In Australia
Sean Murray
When most of us picture Australia we think of kangaroos, koalas, and Crocodile Dundee. A nation confused with being a continent and filled with exotic and adorable creatures and even …
15 Things That Would Happen If North Korea Allied With The USA
Sean Murray
There’s a whole genre of fiction that likes to ask the question “what if”, and when it comes to history. Like what if Germany won World War 2? What if the …
15 Countries That Don’t Care If The World Is Destroyed From Global Warming
Sean Murray
The Earth has a problem. Maybe you’ve heard of it; the globe is warming at a frightening rate, putting all life on this planet in peril. Scientists agree that carbon …
15 Things That Would Happen If San Francisco Was Wiped Out By An Earthquake
Sean Murray
In January 2010, a massive earthquake struck Haiti, killing upwards of 100,000 people. In 2005, a similar sized earthquake hit Pakistan, killing 86,000. In 2004, one the largest earthquakes ever …
15 Pet Animals Who Ate Their Owners’ Kids
Sean Murray
According to the National Pet Owners Survey, about 68% of American households have a family pet. They’re usually a dog or a cat, and they bring a lifetime of fun …
15 “Girly” Cars Men Should Stay Away From At All Cost
Sean Murray
Ever since the post-war era, when the United States embarked on creating what would then be the largest network of interconnected highways in the world, we have been a nation …
Porsche Or Prison: 15 Things To Know About Katie Quackenbush And The Homeless Man She Shot
Sean Murray
On Monday, a 26-year-old Nashville woman was charged with the attempted murder of a homeless man she shot in the middle of the street. According to reports, 54-year-old Gerald Melton …
15 Creepy Revenge Rituals From Around The World
Sean Murray
An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth. They put one of ours in the hospital, we put one of theirs in the morgue. No matter how you …