William Vinson
William has excellent writing skills. In the past 35 years, he worked on more than 3,000 writing projects. William has industry experience in film, television, information technology, non-profits, social media, business management, accounting, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, media, advertising, publishing, and entertainment. He structured financing for companies in entertainment, technology, real estate, biotech, insurance, and banking. He has direct experience in managing an extensive investment portfolio.
20 Shocking Things Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You
William Vinson
Everyone wants to trust their doctor. It is the basis of good healthcare. Doctors hold an amazing level of influence over our lives. Doctors have to train very hard and …
20 Things You Can Do TODAY To Feel Happy – That Cost Nothing!
William Vinson
The world seems as if it has gone crazy. The news reports are one horrible thing after another. We watch news and reality television to see how messed up the …
Conspiracy King: 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Alex Jones
William Vinson
Alex Jones is an “alternative” media star that has more followers than many other media personalities in the traditional media of television from broadcasts on the main networks and on cable. …
The 15 Most Mind-Blowing Thought Experiments Of All Time
William Vinson
If you are the type of person who wants clear, solid answers, then thought experiments may drive you a little bit crazy. When considering thought experiments, sometimes you will have …
15 Things That Could Start World War III And How to Prevent Them
William Vinson
The Doomsday Clock is now set at two and one-half minutes before midnight by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. This is the closest the Doomsday Clock has ever been …
Devils or Angels? 11 Charities That Are Complete Frauds And 10 That Are Honest
William Vinson
The people from many parts of the world are very generous when it comes to supporting good charitable causes. Each year, the World Giving Index reports on the generosity of …
15 Ways North Korea Is Living In Its Own Alternate Universe
William Vinson
North Korea has been called many nasty things by outsiders, such as a rogue state, an isolated paranoid nation, a personality-cult dictatorship, a part of the “axis of evil” and …
Can You Name These 25 Iconic Muscle Cars?
William Vinson
The American “muscle car” became the rage during the 1960s and 1970s. The muscle car was a very masculine expression of the American-made, superbly-designed automobile, with huge powerful engines that …
15 Beautiful Italian Cars That AREN’T Ferraris Or Lambos
William Vinson
When people think about Italian sports cars, naturally Ferraris and Lamborghinis come to mind. If one looks a little further into the car designs that come out of Italy, it …
15 Disturbing Things Revealed By The Vault 7 WikiLeak
William Vinson
During 2013, without authorization, Edward Snowden leaked classified information showing that the National Security Agency (NSA) of the United States was conducting many global surveillance programs, including those that targeted …
Do You Know These Crazy Facts About Google?
William Vinson
How much do you actually know about Google? It’s the most valuable company in the world. The last time we checked, the Alphabet, Inc. company which is the sole owner …
20 Surprising Things That Can Get You Killed In Other Countries
William Vinson
It is surprising to learn that some unusual things can be deadly when traveling or visiting other countries. Creatures big and small can be very dangerous. Animals, natural disasters, insects, …
Top 20 Boxy Cars That Don’t Make You Feel Like A Square
William Vinson
There was a time from the 1970s to the 1990s that boxy cars were all the rage. This happened, in part, because the manufacturing methods did not allow for the designs …
Beauties And The Beasts: Are These 20 Ferraris Gorgeous Or Grotesque?
William Vinson
Ferrari made some of the most beautiful and some of the ugliest cars in the world. We collected a group of the “beauties” to compare them with the “beasts,” and …
20 Luxury Cars: Good Or Garbage?
William Vinson
Luxury cars are great, right? Not always. Most are decent. A few are exceptional. Some of them are real “garbage.” We took a look at the official reviews from well-established …